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The Artist is the only killer with no counterplay



  • Member Posts: 479

    I think there's a lot of counterplay to the Artist, these can include:

    -Lightburn the crows she places down from the safe end of a loop

    -Jumping into a locker when getting swarmed by crows if she's launching them at a long distance

    -Baiting out crow attacks when in a loop with her (also you can dead hard through them too)

    -Simply just leaving the loop when you hear her place down crows

    -Following the artist around with a flashlight and lightburning all her crows to annoy the hell out of her

    -If a teammate is being swarmed by crows you can actually lightburn them off them with a flashlight (I didn't even know about this one until a few days ago)

    Artist's problem is really weird. In theory there's nothing you can do to counter her but the reality is she has so many and they're all fairly easy to pull off it makes the whole thing kinda pointless in a way. The only way you'll ever go up an uncounterable Artist is if they're REALLY big brained players that set up their crows in advance and know where you'll be going and how to time the invincibility buffer correctly. That being said if you want an easy way to counter her just bring a flashlight, it'll make her cry every single time. I know that because it makes me cry when I play her.

  • Member Posts: 10,328

    So Nurse has counterplay but Artist doesn't?

  • Member Posts: 237

    This is one example of how a good Artist cannot be looped. If she realises you're going to fake pallets once you try to pull the bird out, she'll fake it as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,243
    edited February 2022

    Yeah,she can just get distance on you when you fake and it changes nothing,you'll still get hit and cant leave or use the loop.

    Also bringing a flashlight just in the hopes you go againts an Artist just to have some sort of counterplay is very situational,also if you're in a normal loop,most of the times you cant see the crows to lightburn them and even if you do,by the time you lightburn the crows,she just catches up to you.

  • Member Posts: 82

    At the the gist of it, she is just a m1 killer. Holding shift W while the other guys are doing gens is enough to win against her. Yes, its boring.

  • Member Posts: 384

    She has no counterplay if you stay Looking her when you drop a pallet or you don't realize that she is pushing you to her crows.

    Is like trapper, he Will push you to the trap side or like Huntresss/Deathslinger when you are using LT walls or jungles, you have to be carefull to avoid hits while you are using Windows or holding pallets too much.

    But is not overpowered or something like that, the problem is that average survivors just Camp pallets and that doesnt work with Artist, play ver a few games and take a look at her weakneses, is the best way to understand a killer.

  • Member Posts: 200

    people have it backwards, artist is strong, yes, thats good, all other killers needed buffed up to her level, nerfing artist would be really dumb, survivors are plenty strong already, we need more viable killers, not less

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    You lost me when you lumped Spirit in the M1 killer category that can be “looped and juked”

  • Member Posts: 39

    Im normally not one to complain about killers but she really is too oppressive. I imagine most people defending her are either low mmr or play with friends frequently. A skilled artist player can always guarantee a hit and blind luck plays into her favor too often.

    Out of all the killers she is by far the most stressful to be tunneled by. Especially in solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 968

    She absolutely has counterplay. Repel crows and run in a different direction, use lockers to dispel crows instantly, use level terrain against her, use a flashlight, Stay out of range from the 8m damage crow on loops, don't stay at loops indefinitely thinking you can get away with it like with other killer's.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    my advice is to pretend she's 3 slower slingers who take longer to aim and reload and act accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 435

    You absolutely can counterplay an artist. It's just easier to brainlessly hold w.

    Why learn how to play against a unique killer when you could just loop how you would against legion (or hold w) and complain that they have no counterplay and are super boring to play against

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    The list assumes perfect conditions favorable for the survivor but we all know in a real match that is never going to happen. About half of the killers don't have "fair" counterplay.

    Oni is going to hit you before you are able to catch a jungle gym. The Huntress hitbox is going to hit you through the wall after around counterplaying it. A Blight that abuses his mechanics to hit around corners (no counterplay).

    But it is true Arist has no counterplay. Shift W is not acceptable counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Can be looped and juked.

    The one thing that works against everybody and if a killer has any kind of ability to lessen how effective that is, it’s an un-counterable mess that needs to be nerfed.

    I miss trying to guess which way spirit was going or if she was even phasing. The unpredictability was fun and scary. Chalk another win for the boo hoo I can’t loop it easily cry babies.

    Let’s see how they can ruin artist now.

  • Member Posts: 636

    Easy to loop and juke. Flashlight crows to get rid of them (either the ones on your teammates or one she places)

    Lockers to quickly lose crows on you.

    Break line of sight and when all else fails, hold forward and get away.

    I've seen her countless times and have died only one time to her that I can recall and that was all on me.

  • Member Posts: 890

    Yeah I almost think she might need to be a Franklins user. Flashlights shut her anti-loop down pretty hard. She can join Hag as a permanent 3 perk killer.

  • Member Posts: 636

    Oh I agree. Same with Wraith and Hag, Franklin's should just come stock standard. Better to have it but not need to ya know?

  • Member Posts: 968

    Okay, but you know you are wrong right? Her power is hard countered by lockers because jumping into one immediately disperses crows. Secondly her crows are like hag traps that you can disarm in chase with a flashlight incredibly easily.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Artist has no counter? You've said it yourself, yes it's a boring counter of just holding W but you can't tackle loops the same way. She'll place birds at the obvious points so you have to try and play unpredictable, start double backing or go for a different loop once she's set up and wasted her crows.

  • Member Posts: 735

    Artist doesn´t need any nerfs, she´s bland enough as is.

    Anything more and then she´ll be less played than the Twins.

  • Member Posts: 115

    You can't reason on a killer main biased forum. You are completely right. She's not even a skill-based killer, but a knowledge based killer(knowledge of loops and tiles). Her zoning is through the roof. People LOVE to point out her coooldown on birds, but SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO USE ALL 3 IN A CHASE!!!! That argument is not only tiring, but completely illogical. The only way to counter Artist is a bad Artist. Her base speed makes "shift + w" go out the window. You either eat the bird AND take an M1, or you take an M1 trying to move to another tile, which by the way is completely dictated on the placement of birds(zoning). She has no 1v1 counterplay. She can completely zone and deny direction altogether. There is NO REASON as an Artist that your chases should last more than 20 seconds. I would NOT say she is braindead, but easily the most oppressive killer in chase WHILE having incredible map/gen pressure. Can't tell you how many times I've been hit by birds while she is chasing someone else because of their infinite range. It's insane.

    She's easily S tier, but not played often because she is incredibly boring. Hell, I see more Legion's than Artists. Her gameplay as a killer is boring and going against her is just unfun. There is no mindgame and no outplaying her. Artists get easy 4ks but nobody plays her because she's extremely busted. Killer mains just LOVE to cry that other people are crying when something is incredibly busted. Throw on Ruin/Undying/Pain Resonance and she is God in solo Q. She's not even allowed in tournaments because she is busted.

  • Member Posts: 1,526
    edited March 2022

    When you make a crow take flight a cooldown activates right after, man doesn't even know how the killer works and here dissing everyone who plays her, and since when is ruin still good? With the recent meta if survs let ruin active more than 30 seconds my guess is even an addonless trapper can clap that team.

    Post edited by squbax on
  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Spirit is not an M1 killer.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    She has a ton of counterplay. This thread is ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2022

    The cool down is based on how many crows were used. Looks like YOU are the one who doesn't know how the killer works lol. Also ruin is really good on Artist, because she can monitor it with a bird or even camp it while putting pressure elsewhere, especially on gens giving her even more ruin value. Why do I have to explain this to a Killer main?

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    The cooldown is based on the number of crows used thats correct, making it so that basekit artist has a very small window to hit the second crow after swarming with the first one, time which a survivor can use to run away or just juke the second crow and force another cooldown.

    In regards to an artist camping ruin, the only way she could pressure gens with ruin like that is if she didn't had set cooldown, as even if a crow gets you off a gen it will keep you at bay less than 6 seconds which is lets ruin regress almost nothing, and if she is throwing birds at ruin you can actually use her cooldown to cleanse the hex since swarming doesn't interrupt the cleansing action.

    And if you get sniped by an artist that tells more about your movement and predictability than about artist strenght.

  • Member Posts: 1,599
    edited March 2022

    Does "Juke" have any real meaning?

    Like guy's what's a "juke"? I've heard it be anything from doing a "360", attempting window tech, to knowing tiles, and running in circles around obstacles.

    Anyways, if you know how to play against Huntress, Nurse, and Pyramid Head than artist is a breeze. If you can't beat one of those Killers, then there are Artist playstyles that will stomp you.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    Its impossible to juke an artist that jukes you with crows,is that simple.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    That's why you need to use the ol Mississippi Double reverse Juke.

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