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General Discussions

Who's your least favorite killer to go against as a Survivor?

Member Posts: 162
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

This sounds more like a poll, but I massively screwed up my last poll, so let's have a discussion.

I'm making this because there's only ONE killer that I absolutely hate going against.

You could also mention one that is maybe a little too easy/boring for you.

For me, it's Oni.

Every single time I see that it's an Oni, I feel like giving up immediately. I feel like for me personally he's just incredibly strong and very hard to go against. It usually is within the first 5 minutes that at-least two people being downed, or worse. Always ends up with me dying, usually first... Mostly because he's incredibly fast and on a general note I usually don't run exhaustion perks, mostly team helping ones. He's my least favorite killer BY FAR, and have actually disconnected as soon as I've found out it's an Oni before (hate to admit it, but I have done it a couple times)

I can't stand Oni. I don't hate any other killer as much as I hate him.

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  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Oni is fun to play against. His demon dash is incredibly scary. He also had a awesome chase music

    for me hag, pig, huntress, bubba and legion are complete snooze fests. They are so boring

    These two killer really depend on your team. Pinhead and Plague can be fun if your on a good team. If your playing with potatoes, they can be miserable

  • Member Posts: 162

    Good god, the pig imo is actually incredibly boring to go against. Even if they're bad, you're probably gonna get a trap on your head and it's just so time consuming with the traps, it's just becomes annoying.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Plague. I don’t do killers who negate like a third of survivor perks and medkits just by existing.

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    Probably Freddy?

    I dunno, he's still sort of the one I immediately jump to when someone asks what killer I hate playing against, even if he's nowhere near as oppressive as he was prior to the devs de-tuning him a bit. His gameplay design is just soooooo boring to interact with (less interesting than Clown and Legion somehow).

    I situationally hate Plague though, if just because she only ever shows up when I'm using a healing build or trying to do healing-related challenges.

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    Trapper, Hag, Ghostface, Huntress, Nurse, Bubba.

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    Hag, Huntress, Trickster, Pinhead, Nemesis, and Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    "His gameplay design is just soooooo boring"

    You have absolutely no idea how much I hate the fact that this comment is correct.

  • Member Posts: 7,229
    edited February 2022

    Hag by a long shot.

    Other honorable mentions include Twins, as well as Huntress - not because I dislike Huntress but just because so many people play her that I just got bored of her and don't have fun against her anymore.

    I also don't enjoy Pigs who run double gear addons (or one + tampered timer) and you die even if you're actively trying to search boxes from the moment you get off hook.

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  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I don't find any killer "boring" -- every one of them has something unique for me that makes them different and interesting to go against.

    That said, I dread seeing a good Oni. It doesn't ever seem to matter if I'm a solo or part of a SWF, when there's a good Oni, I'm getting wrecked. I do better against good Blights and Nurses, for whatever reason.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    If you ask me, all Killers are equally "boring" just because of how similar they are. There's a few unique Killers but most Killers have the same counters. The only 1 I find more "boring" is Wraith because I usually don't have that many interactions with Wraiths. Whenever I'm up against one, they ignore me

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    The only redeeming part is her fountains have relaxing water sounds.

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    Trickster. Brainless knife spam. Usually proxy camp, too, waiting to down the rescuer.

    Pig. This is more of a player issue than with Pig herself. The majority of players I face as her will stealth camp the hook, tunnel (even if you have an active head trap on). Then there was all the recent shenanigans of AFK Pig at a Jigsaw box screwing players over.

    Legion. Boring mending simulator.

    Blight. Just about every one I face runs the Alchemist ring, the same build, and plays like their life depends on winning.

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  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Tbh I expected a lot of people to see more blights.

    But I find any m1 killer to go against boring as there is very little chase interaction. Not like boring as in they are good just nothing other than hold w around the loop and the occasional mind game.

  • Member Posts: 819


    he is the only killer that doesn't have a direct counter to his power.

    Any other anti-loop killer has some sort of mechanic that you can use as a survivor to your advantage, but he doesn't have that.

  • Member Posts: 243

    The others have something to play around outside of m1 but Freddy never fails to put me to sleep with his boring standard m1 chase without many macro decisions at all

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Trickster. 1 million knives and stupid laugh.

  • Member Posts: 544

    Twins,Trickster,Trapper,Clown,Spirit,a really good Nurse, Plague..

    At the end of the day any killer with a brain is just unfun to go against.. except double engravings Billys that know how to curve and a bubba who doesn’t camp I guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Pinhead or Nurse.

    Pinhead is extremely annoying to face as a Solo player.

    Nurse shouldn't exist in the current game.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,111

    Hillbilly. No matter what MMR I'm at or what I do I get the cracked hillbillies with meta perks, a totally silent chainsaw and terror radius capable of hitting me across the map around a 270 degree corner.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Trickster, Huntress, Nemesis, Trapper, Clown

  • Member Posts: 78

    Twins, Trapper and Huntress

  • Member Posts: 326

    A 'good' Nurse. I might as well just give up.

    Honorable mentions: pig, legion, freddy. Their matches tend to be a boring slog.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    Trickster. I literally can't understand why some people like that guy

  • Member Posts: 3,147

    Bubba. Not because of his design, but because his most commonly used playstyle is so damned boring.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Trapper - I run into every f*cking trap when I play against Trapper and scare me every time. I rarely meet him, but when I do, it's on Swamp or Yamaoka. Trapper is my final boss, my nemesis, my kryptonite. I know he is actually weak, but it is more of a psychological thing. In the early days of DBD Ive played a lot against TheEntityLeftHand and he destroyed me in every match :'D

    Huntress and Trickster - I literally hate playing against them. They're the only range attack killers that don't fit into the game. 95% of all Huntress and Trickster players are notorious proximity/face campers and they are very annoying to play against.

  • Member Posts: 98

    Hag and Plague. Hag because if she decides to put down a trap in a loop you actually can't even try to keep looping and you're forced out of the loop. Also the fact that she can basically facecamp from across the map. The counterplay isn't very fun either. Crouching around everywhere is not something I want to do, and I don't want to bring Urban Evasion just for it either. I also don't want to bring a flashlight every game just because I MIGHT go against a hag.

    Plague is unfun because of how she can completely nullify like half of all survivor perks. You bring Overcome? Good luck using it. Any kind of healing perk/item? you might as well not have a perk in that slot at all.

    The rest of the killers, while some others may be unfun, like Doctor or Bubba, they at least have counterplay and don't punish you for trying to play around loops. Instadown killers also nullify Overcome and other similar perks if there are any, sure, that's if they consistently try to instadown you instead of M1ing you though. And it is just one perk, you can still use healing perks against them.

  • Member Posts: 98

    What about Nurse? As far as I know, there isn't a "direct" counter to her power, not any more of a counter there is to Trickster's power.

  • Member Posts: 638

    Trickster, I'll take a million basement Bubbas over tricksters. I'm still salty that he's even in the game.

  • Member Posts: 71

    on a good day i dodge anything that isn't bubba or trickster but these days i'm also staying against blights, especially if they're running full gen builds

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  • Member Posts: 869

    The killer that finds me 5 seconds into the match. Because I suck playing survivor xD

  • Member Posts: 511

    Pinhead by far

  • Member Posts: 324

    Pinhead because I mostly play solo and his box requires coordination.

    Especially if he's using the iridescent box, there is almost no way solos are going to have a chance.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Twins - I hate the camp/slug playstyle and it's always low scoring match. Loop Victor for 5 gens get 0 points because game doesn't think you're doing anything even though you've distracted the killer the entire time. Get camped/slugged get no points because you're on hook or ground. Just not fun and feels like waste of time.

    Bubba - either be camped and hope team focuses on gens to not give him 4k or have teammate camped and hope rest focus on gens and you aren't the one to be downed by NOED. Not fun and low scoring, again feels like waste of time.

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    Twins. The way they have to play is very boring to go against and with solo queue teammates that insta crush victor and don't double up it's a nightmare.

  • Member Posts: 819
    edited February 2022

    Nurse's direct counter is being able to mind-game the nurse player. She cannot win the chase until she gets close and hits you.

    Trickster, on the other hand, doesn't need to get near you whatsoever. It doesn't matter how much distance you make because that killer can still down you from any range possible (obviously gets harder the longer the distance). Not quite like Huntress either, as he is less reliant on reloading and has a spam-like kit, rather than a precision kit. Even the only 'counter' he has, which is walls, has an addon which can render them useless.

    I'd 100% rather go up against a nurse, than a trickster, any day of the week.

  • Member Posts: 324

    I dislike plague the most because of the constant coughing and the vomiting sounds. But other than that I love dodging the puke and it makes me very happy when the plague just gives up and goes to look for someone else.

    Twins is a close second since they are easily rendered completely powerless. I hate to see the struggle that playing them is.

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    I hate to say this, but bubba. Not because he is hard to face, or because they sometimes facecamp, it is just the fact that randoms seem to ALWAYS kill themselves on first hook against him. It really sucks. If my teammates didn't do that, he'd probably be one of my favorites to face.

  • Member Posts: 10,300

    Probably Nurse. Sometimes your mindgames work, sometimes they don't.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Any killer that forces repetitive things tends to annoy me.

    The Artist and crow swarms

    Legion and mending

    Pinhead and chains/box solving

    Bubba is also generally annoying because 99% of them fail upwards for 2 or 3 gens until they actually down someone. Then they stand in front of the hook and solo queue their way to victory

  • Member Posts: 541

    ghostface. The power doesn't even feel like it works correctly so it feels like you get punished for doing what you're supposed to do to stop their power (least favorite to play AS for the same reasons)

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  • Member Posts: 1,270

    Wraith and spirit

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