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"Was it really a skilled play to begin with?"



  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    I'm well aware what his point is. Are you aware of my point? That at the end of the day, the outcome that you expect makes no sense from an algorithmic perspective. And I'm saying this as a professional in the industry for 20+ years.

    If you think it makes sense, then please explain it. As yet, no-one has, and I daresay it's because you cannot explain it, and therein is the problem.

    To boil it down into logic terms, he's saying X1. I'm saying X->Y (i.e. X leads to Y) and Y is undesireable. He then clarifies with X2. It's the same thing, X->Y. Y is undesireable, and X leads to Y, so how can you advocate for any flavour of X when it leads to Y which you don't want.

    You can step to me with any flavour of X, but if it all leads to Y, and you don't want Y, then it's the same problem which you guys are failing to see (whilst at the same time so sure of yourselves that you see everything clearly despite clearly not being able to understand it).

    If you understood what he said, then it makes sense. His point was that if you are that skilled, you'd be escaping more often and thus your ratings would rise. There's always be anomalous games for whatever reason, but for skilled players that won't buck the trend.

    What an insightful observation. Did it take both of your brain cells to work that out?

    The devs don't believe it works? Interesting... because the last update from the devs that I recall was that it works exactly as designed. The escape/death ratio is 50/50 which is exactly the outcome the system was designed to produce.

    So please enlighten us to how this isn't working when the numbers demonstrate that it very definitely is?

    aka "I can't answer your simple question because my own logic makes no sense to me, so I'll look for the first excuse to escape from having to explain myself"

    Yup... common trait of the ignorant.

    The pips only rank how you did in terms of objectives in the game, and has nothing to do with your correlation with your opponent, hence it makes little sense to use them to determine who your opponent should be. Should a 2-pip vs a killer you were expected to escape from the same as a 2-pip vs a killer you were expected to die to be considered the same?

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,140
  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    That was a funny comparison, because we do base hockey players on individual skill to determine their worth. You can find game statistics determining NHL stat leaders, with all contributing factors (points, goals, power play percentage, penalty minutes, ETC, and whole other factors for goal tenders).

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • hex_uwu
    hex_uwu Member Posts: 201

    I’m dead over you calling Jeff Steve 😭

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,735

    IN MY DEFENCE I'd played for a bit and it was like half 1 in the morning my brain was mush + I'd been sandbagged by a Steve in an earlier game so I got confused 😭💅

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,735

    "Common trait of the ignorant" you're yet to make a proper point about the topic or disprove any of mine my guy I'd be very careful who you're calling ignorant. @Firellius put it very well so do us all a favour and read that since you cba to read mine 🏃

  • Ramondiola
    Ramondiola Member Posts: 26

    Imagine a system that really meassured skill. Since roughly downing someone at end game and killing them by facecamping doesn't take much skill, that nemmy would next be faced against worse players who are less likely to survive so it would actually reward Nemesis with an easier facecamp game.

    I get karu's point and I never liked the sbmm system, but that Killer did get a 2 kills and should face survivors that make it harder the next time, something like a swf.

    What really sucks is the fact that you are getting behind. Some would think that if you dealt with the killer pretty well until you died, you can do it again in the next match and survive since the killer will have lower mmr. Problem is, your teammates will have lower mmr too.

    I think the old ranking system was better, it was terrible, but it was better.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    When I first entered the post I thought they were making fun of the nemesis because he was "hiding" behind the tree. I thought it hilarious.

    Then I realized they weren't even making fun of nemesis but of the definition of skill on this game.

    But for some reason a lot of responses still seem to be fixated on whether the nemesis is right or not for camping.

    It was funnier when I thought it was about the stealthy nemesis xD

  • MyelinXCVIII
    MyelinXCVIII Member Posts: 163

    They really, *really* shouldn't have used the word "skill" at any point during their MMR shenanigans...

    As for the discussion, I can see both points. The current system lacks nuance and thus many skillful plays (for both killer and survivor) aren't directly taken into consideration. It's very frustrating to know that all of your effort in a game can be reduced to nothing if you don't meet the final objective (this feels worse as a survivor, to me and I think many others but it still can apply to killer too).

    On the flip side, maybe looking at MMR as a win or lose isn't the right way to go about it. The way it's designed (when it works and isn't being stretched thin because of queue times) would allow you to play the way you want and eventually you'll reach a place where the odds of a "victory" are about even. The people who make risky plays should reach a level where they can make those plays and escape whereas those who play extremely safe should reach a point where they can't keep getting away with it.

    Honestly I don't really know how I sit with the system anymore. I just play trials and try not to care about whether I get many kills or get through an exit gate.

  • Via
    Via Member Posts: 66

    Careful BHVR might just take all your Quiten skins away

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,735

    Oh no my 0 Quentin skins whatever will I do.

    (ik this is a reference to that one content creator who I can't mention, but if they actually took away paid content I'd be pretty upset lol)

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    You have clearly been outskilled here, sir!

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Me and I have the exact same build just removed iron will for provethyself😎

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Clearly in your hockey match you missed out on the shootouts (or whatever they are called, Idk hockey enough) you needed to throw your hockey stick and beat him up.

    Jokes aside, I see that what the nemesis is doing is just plain old outskill playstyle, clearly you should play with worse teammates because he facecamping you to death = you are bad, MMR working as intended...... In a horrible way.