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Getting mine as a mid road killer

starbeet Member Posts: 16
edited February 2022 in Ask the Community

Playing killer is painful at times, often I'm bored as I M1 baby survivors to death or more often the game over super fast and I play filthy to hopefully get 1 K. Maybe I need to watch some perkless killer videos to improve my fundamental. All I really want is enough blood points to make it worthwhile because my survivor is earning twice with much less effort which is sad.

How do I squeeze blood points out of survivor friends?

Best Answer


  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Play more games.

    Other than that, killer is the role to get those bloodpoints.

    Spirit, bbq and a pudding is almost 100k a game.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,541

    Getting most BP for surv:

    We’re Gonna Live Forever - obvious

    Prove Thyself - also obvious to quickly fill Objective BP

    DS/For the People/Other Obsession perk - getting survival BP category is the hardest for survs, escaping gives 5K and wiggling/struggling/recovering give some as well but not really much. Escaping (or dying) as obsession grants extra points in this category

    DS/HeadOn/CoH/Self-Care/Inner Strength/Medkit for selfhealing - all of these grant extra survival BP, letting yourself get healed might be smarter but it doesn’t give BP to yourself

    if you are not a great looper, focus on totems to get boldness BP, CoH actually helps here a lot as booning gives more than cleansing and you may be able to do it more often, also gives self heal ability.

    if you are going against specific killers those might give extra survival BP (snapping out it, not getting hit while marked by GF, and others)

    otherwise, prioritize to get WGLF stacks, killer/surv or surv/surv interaction instead of doing gens alone.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,541

    Wait. I kinda misread your question I guess.

    for killers, I think Legion and Doctor are the best to get BP. Camping is obviously counterproductive to gather BP. BBQ is a must.