Dead By daylight has become a game where it is impossible for assassins due to the rush gene that is in the game, it is not normal how you start the game and in less than 1 minute 2 generators already made you this game only gives advantages to the survivors and I dare to say it because I also play as a survivor and the truth is that I am embarrassed by the perks that the survivors have where it is clearly noted that we as survivors have much more advantage, by telling you that there is even a perk to repair generators much faster this game is absurd, this has already lost its charm and now it's just to see who makes a faster generator.
What would be my suggestion, that people before repairing an engine look for the parts to repair them since in truth it is not fun to be an assassin, even more so when you want to play as a survivor you have to wait a long time to find a game and that is why that there is no assasin because you have taken care that people do not like being assasin if not a survivor