

Has anyone else noticed a big increase in the amount of tunneling killers the last month or so? Or have i just been very unlucky? It seems like almost every other game the killer will just tunnel one player out the game in the first few minutes. Do the devs condone tunneling? They can't seriously think that tunneling people out of the game is in any way healthy or fun for the person(s) being tunneled, especially right at the start of the match.



  • LuckyLucy1999
    LuckyLucy1999 Member Posts: 29

    It's not the losing that bothers me, it's a killer essentially ruining the game for a player(s) by taking them out of the game at the start and essentially wasting that persons time. Game are supposed to be fun aren't they?

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Eh, do you prefer sitting on a gen for 5 minutes and opening gate, then escape than chasing with killer 4 times?

    People find fun in many things nowadays.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 885

    Blame the devs. They not only didn't fix the gen time situation, they made it worse. The bigger problem is the SBMMR system that only considers kills. Tunneling a player out of the game will slow down the gens and make it easier to get additional kills. Yes, the devs do condone tunneling, and consider it a valid strategy. The same with camping. On the positive side, that's why Decisive Strike exists.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,947

    Killers camp and tunnel even before anything happens, so the excuse that it is a byproduct of gen rushing is hogwash. Tunneling is a core part of the Dead by Daylight Survivor experience. You are periodically guaranteed to get tunneled independent of what you do or what is happening. I've seen it all; The Killer tunnels after a DC and before the completion of a single generator.

    Of course, someone will finish that generator because the investment can regress to zero. If the generator stayed locked at 90%, people wouldn't rush to finish it. On the other hand, a killer's investment in that Survivor doesn't regress because they don't get hooked again fast enough.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,947

    That doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with the narrow quote I was responding to. Read a little more closely before responding.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    The better example for "regression" might be a health state. If I leave that injured survivor off hook, it will heal up again and undo my work. Just as leaving a regressing generator alone would reverse their efforts. Therefore, tunneling is the only rational course of action that a gen rushing survivor would take and yet they are oh so confused by their own logic.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Boiled down to the basics, both can be considered tunneling.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited February 2022

    nvm this post

    Post edited by hailxsatanxeveryxday on
  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    You still got to play you just failed to evade the killer.

    A person doesn't have to let you go just because you find it more fun to live longer.

    When you sign up for an elimination game there are games where you will be eliminated early, it happens.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I'd rather be tunneled than face camped

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,190

    Because not all survivors want to use 4 second chances. Why so aggressive?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,542

    It's true that Killers have always Tunneled... But that was less apparent then it is now

    Boon: Circle of Healing had a lot to do with it... on top of BT and DS

    And less rewarding Killer perks... the last rewarding perk was Corrupt Intervention (and that was released around 2 years ago)

    Also it seems like the Hit and Run strategy has fallen off cause of COH and healing in general

    And Gen speeds are just as fast if not faster then they have ever been

    Oh and the nerfing of Killers have something to do with it

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited February 2022

    I don't think it's more aggressive than people calling anyone whos doing their job "toxic" or "bad" or "ruining other side's fun".

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,808

    At the end of the day, if the killer considers the "fun" of a surv, that is a courtesy, a nicety.

    The killer is in no way, shape, or form obligated to do anything but kill all four survivors in the most expedient fashion they can. If they choose to drum what they feel is the weakest (or strongest) link out of the game right out of the chute, thems the breaks.

    The same way survs are not obligated not to pound out all 5 gens and gtfo the match.

    You can argue about whether or not that is good for game health in an asymmetrical 4v1 game, but that isn't the point, and a lot of people should really lose the entitlement. Not just for the sake of others, but your own stress levels will go down if you aren't carrying all that expectation (and the inevitable sense of being wronged when they aren't met) around with you.

    You were dead four minutes into the trial? That's annoying af, but oh well, on to the next.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    the fact of the matter is that without "The ping pong method" a killer WILL LOSE. If the killer hooks everyone once and then everyone a second time and gets their first kill on their 9th hook they have already lost the match. A killer must have their first kill by no later than their 6th or 7th hook.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    If tunnelling and camping are so bad, just play SWF with people of similar skill level to you. You're going to steamroll most killers no matter the cheese tactics they use.

    This isn't a comment on balance, but a comment on how good killers actually are they ceaselessly use these approaches. Most of them waste two minutes on their first chase and have adopted this 'optimal' strategy because they're just not capable of doing good without it. A well rounded SWF will easily beat this. So if you're looking to have your fun not ruined, do that. Maybe run Meta perks too if you really want the whining killers to know their place.

    Just, please, don't whine that they owe you fun. They're clearly not here to have fun either ( the winning = fun argument is often coming off as huge copium ) if they're tunnelling and camping. You shouldn't care about each other's fun unless you actually want to. Some people are skilled enough to, others are just indifferent to the result.

  • A_Gamers_Dead_Body
  • A_Gamers_Dead_Body
    A_Gamers_Dead_Body Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2022


    Post edited by A_Gamers_Dead_Body on
  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,952
  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,947

    Yes, it doesn't make sense. I narrowly tailored my reply to a specific post; your response is broad and doesn't address the point.

    No, it's not. If I injure a Survivor, it makes sense to continue pursuing them until they get downed and hooked. Otherwise, The Killer can lose that investment. After that, you don't have to continue following the Survivor. They've fulfilled their investment in that Survivor via the hook state. If a Survivor heals after a hook, I do not consider that a loss. Sure it's easier to pursue an injured Survivor, but it's unnecessary. If you think one hit should equal death, then yes, tunneling makes sense. That comes down to opinion and entitlement, much like Survivors that think five generators mean escape. As the killer, I don't tunnel nor need to, but it's clear you do, so you're trying to explain yourself. It changes nothing for me.

    You can use any term you want; I focused on necessity. People try to equate completing one generator with death; I don't see it this way. It comes down to opinion and approach. I don't tunnel, camp, or slug, so I also don't need to justify those things the same way others do. Many play this way and get offended when others call it out, so they try to defend their actions.

    I understand WHY people tunnel. That was never in dispute. In some cases, it makes sense, but I often see tunneling when it is unnecessary, so not everyone "only tunnels" during those moments. Some players have a propensity to tunnel independent of what's happening. Tunneling is here to stay, but that doesn't mean people can't express discontent over it. It also doesn't mean that it is good for the game or the experience.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Not defending anything. But in my eyes, gens are to the killer what hook stages are for survivors. Once a certain amount has been reached, the game is over.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,195

    It's not anyone's job to make sure the other side has fun, this is a slasher game if I want to tunnel slug and camp for 5 gens then I will, and if I want to gen rush and click and tbag at the exit gates I will and I don't care how upset anyone gets, if they're too immature to handle a loss in a video game then maybe they shouldn't be playing.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,947

    Not you, in general. I agree that hook states are generators, but some think a single hit should result in death.

    I can't entirely agree that it is over; I've seen as much as eight hooks with four gens left and Survivors escape. Likewise, both doors opened, and a 2-4k lol It's not over 'til it's over!

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,639

    Tunneling has been very common since I started playing.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    It ruins your game when you have to do chases? I thought survivors said gen repairing was boring and they enjoyed chases? If someone is getting caught then downed so fast that their games are being ruined, it's a skill issue. Also Fortnite is way way way way way more popular than DBD and you can die at the very start of that. Someones gotta be the first to get eliminated. Yet no one goes around crying that their game was ruined and everyone else was a big meanie for daring to eliminate them first. They just go on to their next game and also improve so they don't end up dead the second they drop. DBD is the only game I know of where people have the gall to say their game was ruined because they messed up and died early due to skill issues.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,788

    That's the thing, games no longer have this "Games are supposed to be fun" thing anymore. That only really applied to single player games i.e. the old sonic games, crash bandicoot etc. Pvp games really shouldn't follow that ideology so closely as in a pvp games it naturally breeds more of a competitive/not fun mindset no matter the game.

    You can't logically make a pvp game such as dbd fun for everyone. Their formula just is nothing you can do about unless you make one side too weak. Look at clashroyale, people mald at that over stupidly good/annoying decks. Overall it's not logical to call for a pvp game to "be fun" in the capacity that you want.

  • Notionless
    Notionless Member Posts: 243

    I think avoiding tunneling is the job of the survs not the killers. and the more i play, the more i find the macro of how to tunnel and how to pick targets etc. Interesting

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,002

    Given how BHVR have categorically stated that for the killers, kills are all that counts or matters (via MMR's scoring mechanism that only rewards kills) it's not surprising that killers are focusing on taking someone completely out of the game rather than leaving them in. By improving the odds they greatly increase their chance of moving up in MMR.

    Additionally, the introduction of CoH has made it impossible to play Hit & Run anymore, if you're going to chase a survivor you can't leave them until they're hooked, so tunnelling and camping will also increase given how easy and quick it is to reset health with zero investment in perks or time for 3/4 of the survivors' team.

    CoH is also the only boon that works best when the killer is nowhere near it - Shadowstep adds little value except for the aura-hiding if the killer is on the other side of the map for instance as does the anti-slug one, but CoH is worst when the killer is near/inside it's radius and best when the killer is on the other side of the map. Once more, incentive for the killer to go after one survivor and take them out.

    So complain to BHVR about their encouragement of tunnelling and camping via MMR and CoH.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    If i get 8 hooks with 4 gens up, than the survivors i face are way below my skill level. Unless they are super cocky, i´ll let them finish the gens and let them go. Even though, i have to admit, that sometimes survivors don´t appreciate this act and instead get toxic in the endgame chat.

    But then, survivors shouldn´t be surprised when they get less and less "nice" killers.

  • Dylandal99
    Dylandal99 Member Posts: 85

    welcome to mmr. this casual game of dbd can't be played without full meta perk builds and a 4 man on comms

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,232

    Funny how competitive DBD is actually a lot more fun since you get more points for getting 1st hooks on people and less for progression (just face camping on hook)

  • pieces200368
    pieces200368 Member Posts: 35

    I think that if killers want to tunnel then if the whole lobby left then they would stop the tunneling. I just had a killer that went out of their way to tunnel another player would not chase anyone else until that player was dead. then he tunneled me the same way.

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    It's always been this way, but ever since they nerfed DS it's gotten noticeably worse.

  • pieces200368
    pieces200368 Member Posts: 35

    I can handle the face camping but everyone should be able to play and earn their points too most of these killers are over powered and don't need to tunnel

  • pieces200368
    pieces200368 Member Posts: 35

    I do notice that if you leave the game and then watch the rest of that game they stop the tunneling

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Hahaha what?

    There are maybe...two killers that are overpowered - and even then, at the tourney level, they come out at about even with the stronger SWF teams.

    The rest range from 'good' to 'terrible'.

    Well, duh. They've now succeeded in their goal of removing someone early.

    It's always been this way because...that's how this game is played at higher levels, and this trickles down to everyone else. Ie. the meta.

    Against a good SWF, if you don't get someone out by the time 3 gens are done, you've probably lost. Again - go watch some tournaments or higher MMR streams.

    It's not the killer's responsibility to distribute damage across the team. It's your responsibility to play cautiously, and your allies' responsibility to protect you.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    I remain convinced that “tunneling” is a mostly meaningless buzzword at this point. There’s no consensus on what it is let alone how it would even be a problem in the first place, and the great majority of the time a survivor complains to me about “tunneling” in chat it boils down to that I hooked them twice in a row or continued chasing them after I injured them. It’s just sore losing.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    The problem is, that all survivors don't have BT & DS. I would agree that tunneling isn't a problem if there were built in counters to it, but there aren't. You have went through a pay-wall to get DS, then you have to equip DS and your teammate has to go through a pay-wall to get BT and they have to have BT equiped. (When I say pay walls, I mean bloodpoint and/or cash depending on the perk).