DBD twitter giving terrible advice to new players.
DBD's official twitter posted a basic Pig tutorial earlier in which they advise new players to "save some traps for the end!"
If anyone actually looking for advice on how to play Pig reads that and tries it, they will flat out lose uses of their 4 traps because they don't activate in the end game.
It's important to note that their tips don't include "traps won't be active until a generator goes off" nor "traps will not become active after the gates are powered" to clarify this.
Just saying, if you're gonna make quick advice for new players, don't include advice that will lead them to using their power incorrectly and confuse topics which already confuse players.
You might as well have Trapper advice like "try placing beartraps in wide open spaces where they're visible, and nobody is likely to run through them," or Wraith with "try attacking survivors while you're cloaked, they really won't expect it!"
I think the tips are overall a good idea, nice format for easy sharing. Would love to see some for lesser seen killers like Twins, Hag and Pinhead.
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The quick "how to play as and against" is a good idea.
Choosing advice which, taken at face value, does not work, however, is not a good idea.
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That definitely could've been phrased better, I'd have put "close to the end" instead. The idea of putting a hat on someone before the last generator is done because it slows down that survivor from being able to leave isn't terrible advice, but the way it's phrased definitely makes it seem as though you're supposed to wait until after the last generator is done.
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Even then close to the end would still be powered gates to most players.
There's no way to have this as a tip without clarifying that traps will not activate if put on after the final gen.