The Artist is the only killer with no counterplay

I looked at every killer in the game,and all of them have viable counterplay except The Artist.
Trapper - Disarm his traps,m1 killer that can be looped and juked.
Wraith - Stealth m1 killer that can be looped and juked.
Hillbilly - Can be looped and juked,obstacles and breaking line of sight are very strong againts him.
Nurse - Pallets dont do much but she can be juked,breaking line of sight helps a lot,even a well timed pallet drop can stun her.
Myers - Stealth m1 killer that can be looped and juked.
Hag - Hit and run killer that can be looped and juked.
Doctor - M1 killer that can be looped and juked.
Huntress - Ranged killer that can be looped and juked,tall obstacles and breaking line of sight are very strong againts her.
Bubba - Can be looped and juked,windows are very strong againts him.
Freddy - M1 killer that can be looped and juked.
Pig- Stealth m1 killer that can be looped and juked.
Clown - M1 killer that can be looped and juked.
Spirit - M1 killer that can be looped and juked.
Legion - Hit and run killer that can be looped and juked.
Plague - Ranged killer that can be looped and juked.
Ghostface - Stealth killer that can be looped and juked.
Demogorgon - M1 killer that can be looped and juked.
Oni - Can be looped and juked.
Deathslinger - Ranged killer that can be looped and juked.
Pyramid Head - Can be looped and juked.
Blight - Can be looped and juked,obstacles are very strong againts him.
Twins - Can be looped and juked.
Trickster - Can be looped and juked,talle obstacles and breaking line of sight is very strong againts him.
Nemesis - Can be looped and juked.
Pinhead - Can be looped and juked.
The Artist - Cant be looped or juked in a chase because of her zoning,holding W or avoid chase is the only thing that works but I dont think that's viable counterplay.
can be looped and juked
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How do you loop and juke her when she can just zone you out with crows,you cant juke the crows from close distance.
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you cant loop her but you can juke her to throw the crows and not to get hit
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ShiftW. There's your counter
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Nemesis, Twins, PH, trickster "can be looped and juked" as much as artist
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This is not counter actually. If you know how to zone-out survivor, you know where they will run too. So they will take hit, does not matter what they will do.
But true, only option against her is Shift + W. And drop same strong pallets, waste her time as you can. I am not fan of this type killers, except Nemesis.
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Flashlight can burn her crows.
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Just dodge? Her birbs are narrow. Throw the pallet a loop earlier than usual, and just Shift W to the next loop, like Doc. Break line of sight, like Nurse. Run into her birbs when she places them.
Artist has enough counterplay.
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Artist has more counterplay than you realize. She can be looped, her birds can be destroyed and mind-games at windows and pallets, multi-level maps can screw her bird powers up, stringing strong tiles together, just have to use your noggin slightly more than usual, especially at loops.
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on7 -
Every time she charges and drops her power she's slowed. Every time she launches her power she's slowed.
Move to a different loop and she generally can't catch up to you, and then has to deal with cooldowns.
If she ever drops two or more crows, completely ignore her power, because now you can dispel the crow before she ever hits you with the damaging one.
Mostly, just don't run in obvious paths, as she's probably aiming crows at upcoming pallets and windows, and by avoiding them before she fires the crows, she'll lose ground in slows and not get any benefit.
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Artist is part of a bigger problem, which is the killers that cannot or are overly difficult to loop.
You can play against her by holding W like a bot and pre-dropping pallets, it is just extremely boring to do so.
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You call that a counter.
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Breaking line of sight does nothing,she can still hit you with the crows through walls.
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Yes, because it is one. It's not just a counter to Artist, it's a counter to every Killer in the game aside from Blight
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Correct. Also no anti loop and playing duck duck goose for minutes at a time is boring for the killers. If they would reduce the power of maps anti loop would not be needed. This current state of game where 4 survivors are spread out, maps are horrible, spawn points still are free objectives so anti loop or high mobility are needed right now.
Not saying you cant win with entire roster but the odds are stacked against them. Right now the only way to die as a solo survivor is teammates or throwing....not the killer. All i play is solo died once yesterday but killer had 2 hook. This is a very common occurrence these days. Your team dont even need to know how to run....just work gens when not in chase and GG EZ.
Best killer in the game right now is matchmaking.
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"Also no anti loop and playing duck duck goose for minutes at a time is boring for the killers"
I don't think so. I LOVE regular looping.
The current state of the game is atrocious, granted, but that can be solved without creating killers that force you to play like a bot. When I first started playing, the absolute majority of the killer cast could be looped in the regular manner.
And I strongly believe it should have stayed that way.
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Yep, she needs nerfs. I've said this since she released. I'm sure she'll get them, just gotta be patient
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That we agree. Whats not mentioned enough is how survivors have adapted. Outside of new survivors majority understands killer powers, loops, playing optimal, etc which in my earlier daysvwas not as common. The objectives time between killer and survivor is so far apart that spawning on top of gens/hexes, boons, OP maps/tiles, exhaustion, etc are just overkill rn. Not sure if its because of all the content creators or not but not many survivors out there not know how to make the most of every situation.
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The fact you can counter all killers by yourself in a 4 v 1 might be why killer kinda sucks and people don't want to play it and the games numbers are dropping like a rock.
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Gosh forbid we can't have a decent killer who can't be looped or juked...which she still can but y'know, whatever
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So this is still the case, isn't it? The absolute majority of killer cast can still be looped in the regular manner, there are just a few outliers with Artist being the most prominent one, but isn't this how things should be desinged? It would kinda suck if EVERY killer would have to be played with running away and predropping pallets, but if its own killer, then this should be ok. At least Artist isn't a dominant force like Nurse or Blight, you will just encounter a few of her every now and then.
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Honestly she's one of the easiest killer to loop imo... I still have to find an artist that gave me troubles (I lost to her only a single time and that was only cause I had trolls in my team)
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But if she can’t see you then she can’t know for sure she’s timing the release right. If you are behind a wall and juke she can easily mistime sending the crows and miss you.
Of course if you currently have crows on you then that doesn’t work since she sees the aura.
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How on actual earth can you say trickster and nurse have valid counterplay, but artist doesn't?
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Are you one of those who actually believe she is stronger than Nurse?
Also she has counterplay, but you are obviously not interested learning it
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Hold W, hope I helped you
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Clearly you haven't faced her on Rotten Fields.
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Lol,I just said she has no counterplay,not that she's stronger than nurse
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what is even happening here...
I haven't played enough Artist to give you decent counterplay tips (I've barely played since her release and she died within like a week of release) but man, even your 'counters' to other Killers are very... questionable? Like, it's very simplistic.
For example, Spirit isn't just an M1 Killer that can be 'Looped and Juked'. Her counterplay purely comes from putting yourself in loops where it's hard for her to be able to do those phase jukes on her.
You can't counter a good Nurse. You can attempt to break LoS, and you can attempt to run into a corner- but you will always go down vs a good Nurse. She's about buying time. The only other thing you could say is a counter is the flashlight burn stuff.
Hag's counterplay is being aggressive and good teamwork/communication- consistently disrupt her web and don't allow her to set up. Twin's counterplay is to play in pairs, stay healed, and don't let Charolette get free hits.
That's not even mentioning things like Flashlights vs Nurse, Artist, Hag and Wraith. Or the fact that Nemesis and Pinhead have good anti-loop potential.
Idk, if I had to guess based on what I'd know about Artist, her counterplay is the same as many Killers rn, even if it is boring- Hold W. If you really wanna play with loops, make sure you put yourself in positions where you can chain a few tiles together (even if they all aren't great) so she can't just zone you out for free with her birds. Keep an eye on the birds through walls when possible to try to stay out of their line of attack. If you have crows mid-chase, and you have distance, you could also try that thing of hopping into a locker to get rid of them mid chase. (Fast vault in and out). I'm sure a good Artist will still down you eventually, but the key usually is buying time.
Idk, that's just my guess on how to counter her based on what I know/have seen. I definitely don't think she should be compared to Nurse or even Spirit/Blight with how strong she is at this point, since I don't think we've seen her full potential yet on either side. (Plus, I really don't agree with the oversimplification of the other Killers. I think it takes out a lot of their nuances while ignoring some of their major counters by just saying 'Loopable and Jukeable', because all of Killers fall into that category, especially if they aren't good.)
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Just dodge, bruh don't get hit and you're fine
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You think you can't loop artist but you can loop hag?
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My problem with artist is even if I dodge the hit with the crows I usually get hit anyway because she can recover quickly
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I did it easily last night....and I faced a good artist player that knew how to place her crows. All Killers you can loop and juke even nurse and blight as long as you know what your doing and don't get greedy or cocky. Every Killer has a counter play. Saying a Killer doesn't have one isn't true, just some take more thought into doing it.
Artist you can see where she is placing them and what direction they face, even when she sends her crows out from the other side of the map you have time to get out of thier way before they reach you.
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the crow hits are inconsistent and she is easy to deal with, as most anti-loop killers and killers in the game
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Only if you play predictably. If you keep running in the same direction as you were when you broke LoS, then of course she can hit you.
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I've seen like 3 since her release hype stopped. I don't think she's as strong as you think she is. She has plenty of counter play she's just boring for both sides imo.
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You can literally just run away from her power.
Survivors love to call everything "no counteplay".
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I personally don't have any issues avoiding the crows, and when getting hit by one, getting rid of it before she can line up another shot. The issue only arises if I try and stay in one spot. Hold W, look behind you, and get rid of crows while holding shift + W. Pretty simple once I grasped the concept of it. I find the "send birds to remote gens" much more anoying, I see her power as more of an info power. Sure, sometimes the stars line up and she gets some insane snipes, but that hasn't been my experience. "No counterplay" is a bit of hyperbole.
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If there is no counter, she should have at least 80% kill rate or something, but strangely she don't.
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Can negate the damage setup by flashlighting the crows or running into them, shaking them off is safer than taking the damage.
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3 times? I see her a lot. I've played against her countless times. I've seen how good players use her. She is super strong and boring. I definitely think she's gonna get some well-deserved nerfs.
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Ah yes, "boring"
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Yes, but that's obviously not why she needs nerfs.
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Nurse has no counterplay if played perfectly
It's just nobody plays her pefectly.
I feel like if Artist truely had no counterplay everyone would be playing her
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I don't think there is "perfect play" in rock paper scissors though.
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Well it's more so that Nurse's power has no counterplay on paper
But when it's being controlled by a human that can make mistakes/be reacted to it's a different story.
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I'm telling that she is forced to play guessing game if there is no LoS.
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She literally has the same counter as most anti loop killers, you just hold W
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Is Artist the new Rin? "She doesn't have any counterplay if we pretend it doesn't exist!"
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And here is the crux of the issue; most survs loop predictably. Very predictably, and funnily enough moreso the more experienced they are. Not only do they do so, but they expect that predicable pattern of looping to always be effective, an are often lost when it isn't (and then resort to blaming the killer design, or the player for not playing "the right way").
That's not all a criticism of surv players (well, the entitlement part is), that's just hundreds or thousands of ours of conditioning, watching "how to loop" vids, and their favorite streamers doing the same things over an over again. If you want to counter "anti-loop" killers, you have to unlearn some of that.
I play artist a fair deal, and players who don't follow the prescribed looping strats often do pretty well, better than 3k hour survs who are just more thoroughly conditioned.