Who's your least favorite killer to go against as a Survivor?
Bubba, Freddy, Pig, Plague, Legion, and Trickster
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Blight. Because 7 / 10 survivor games are Blight. I don't mind playing against him at all, it's just the sheer frequency of going against Blights that makes it insanely repetitive and boring. Like, there's about 20 other killers in the game, why is it one Blight after another?
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Trickster and Pinhead are two I dislike.
Trickster is going to inevitably down you and Pinhead's passive pressure becomes really annoying when they run strong builds or when you're looping. Solo-que gets wrecked by Pinhead, and that's usually what I play.
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I got 3.
The thing is, they're all also kind of my favorite to go against, because they are the only ones who provide any sort of "fear" emotion. However I am so massively ######### against stealth, that I end up caught early, and often, leading to situations where even if the team wins I feel it was in spite of, rather than thanks in part to my gameplay.
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Twins. And it's not about the camp/slug. It's literally the fact that I feel like there's nothing I can do against Victor except just hope the killer misses. I'm a primarily solo player. Also the way I see it, the "counterplay", group up impossible on solo, lockers get you held hostage - not counterplay imo. It's still overall a completely miserable experience to go against, no matter which way I look at it.
I'd rather face old Forever Freddy and old Spirit for the rest of my life, over a single game against Twins ever.
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*slamming my desk* NO! xd
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If I go against one more Bubba, I may dive head first into the shallow end of an empty pool.
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Hag/stealth. For the sole and exclusive reason I’m super weak to jumpscares. Has nothing to do with balance/mechanics/etc otherwise.
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Bubba- You can still try to save a teammate if other killers are camping, but not him.
Honorable mentions to Blight, Twins, Trickster, Plague and Legion
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- Doctor (he is anti-loop AND anti-stealth and annoying AF)
- Leatherface (the insta-down + camping is obnoxious and only fun for the killer)
- Ghostface (insta-down + no terror radius = no)
- Nurse (because she ignores all the games' physics but survivors can't)
The rest I don't mind unless they are camping or using obnoxious addons/builds.
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Pinhead by far
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Huntress, Trapper, Wraith and Bubba
Trapper only cause the team I usually end up with steps into his traps every 30 seconds
Wraith and Bubba I go up against camp/tunnel a lot plus their power is annoying
Huntress cause of her hitboxes and tryhards
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"Being able to mindgame the nurse player" I wouldn't call that a direct counter, mindgaming is something you need to do with every killer. The direct counter to Trickster would be to lose line of sight, that's no less of a 'direct counter' than, in your words, mindgaming a nurse would be.
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Except you dont need to lose LOS with nurse.
You can play around pallets, windows, or anything with a nurse.
Trickster? yeah, goodluck.