Forced Penance Buff

Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I like FP but it's more of a meme perk I think an interesting Idea since being broken for 80 seconds is a mild inconvenience rather than "harsh judgment". Instead, I think, a good Idea would be to make it killer MoM like after two or three protection hits taken by survivors the next protection hit is an insta down.


  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    That would be a hot potato of a perk.

    I like it for the salt it would generate of the survivor who gets to be the 4th protection hit.

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762

    This perk is so restrictive presumably because on certain killers, it would be insane, the issue it has is that against the crowd it's designed to halt (SWF's), it doesn't even do it's job right. If the perk is supposed to be anti altruism, then it needs to have another effect.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451
  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    Not sure if this is the direction I'd take with the perk, but it definitely needs some help. Some kind of buff that isn't just "longer brokenness" would be appreciated.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I'd say it's a niche perk but not a meme perk. It's a meta perk on Twins for example.

  • Trex_Crazy
    Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209
  • HagathaSimmons
    HagathaSimmons Member Posts: 236

    What if the amount of time Broken stacks up in time every time the survivor took a protection hit. 60-80-100-120(max)

    that’d be pretty sweet.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    To clarify, being Broken for 80 seconds is a strong effect. In fact in a way it’s a stronger version of Exposed because a Broken survivor is guaranteed to be downed on any damage, not just basic attacks, so being Broken is like making the survivor Exposed+ for 80 seconds.

    The main hitch is the trigger condition can be tricky against solo survivors who don’t interact much with each other when you’re around. If survivors ignore each other except to unhook while you’re in a chase then you probably won’t get any Protection hits. So the perk is definitely aimed at groups that like to Bodyblock or use Borrowed Time for hook trades when you’re nearby. Fortunately there’s no shortage of players like that, so I’ve found it actually does trigger more often than I thought it would.

    The main threat really though is because survivors don’t even have the option to heal that means they’ll do gens because what else are they going to do? So while on the one hand being Broken negates Circle of Healing, for example, it also loses that indirect slowdown effect from the survivor taking time to heal. Therefore in order to work well you have to be a killer player who is able to follow up and down injured survivors relatively efficiently to make up for the fact that you are forcing them to just sit and do gens all game. So if you’re a killer player who finds themselves running into survivors who you can never catch even though they’re injured, the fact they didn’t heal won’t help. You have to be fairly good at catching good runners to be able to fully capitalize on this perk.

    Finally that all leads to the question of does the perk need a buff? Hard to say since you’d really need to drill into the data on matches with and without the perk to compare the difference. It’s quite possible this is a perk that average players don’t get much benefit from since they can’t down injured survivors efficiently enough, but stronger players can do well with and it could work especially well on particular killers. If it did need a buff it would probably be easing the trigger condition versus making the effect last longer since it’s the trigger that’s the main weak point, not the duration or the Broken effect itself.

  • Trex_Crazy
    Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209

    You make some good points however I disagree to some degree. I used to run a meme build; forced penance, thanataphobia, sloppy, and a wildcard having to do with being injured like blood echo, hysteria, etc. It worked ok but required my entire build to be around it, obviously not meta. I disagree that it's better than exposed because while I agree that you get to find injured survivors better, injured survivors get access to the infamous dead hard as well as other related perks like resilience, felix's perk that I can't remember (to heal others not themselves obviously) or this is not happening (though thats not a big worry considering no one uses it)

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    As to the latter points, survivors have Dead Hard when they’re Exposed too, that’s not a difference. Being Broken and thus injured does help if they run one of the handful of perks that gives them a bonus when they’re injured, but I don’t know how common those are compared to the big four of Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time and either Circle of Healing or Unbreakable or Spine Chill or a couple others for the fourth slot.