Killer movement speed

Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think that, excluding the nurse, all killers should get a 5% permanent speed increase. (I personally would advocate for 10% but I know there'll be a mountain of hate just for the 5%) Now before you hate on me for such a wild suggestion hear me out. The most time efficient way to be chased is to hold w especially against a 110 killer like the hag or deathslinger (due to his limited range) against a huntress or trickster not so much. Though the latter 3 suffer at high wall loops (whereas the hag can kind of fight it, but then gives them a chance to hold w) If you know how to abuse the killers movement speed then its very unpleasant to play as. The 115 killers getting the buff would mainly be for standardization though it'd help with w keying. I however don't know how you'd change the speeds of powers, you could keep them the same, or change them a flat 5% (or 10%) or you could change them in proportion to the increase base speed.


  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,487


    There's already a noticeable difference in the 5% between 110 and 115. Making them even faster is an unnecessary flat Killer buff, and would make Killers like Trickster, Clown, Blight and Nemesis unbearable to go against.

    Focus on buffing individual underperforming Killers instead of giving the entire role a flat buff that would just cause problems amongst the roster.

  • Drawnyell
    Drawnyell Member Posts: 25

    killers already have so much stuff basekit

    a weapon

    a power

    most are faster than survivors(from what i know)

    they get help from the entity making the window get blocked after 3 vaults

    they get bloodlust if they spend too much time trying to catch someone...

    and of course... the Killer version Dead Hard that allows every killer to dash forward and attack

    like? isn't that already enough? do all of them really need to be even faster than they already are?

    i think maybe only some of them might need a speed boost if they struggling too much but not all of them

    killers already have so much stuff to their basekit and survivors have to use perk slots to do even the most basic things ever or to counter really stupid things killers can do without needing perks

    if survivors could do more stuff in theirs basekit you wouldn't see them just running all the time

    unfortunately that's all a survivor can do sometimes... "hold W"

    (also why don't you just say "running" instead of "holding W"? that happens so much in this community "oh just pressing E, oh just holding W"

    you can do the same with killers, just holding W and holding M1 a lot of the time, that's called using the controls the game gives you)

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285


    If you actually commit to chases as hag you are not playing her correctly, and buffing speed of ranged killers would make them oppressive as Slinger, Huntress and Trickster can all take a health state from far away, you just have to know which loops are in your favour and which are not.

    And let's not even talk about 115. Imagine anti loop killers such as Nemesis or Artist ending chases even faster or Blight....

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    You did not just call lunging a Killer version of Dead Hard

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    IMO Deathslinger should be 115.00%, because of his nerf

  • Drawnyell
    Drawnyell Member Posts: 25

    yes i did because it is

    you can just look at it

    it's basically DH

    you dash forward very fast and attack

    the only difference is the survivor only dashes forward and has no attack

    if you don't think so tell me how killers can simply counter dead hard with a lunge attack(something i did before a couple of times)

    it covers enough distance fast enough to counter DH, so how is it so different from DH?

  • Drawnyell
    Drawnyell Member Posts: 25

    right? when i play against hag and they know how to play they usually don't have a lot of problems because they know where they should put traps and how that will help them in chases without actually needing to commit so much

    i think making all killers faster would really just mess up everything

    some killers who are already Easy Mode would have it even easier

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    There's a big difference between a game mechanic that's there so Killers can sometimes get a hit around a loop and a Perk that that's pretty much a free health state with no counters and bugs out multiple Killer Powers.

    It's obvious you're new to the game so please ask for help on how to get good before you start whining on the forums

  • Drawnyell
    Drawnyell Member Posts: 25

    i literally started playing the game around the last halloween event, i dunno if that qualifies as "new".

    and no it isn't just a game mechanic that's there so killers can "sometimes" get a hit around a loop, killers use it all the time in all situations with great success and not just to "maybe" get hits around loops

    chasing someone in an open field and they're getting next to a pallet with no dead hard? you can just skip some distance between the two of you and hit them! even if they try to dodge running you can still hit them even if you miss at the first moment because the animation takes time to finish and in all that time it still can hit the survivor by moving your camera

    the only problem with Dead Hard is caused by this game's connection and it affects both sides

    if it wasn't for connection issues DH would be just fine, just like lunge attacks

    and it's not an extra health state, BT could be considered an extra health state(and it's a fair one), Soul Guard could be considered an extra health state, not DH, DH is a dodge, you swing, the survivor dodges(which is something any human being should be able to do in this game...), you miss

    there's no problem in that when you consider the killer can lunge at you at any time

    like i said, the problem is the connection which affects both sides

    with DH you can't react to an attack because like i said, when the killer starts the animation and you try to react most of the time the game will freeze your DH and you'll get hit because in the killer's screen they have already hit you and the game prioritizes that MOST of the time

    plus i just realised, how is DH a free health state when you literally become exhausted after using it? that's a drawback, you don't get just a cooldown like a killer lunge

    killers can lunge more than survivors can Dead hard and even counter DH with the lunge attack

    literally all you have to do is wait for it after you know the survivor has it, it's so frickin easy

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I think more like survivors should get something like stamina system, which heals quickly while not sprinting but don't have much, so they has to do more looping instead of shift+w.

  • Trex_Crazy
    Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209

    Have you played against a blight? lol. For the most part he isn't relying on his normal speed, provided he knows how to use his power, rather the rush which wouldn't be affected by 5% that much considering the second rush with a crow is 236% (rather than the 230% base kit) As well as trickster wouldn't be unbearable considering he gets countered by looping still. It'd just make him tougher to play against. Nemesis is a 3 health state killer, and with out speed add ons (may favorite) his zombies are a mild nuisance. 5% wouldn't make him a monster. I don't really have anything to say about clown, he's clown haven't played against one in like 7 months.

  • Trex_Crazy
    Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209

    I concede that that's probably a better idea than mine. though there's no way either idea will happen due to the community.

  • Trex_Crazy
    Trex_Crazy Member Posts: 209

    I say "holding w" because it has a different affect than saying "running". When I say "holding w" it elicits a more disdainful response from people who play killer and survivors, for example, indignation at the phrase. Also "running" doesn't fit as a proper descriptor considering you also run at loops. I'd have to say "running forward" or "running directly away from the killer" both of which are longer. Or I could just say the universally understood "hold w" Short, sweet, and to the point.

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    I don't think that's the problem, the problem is the long traversal times killers have on larger maps.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    It's clear you're new to the game when you don't know how good DH is, nor how the game is even balanced. It's not a 1v1 game, it's a 1v4, it's why Killers have (some) upsides compared to Survivors

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Better yet, reverse the nerfs so we can actually have fun with him , even with a higher movement speed he would still feel incredibly sluggish to play I'm gonna guess.

  • ProfSinful
    ProfSinful Member Posts: 271

    yeah that guy clearly isn't good at survivor and has NEVER played a game of killer in their life

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    its not due to the community its due to them both being bad ideas looping is fine as it is the problem is map layout, map size and the amount of strong loops that spawn in a way thats chainable such as 1 longwall into shack into a short wall into like 3 trash loops that makes an area of the map almost impossible to loop in as killer if the survivor is really good