Circle of Healing & Dead Hard kill all enjoyment for the killer role.

How are you supposed to play killer and enjoy it? Every single game you're faced with a healing boon, four DH's and back to back safe pallets on large maps that make downing survivors an actual chore and miserable task.
You managed to injure a survivor, but make the wise choice to leave them because they're at a strong structure, or to defend a specific generator? Well, don't worry, for all your efforts that injured survivor will become healthy in less than 30 seconds, even though it probably took you that exact time to injure them. And the best part is, there's nothing you can do. Want to go break the boon? Enjoy sacrificing precious generator pressure to remove the boon for a mere 30 seconds before it's inevitably replaced and you've gained nothing as a result.
Did you manage to outplay a survivor? Well don't worry, they'll simply press E to the safe pallet and reset the entire chase. Don't forget that on any large map, you'll face survivors who will hold W for a solid minute before you can even think about getting past their DH and the countless safe pallets they have back to back.
Are you struggling to apply pressure because the survivors have an infinite pool of healing via the boon and their second chance perks? Well, suck it up, because that's fair. But don't even think about tunnelling, or camping, because you're scum if you do that.
Playing killer is so fundamentally unfun against these two perks. COH promotes a tunnelling, camping & nasty playstyle since you can no longer use hit & run tactics. DH makes every chase twice as longer as it should do because it practically grants a survivor with a third health state.
I've been a killer main since 2019, and I can firmly say the existence of COH & DH has tanked any enjoyment I have for the killer role. I've been playing survivor and been having a blast at how easy it is, even in solo queue.
Anyone else feel the same way?
DH is super stupid but will not kill killer's fun, CoH on the other hand, disables one playstyle and can remove fun.
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At how easy it is, even in solo q
and that, friend, is where you overplayed your hand
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Honestly, the whole ''solo queue is a nightmare'' is out of proportion. Ever since SBMM, you have decent teammates and with COH/DH and the other second chance perks you have, it's a breeze.
It's very rare that I legitimately find myself struggling in solo queue, and this image of ''poor us solo queue :( '' is nonsense.
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Circle Of Healing and Dead Hard are busted beyond belief. At this stage you can only proclaim that the devs don't play their own game or if they do then they only play survivor.
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Imagine thinking sbmm you would get decent teammates in solo q
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Cool story. Consider career as a fiction writer.
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The solo queue is a nightmare thing is blown way out of proportion. It's only terrible if someone kills themselves on first hook or dcs immediately. Otherwise, it's totally fine and not hard to survive if you're good at the game. The game is literally designed so baby survivors can escape at least 50% of the time
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100% this. Every new update and chapter just destroys the killer role that little bit more.
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Oh, okay. Poor killers.
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Solo q is not a problem. With all the easy loops and second chance perks, you don't need swf to run rings around the killer.
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Killer mains are flooding the forums today. Don't you have anything better to do, like some more camping and tunneling probably?
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Coh basically destroys every m1 killer,you can just heal in a corner with coh lol.
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I could be wrong, it has happened before, but it's just possible that your experience isn't universal. I know it seems radical, but I really think it might be true.
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No this image of "Woe is me! Killer is impossible!" Is out of proportion, I've played killer when it was at it's worst possible state this is literally a cake walk compared to those days and yet here people are still crying six years after the games release, when will people admit they have areas to improve on instead of going to an immediate blame game on perks? And that last part is directed at both sides it seems to be the common thing to do is perk shame these days to make themselves feel better about losing.
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whenever i get clapped playing trapper or wraith, i just switch to the good ol trickster and have a good time :) you prolly should too
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Flick your head up and 90% of the time the survivor will dead hard. That is what I do to avoid it anyway.
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Post edited by DangerScouse on3
Dead Hard is the worst designed perk in the game. With how fast gens are and how many pallets there are on a map Dead Hard should not allow chase extensions. Survivors already have to much to work with and then they can get that free second chance which can extend a chase for 2-3 gens if you indulge in the chase still.
CoH is busted and always will be unless they give blessing totems an 60-80 second cooldown.
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Let me guess, you play Blight with meta perk and alchemist ring?
Yeah, of course it's a cake walk lmfao - go play Pig or a mid-tier killer against four decent survivors with COH/DH and come back to me.
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So besides the whiny minority in this forum, most killer have no issues playing against those perks. This is just another case of git gud.
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You're totally right, I should just snuff the boons out and bait dead hard each and every time. Why did I not think of that!?
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Actually I play as nurse, wraith, clown, oni, pinhead, and pyramid head probably more often than others so what's your point then? Get rid of your bullshit excuses then get back with me, people like you wouldn't have made it through 2016-2018 DBD infinites, recovering exhaustion while running, insta heals that could pick someone up to full health from the dying state, BNP that insta popped a gen after like 10 secs of easy skill checks, permanent sabo on hooks and trappers traps , fast vaults from any angle and no entity blocker, dropping down the hole and staying there so the killer gets trapped trying to fall down and taking the game hostage etc... So yea it's absolutely a cake walk these days compared to then
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Is it? Have you conveniently forgotten how broken killers were back then as well? 5 blink Nurse? Mori on first hook?
Don't act like killers have been exclusively buffed from then, they've also been nerfed
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Not really. There were a lot less gen slowdown perks at that time. Survive against Ruin, Undying, Pain Resonance, Deadmans Switch combo in solo q today. Gens will be either regressing or blocked half the game. This is much more common now than 5 blink nurse ever was.
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let them keep believing that, i always get 500hs or less survivors even when i play at night with my friends and escape 9 out of 10 matches, then i play solo q during day (sometimes, because i almost quit solo q entirely, doesnt even worth doing it) and get 500 hs survivors or less consitently, MMR doesnt work but let them think it does.
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You are allowed to share your opinion. But other people are also allowed to share their opinion about your opinion.
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I've never thought deadhard was particularly OP as a killer & I'm playing on console where is clunky as hell. Its pretty easy to bait out and the only time it really pisses me off is when it causes a lag spike and I can completely lose track of a player. I believe this is more common on console though & it maybe only happens like 20% of the time for me.
The only thing that makes COH very annoying for me is the fact that boon totem mechanics are just broken. If CoH was a one time use like a HEX totem then it would be fine or even if it couldn't be rekindled on the same totem I could probably live with that. The fact that all it takes is to find one totem and then go back to that totem when it's been destroyed it's infuriating. I mean how is it fair that as a killer I need to snuff a totem in the same area 3-4 times in a game?
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Dead hard is really easy to predict, survivors are usually very obvious about having it so its really not a problem at all unless you dont pay attention or get impatient, the boon i was expecting to be a lot more annoying given how much people complain about it when i got back into playing a couple months ago but as usual, it was an exaggeration cause so far i havent had a single killer game where the boon messed up my match.
At this point people just complain cause others complain and it makes it seem like a bigger deal than it is.
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Dead Hard is far worse than CoH.
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You can predict it all you want. Even if you know it's coming, when used purely for distance, there's nothing you can do.
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Or hug window/pallet. since vault would result with hit, (ab)use dh iframes to dodge -> safely escape via medium vault.
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But you didn't do that. You told me I shouldn't be here. Not cool.
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They need nerf again.
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I mean I can outrun the killer good but if gens aren’t getting done...
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Your name is NoedEnjoyer. Bye.
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I legit don't run Dead Hard anymore because of how crutch it is, it makes the games so much easier, often giving me unfair advantage when I get outplayed. There is a reason why it's being run by majority of survivors, it's simple to use and downright unfair most of the time. I'm convinced if they took out dead hard for a while out of the game, it would show who's good at survivor and who's not because you wouldn't be able to play so cocky anymore, which is most annoying thing to face as a killer. Loading into a match vs whole team stacking dead hard, circle of healing, decisive ,unbreakable, usually with styptics and brand new parts. And if you use discord and map offerings, it's borderline cheating. What can you do as a killer in that situation, other than try to 'outplay' them by bringing broken addons, strongest slowdown you can and by playing same few strong killers. I've been facing blights in majority of my matches to the point I started being excited when I see someone playing anything else. Really sad that the same thing will happen with the new killer, she's gonna be played a bit at the start, but because she's not nurse or blight, she can't compete with an average survivors running same builds for years now and acting like it's a skill when they escape. It isn't.
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I love your name
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But you see, the 'killer fun' aspect of the game doesn't matter. It only matters if survivors are having fun.
Is a killer power 'unfun' to play against? Better get nerfed! Is a killer perk 'unfun' to have to play around? To the nerf bat! Is a killer addon 'unfun' to experience? This calls for triple-strength nerf-age!
Meanwhile, killers are designed to be unfun to play, with unfun powers that punish the player both for missing AND hitting, and then they get nerfed anyway just because some Influencer managed to marshal their followers. Just get people to parrot "unfun," "no counterplay," or "toxic" about literally any aspect of the game and bing bang boom: the latest boogeyman gets dumpstered.
Except Noed.
And I'm pretty sure the only reason Noed gets a pass is because if it WAS gutted, average kill stats would drop by half for every killer in the game.
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Don't forget "boring" and saying stuff like "this nerf would be healthy for the game!"
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Dead Hard is less bad than Sprint Burst, Overcome and depending on the map Lithe and Balanced Landing. So if CoH is better than Dead Hard, I could consider both perks pretty well balanced.
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Spoken like, and upvoted by, someone who does not play solo queue survivor
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you know what also kills the fun, killers running Ruin+undying, Ruin+pop, and Pain Resonance+Deadmans Switch every game. dont see us complaining about how bad a killer to be carried by perks
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Dead Hard is on-demand. It does not require moving slow to save it, like Sprint Burst, nor getting to a Vault spot like Lithe. And while Overcome increases the time to close the second hit, like Dead Hard, Overcome has no effect if you started the chase injured.
Dead Hard, meanwhile, can be used in multiple ways, in every chase, without regard for where you are in the stage. Need to make it to a god pallet? DH. Need to make it to a window? DH. Messed up a loop so that the killer is on you? DH. Incoming killer power? DH. A trap/snare on the ground? DH.
It is universally good on every map, in every situation, and at ever skill level. And, after the Validation change, it trumps killer inputs, so you can just use it retroactively as well. It's really quite awful to go against for every single killer.
CoH, on the other hand, completely negates certain killer powers (Legion), totally disables certain killer tactics (Twins), and invalidates certain killer playstyles (hit and run damage spreading). However, it has a greatly reduced effect against killers with access to One Hit Downs, like Leatherface or Hillbilly.
So, SOME killer players may not get their game completely ruined by one survivor perk, which I guess you could say makes CoH weaker than DH? On the other hand, CoH only needs to be brought by one survivor for everyone to reap its benefits. It scales insanely with any other healing items/perks, covers 20-75% of the map (depending on the level you're on), trumps every 1v4 killer power, can never be fully removed, has no cooldown, and meshes super well with any other boon, like Shadowstep or the new 2% speed buff.
So, personally I'd say CoH is the worse of the two. Especially since CoH just got 'nerfed' in the most pathetic way possible, thereby reducing the odds its actual problems will EVER be addressed.
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Dead Hard has drawbacks. Dead Hard only works when you are injured. If you mistime Dead Hard, it doesn't work at all. Dead Hard only goes in a straight line. It doesn't work against one-hit downs when you're not injured. It only gives you 1 second of speed burst over 3 seconds of speed burst. In fact, I highly doubt it gives you more chase time than Speed Burst, Lithe, Balanced Landing and Overcome. And because survivors use it a lot doesn't make it good, since Self Care is used more than Dead Hard.
So what evidence do you have that shows this perk outperforms other endurance perks in extending chases?
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I don't really have a problem WIth Dead hard. But COH and boon totems in general really make playing killer a pain.
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What evidence do I have that shows DH extends chases? Other than untold hours of DbD streams available on the internet amongst hundreds of streamers? Or personal experience? Or the simple fact that DH'ing to a pallet mathematically extends a chase longer around pallets (2 seconds if the pallet stuns the killer, 2.6 seconds to break the pallet, and a variable amount of bonus time by just looping the structure additional times, knowing that you can get out from under an attack at will).
None of those good for you? How about the fact that Dead Hard is the single most-used Survivor perk. Go ahead and play 300-some games. Then, of the 1200 survivor perks, let us know how many times you see Dead Hard versus any of the ones you listed.
Because somebody from these forums DID do that. And it turns out it was something like 1-2 Dead Hards per game, every game, blowing every other perk out of the water.
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The most used perk is Self Care, better nerf Self Care.
I love your vague references to "untold hours of DBD" and "hundreds of streamers". You didn't even take the time to put in the perfunctory youtube video of one streamers game showing "Dead Hard" is overpowered.
Here's how you can get actual data... Take Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Lithe and Balanced Landing. Create 10 different routes on 10 random maps which include a drop off and a window. Test the times on each of those routes, comparing each perks chase times with the same Killer. Use a slower killer such as Hag, because she's slower and would be easier to see chase time differences.
I offer this suggestion to every Killer that says Dead Hard is better, yet no one has yet taken up the challenge to put up data where their mouth is. So, go ahead and prove Dead Hard is better through actual data instead of vague what-ifs and how-abouts.
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No one is going to do your little experiment, my dude. How about YOU do it, record your findings and share it with the rest of us.
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No one is going to do it because I'm right.