What could be changed in Barbecue e chilli (Cannibal)

-You no longer earn tokens if a survivor is sacrificed or killed.
-The aura of survivors in the "dying" state are not revealed by the perk
-You get a token if a survivor who disconnects
Edit: forgot to mention, Barbecue is one of my favorite killer perks, it's a guaranteed presence in my
build, I don't expect them to change her, I just want to exchange an idea, because I think she's always been a perk
that doesn't have any kind of condition to farm bcood point
Why would you want to change BBQ & Chilli? It's fine as it is, it promotes going after other Survivors instead of camping the one on the hook. It's not even the strongest aura reading Perk, it's just used a lot because it gives tons of bonus bloodpoints, thus making the grind less awful.
The disconnect Token is a good change tho.
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No changes are needed, the perk is fine as is
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While it promotes going after different Survivors, it does a bad job by doing so. Because a Killer can still tunnel one Survivor out of the game and is still able to get a massive amount of BPs due to BBQ.
Number 1 and Number 3 sound good IMO. However, Number 1 needs to be carefully implemented, because Survivors should not be able to suicide on Hook to deny BBQ-Stacks.
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It is fine.
Maybe buff it :-)
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I think it shouldnt show survivors aura and they should reduce the max token number to 3.
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forgot to mention, Barbecue is one of my favorite killer perks, it's a guaranteed presence in my build, I don't expect them to change her, I just want to exchange an idea, because I think she's always been a perk that doesn't have any kind of condition to farm bcood point
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BBQ doesn’t need any changes.
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you think it's good because you like to camp and tunnel, and get free blood points, right, hehehehe,I remember in the time of the old mori, killers farmed blood points while surv didn't earn anything in the game,, hehehe but I just mentioned an idea , I don't expect the devs to change the perk, although I find the way it gives blood point ridiculous, compared to we gonna live forever which is much harder to farm blood points in the game
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I mean why nerf already pretty meh perk which tend to removed in tryhard build?
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What about nothing? You want to make the grind even harder? and only bp perk is useless.
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How is bbq free bloodpoints? You've still gotta hook the little shits, and i dont camp or tunnel, its rude to assume stuff
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Actually, i take back what i said about it being fine, its weak af, only reason people run it is for the bp, how about we make the survivors revealed for 20s and exposed
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Well I mean if it stopped giving BP, I can finally slap off this and actually tryhard.
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Why? There's no reason for this idea other than 'Nerf killers'
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I'd rather see survivors get an equivalent that's just as easy to capitalize on.
We're going to live forever should be based on the objective (gen completion) and should be given regardless of who completes the gen.
BBQ rewards killers for literally just doing what they are supposed to do and DOUBLES their bloodpoints for just hooking each survivor once. We're Gonna Live Forever shouldn't be based on protection hits and hook saves (which you can't guarantee you'll get because there's 2 other people who can get there before you).
Buff WGLF and it'll be fair
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'Fair' is not 'have the same thing'. By that logic; Circle of Healing will only be 'fair' if Killers can re-ignite Hex totems.
Or if Killers get a sprint-burst perk to speed up at-will for a few seconds. Or a Dead-Hard-like perk.
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Those aren't even remote the same because we're talking about a perk for gaining extra BP which is something killers already get more of by default.
You're talking some nonsense about a "sprint burst" for killers? The killers are faster and don't NEED a sprint burst.
I never said "the same". I said a survivor equivalent. There's a difference.
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Why would BBQ get nerfed?
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Statistics, many people use it.
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The best change I've ever read around here is to giive the BPs stacks baseline to both killers and survivors.
I'd still use BBQ in almost all of my builds because iit's aura reading ability is pretty damn amaziing by itself.
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DCing survivors should grant tokens, yes.
Other than that, BBQ is fine.
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You can't say: "statistics" as an explanation, statistics means nothing by themselfes, you need to give an exlanation, example:
Many people run bbq, which seems it might be an overpowered perk.
Now, the reason why people run bbq is that it's the only relaible perk to generate more bp and in this game you need absurd amont of bp, so anything that generates them is automatically good.
Proof? Many people run we are gonna life forever and it does nothing besides bp generation.