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Simple meta changes i'd like to see implemented

buzzaman Member Posts: 119
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hex Ruin: Survivors repair generators at 50% repair speed. (This change solves two problems: Hex Ruin in its current state can have tremendous slowdown capabilities or do close to nothing. This depends on the killer you play, where survivors spawn, how gens are layed out etc. This change is supposed to make sure you get value from your perk regardless of these factors. From a survivor perspective this perk will feel very strong, but it wont nearly be as frustrating to go against as gens dont lose all progress in a short time.)

Dead mans Switch: Dead mans Switch wont activate if a survivor leaves a generator while another survivor is still working on it. (Teaming gens could be an interesting counterplay to dead mans switch and makes it so the killer has to actively push people off gens after hooking someone, which in my opinion is the intended design.)

Dead Hard: 50% less distance gained from "deadharding" (The distance between killer and survivor is one of the essential skill defining factors in DBD. Gauging how much distance you need to loop something or leave a tile to go to a next one is critical knowledge as survivor. Dead Hard completely negates this by making more loops and more connection of loops available for the survivor, which has the potential to extend chases my minutes. Dead Hard should to used to dodge hits from close range or as a small dash to reach nearby safety. In its current state, the gained distance too punishing for killers, and can feel very frustrating.)

Iron Will: Reduces grunts of pain by 75% (An injured survivor should always be somewhat easier to catch than an uninjured one. Iron will provides absolute absolute silence while injured, making it irrelevant whether you are injured or not. As a survivor it should always feel necessary to heal up, and a chase should be more difficult while injured.)

Prove Thyself: 10% repair speed bonus for each survivor working on a generator (simple number tweak due to strenght)

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • BoriskyTheFox
    BoriskyTheFox Member Posts: 113

    I would like to see killer meta nerfs. Evryone knows how unfun it is to go against perks that makes doing gens impossible.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I agree.

    Nuke the meta on both sides, then start rebalancing base-game mechanics to more accurately reflect the new direction of the game.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    Ruin change: that's an absolute no. Forever freddy was deleted for a good reason. And a killer should be working hard to get good value from his perk.

    Dead Man Switch: that's actually something i agree with.

    Dead Hard: i don't know the numbers behind it. But apparently they are going to rework dead hard that way.

    Iron will. I can agree with. But i'd also be fine with replacing grunts of pain with breathing sounds (heavier than full health ones).

    Prove thyself: no. Prove thyself just negate the penalty its fine.

    And there is more pressing meta changes:

    *BT: could be shorten to make bodyblocking more dangerous (10 or 8 seconds duration rather than 12)

    *NOED: allows killers to come back even if they did bad in chase all throughout the trial... they get a 3 stack devour for free in endgame, thats complete bs

    *COH: the self care ability provided by the boon to all the team needs a nerf

  • buzzaman
    buzzaman Member Posts: 119

    You could make it 30% which would be a one stack of Pentimento. I dont think that would be all too crazy since its a hex perk. Freddys slowdown addons were active all the time and you couldnt do anything about them, thats not the same. Noed is not something that needs changing in my opinion.

    1. Youve played with 3 perks all game hence the strong effect at the end

    2. Against good survivors it will give you one down and thats it.

    3. Survivors can stop the perk activating in the first place.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,612

    Ooh, these ones are interesting... Let's take 'em one by one, I love these little list deals!

    Ruin: This one is unfortunately not a great idea. As someone else pointed out, just making actions take longer isn't particularly fun design, and while it is defensible when it's a hex, Ruin right now is actually pretty well balanced since it rewards killers for pressuring survivors off generators.

    DMS: Fully agree, I was genuinely a little surprised to learn that this wasn't how it worked already. It still works out well for the killer since it encourages survivors to group up instead of splitting pressure across multiple generators at once, so I'd be totally on board with this change.

    Dead Hard: While I agree with you on what the problem with DH is, I don't know that this would fix it, it'd still be obnoxious and annoying. I'd propose making it so that, after using DH, you can't interact with pallets or vault spots in any way for a few seconds, so using it for distance is dramatically less viable.

    Iron Will: Agree, but with the caveat that No Mither should have its reduction increased to 100%, so that it's a more viable perk with a hefty downside. If you want total stealth, you should have to give something up for it, right?

    Prove Thyself: I'm... not convinced this perk is actually a core problem when it comes to generator speeds, I think other perks might be better to look at. I genuinely don't know about this one.


    And to tackle someone else briefly...

    The question is, what killer perks are there that can be nerfed? In order to bring in some hefty nerfs to killer perks, they'd have to be universally problematic, or at least problematic on a majority of killers instead of just two or three. I'd argue no killer perks actually fit that criteria, the unbalanced parts of the killer meta come from the powers and addons that people bring more than anything else- and those should be looked at, I'm not implying otherwise.

    The killer meta perk-wise is also a majority slowdown, and those are perks that are necessary due to the current state of the game; you can't nerf those without also nerfing generator speed increases, the same way you couldn't nerf Borrowed Time or Decisive Strike without also giving survivors some way of avoiding tunnelling in the base game. Some perks cover flaws in the game design, and nerfing those is a bad idea until those flaws are addressed.

  • buzzaman
    buzzaman Member Posts: 119

    I completely understand where you are coming from i terms of the Ruin change. My problem with Ruin is this: Its either completely useless or an absolute game changer, and that serverly depends on what killer youre playing. In general, high tier killers like Nurse and Blight will benefit the most. My change attempts to find a middle ground where Ruin isnt as oppressive to go against if survivors dont find it, while making it a viable perk for any killer to deal with early game pressure. It wont ever be a fun perk to go against, but thats the nature of slowdown perks in general.

    Im sure DH would be annoying still, but it would be much harder to use. You couldnt just use it to cover up any mistake since the distance is severly shortened, you would have to use it smartly. Its surely one of the most difficult perks to rework or change. Your idea sounds interesting, but im not sure if it wouldnt just render the perk useless since you always dh to reach a pallet or window.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    But then it would be redundant with Pentimento. Ruin rework was one of the best changes they made. It doesn't need any more changes.

    Getting devour for free in endgame is cheap. You don't lose 1 perk for an endgame perk. You create a three perk build that might get huge buffs in some games. That's how it works with hexes. You create a build around it. You need three perks that make a strong bottom line... and then you let RNG enhances it on some games.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,612

    Is it a problem to have perks that are more useful on some killers than others, though? Take Save The Best For Last; useless on, say, Huntress, but very good on Demogorgon or Trapper.

    While the upper level of how powerful Ruin can be may be a problem, that's more to do with the strength of the killers that use it most effectively. I'd also argue it genuinely isn't useless on less mobile killers, it's just not as powerful- which is a good thing, it encourages perk variety depending on what killer you want to play. If you wanna play Trapper, you might wanna pick different generator defence perks since Ruin is less useful.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I'm not a fan of the ruin change, the meta with that will absolutely be ruin + other slowdowns still and it may even be stronger because now your ruin actually works at hte same time as your other slowdowns and effectively doubles their strength for as long as it remains up because your regression is effectively twice as valuable in terms of time if survivors repair at half speed. I'd like to see the base regression speed for kicking a generator upped and the ruin regression speed lowered but I would also like for hexes to not be visible for the first 60 or so seconds of the match

    I'm not sure DMS needs the change, DMS is already pretty good in that it has poor synergy with other regression perks since it prevents the gen being kicked or losing progress. The only regression perks its got good synergy with is pain res and that's mainly because people aren't exercising the counterplay of letting go right before the hook goes through. I would like to see the ability of survivors to see a hook about to happen using the aura removed but also this positive synergy nerfed perhaps so that it counteracts the regression OR doesn't force the gen to block.

    Dead hard: I'm honestly so tired of seeing this perk on almost every survivor, please nuke it into the ground, I don't care if everyone and hteir mom starts using sprint burst instead this perk is far more frustrating than SB when it's used.

    Iron Will: I just wish it wouldn't basically completely mute the survivor, they should still be making all the breathing noises they make when healthy, just get rid of the injured noises specifically.

    PT is fine I think

    I wish the combination of using DS and BT (add UB for extra insult to injury) was less effective used offensively to body block the killer. Im not sure how to fix that without gutting the perks though

    When it comes to boons, I wish the radius the killer can hear it from was bigger and that snuffing it was a much faster animation or maybe snuffable from further away. Feels so bad to have to go out of your way to perform a 2 second animation while you know the survivors are getting stuff done, which I think is why I see a lot of killers just ignoring them.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,699

    nerfing a perk because almost every survivor uses it is not a valid reason, but I agree DH needs a change.

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    The problem with Dead Hard is that even when not used for distance (which is already very strong) it's still effectively a third health state since you can now use it on reaction. You also have to assume survivors have it at all times. In essence it's like Mettle of Man, but instead of needing to take 3 protection hits, you just need to wait 40 seconds for it to recharge. There should be some sort of additional cost associated with dragging out the chases using it, be it inflicting with a bad status like Broken/Slowed, or doing something like preventing you from fast vaulting for a time. As is, if you're even a semi-decent looper you can squeeze another 30 seconds of the killer's time and give your team another 90 seconds to work on gens (that's about 20-25% of the game's time).

  • buzzaman
    buzzaman Member Posts: 119

    If almost every survivor uses a certain perk its concerning

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited February 2022
    • Hex Ruin: As others pointed out the design is intended to incentivize pushing survivors off gens. Also there’s nothing wrong with some perks working better on some killers than others, that’s not a design flaw.
    • Dead mans Switch: Actually I suspect the “intended design” is to make the survivors have a tough choice - do they rescue the person you just hooked or do you block the gen you’re helping progress? I think it’s working as intended. If it turns out to be too powerful, they can always tweak the duration to balance it.
    • Dead Hard: I think Dead Hard should be split into two perks, one that lets you lunge for distance but that doesn’t grant invulnerability, and another that grants you momentary invulnerability but doesn’t increase distance. Either effect on its own is a decent perk, Dead Hard is overpowered because it does both.
    • Iron Will: I agree but think 90% makes more sense. 75% isn’t enough of a bump up from level 2 of the perk.
  • hex_memes
    hex_memes Member Posts: 52

    Killer perks are fine they dont a need a nerf

    But survivor meta perks are not broken But just beyond broken and they need to nerf medkits

    If they nerfed killer then how are we going to win against a swf and CoH makes swf just invinciable

    Tbh i dont care bout solo Q or non of that ######### if got stomped just play with friends simple

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    It's a hex perk. It can be REMOVED from play by being cleansed!

    The killer should have to work for a perk that can be removed anyway?? 😂

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    @Nos37 said:
    It's a hex perk. It can be REMOVED from play by being cleansed!
    The killer should have to work for a perk that can be removed anyway?? 😂

    Ruin doesn't give anything if the killer isn't good. Devour doesn't give anything if the killer isn't good. Every hex but noed ask the killer a lot of input from him to reward him. So yeah, make me laugh. Look at Otz proposal to rework noed.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Ruin: No, it’s fine as it is. Ruin does a lot if the killer pushes survivors off gens and applies pressure well. Doesn’t need any changes. 50% slowdown would be way more annoying and a lot less interactive to go against.

    DMS: Disagree, but one thing I would do to it is to make screaming (mainly from PR) not count as letting go. This is easily countered by smart survivors, but seems to be something a lot of players aren’t realizing and keep making this mistake which results in the gen being blocked for the entire 45 seconds. I personally like that it kicks everyone off the gen if one survivor lets go; I thought that was kinda part of the point of it.

    Dead Hard: Maybe. But they said they’re reworking DH anyways.

    Iron Will: I think it can stay at 100%, but should instead cause the survivor to have regular breathing sounds rather than no noise whatsoever.

    Prove Thyself: Yeah, sure. That change would be fine.

    Gonna also add NOED needs a rework and COH needs another nerf.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Ruin. The thing is as things currently are gen speeds are balanced. I mean they are balanced in the sense that if a typical survivor can run the killer for a normal amount of time, and the average killer is running 4 meta perks, the match is fairly even. They really cannot risk increasing gen speeds much more, even as a perk. Especially with camping/tunnelling being so prominent.

    Dead man's switch. Neat idea, unfortunately it is just another gen slowdown perk, even if it was nerfed hard, people would just change it out for eruption or something, I think those sorts of perk will always be meta, and still would not be particulars fun or unique.

    Dead hard: simple dead hard nerf, remove the invulnerability. This means it can still be used to close gaps or extend chases for a few more seconds, but remove the ability to fix, any mistake a survivor makes every 40 seconds. Even with this nerf, I still think it would still be the number one perk, but I think it would feel less cheap.

    Iron will: Complete rework. removing grunts of pain is simply too strong to be a permanent effect. Maybe if you made it so you had 3 minutes of no grunts of pain, and then the perk disables for the rest of the match, but at hat point it becomes tedious and difficult to strike a balance between too strong, and completely useless, like what happened with mettle of man. So scrap the perk completely. Maybe once inured you move 7% faster running/walking and crouching, when not in a chase. Either way if you want to remove grunts of pain, it should be limited with a timer.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    What perks make doing gens impossible? I'd love to know so I can run them.