Killer Should not be Dependant to Their Add On

playhard Member Posts: 279
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Why BHVR make killer weak or nerfing their power. Like spirit her power is now not so useful if you are not using add on red. Like other killer they nerfing them and make them as killer who really dependent to their add on if you want play him/her.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    The only killer that I think is even somewhat add on reliant right now is Ghostface and maybe Nemeis before Marvin's Blood (Is that the name?) was nerfed . Everyone else can perform relatively fine without add ons as long as the player is good.

    This includes Spirit, who is the third best killer in the game and needs one of her red add ons nerfed.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Do you have a particular killer in mind? I always use add-ons because, well, why not? But I don’t know any killer that is specifically dependent on using a particular add-on to be playable. (There are cases on some add-ons that are overpowered, like the old Huntress Iri for instance or Clown Pinkie Finger, but those killers are still playable with other add-ons instead.)

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,303

    I think it's okay for a killer to be less viable without any addons so long as they have useful and varied addons so you're never lacking in something to use. The problem is when they're dependant on a specific addon or set of addons, like Trapper used to be for his bags, or Ghostface currently is for his cooldown addons.

    Right now there aren't that many of those, most killers either have a good spread of addons or just don't have any good ones at all but can perform well without any (like Pyramid Head).

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Depends at what level you play at.

    Honestly though, wouldn't surprise me if the devs didn't know what to do with the addons if they didnt make some feel needed.

    Think how many pointless and just straight up terrible addons there are, now imagine if killers had some of their useful ones built in...

    Survivors would lose their minds and every killer addon would be pointless or a meme.

    I do agree some killers require certain addons to even be decent, but I know I play against some pretty sweaty AF players while I'd assume most of the community is more casual

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 735

    I do wish PH had addons that are viable because using the same group of addons (range) is boring

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    Spirit is not addon dependent at all and if anything MDR + cherry blossom is too strong. But you can play her just fine without them.

    The most addon dependent killer I can think of is still ghostface with his recovery. It’s not as important as it used to be but it’s still important.

    Trapper’s 5.3.0 buff mostly eliminated his dependency on trapper bags. PH isn’t really dependent on range addons, it’s just that nearly all the rest of his addons suck so people use range because that’s what’s left.

    I also generally use memorial flower + a tier 3 duration addon on myers, but I think that’s just more of a personal preference I have and not a dependency.

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670

    Spirit without addon is FAR from being the third best killer. She is totally addon dependant to face competent teams. People that say she's fine without addon they don't play Spirit at all or when they play they face noob survivors running like horses that don't even look behind.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    It all just depends on what the devs allow for. If the killer is so weak, we have to use their strongest add-ons to make them feel strong, that's what we'll do. If the killer is strong on their own and don't really have any significant add-ons, we'll just decide what's the best and use that.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I’m actually not so sure that any killer is add on dependent. Most killers addons are kinda meh. Nemesis included.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Why not?

    Maybe I don't have any more?

    Not everyone has every killer at P3 and been playing for 4 years straight. Sometimes you get a daily, and you ain't got squat to work with.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Lol, ok dude. Brown and yellow add-ons are cheap as dirt and even without daily missions you get enough from a single match to do an entire bloodweb. I don’t know how you’re managing to spend bloodpoints and have literally no add-ons on the killer you’re playing but maybe you need to rethink how you’re spending them? 🤷‍♂️

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Amen, brother. No idea why people blindly support this archaic design.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I think add ons should change or spice up a gaming style for the slasher you pick. I'm not too keen on 1%/2%/3% boosts to an attribute. More scratched mirror less filler add on LETS GOOOOOO

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    False. It takes a solid 50,000 blood points to do a bloodweb unless you get an amazing prune.

    Average Survivor match blood is about 20K.

    Average Killer match blood is about 30K.

    So yes, if you are still trying to get everything on every killer, you are not like Bronx sitting on literally 1000 of something on Demogorgon.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    I remember from a Q&A the devs stated that Killers are balanced around having good Add Ons every match, not base kit.

    You can really see this process in play when you read the add ons on new killers and think "why is this not base kit?"

    This was also the main reason it took Trapper 5 years to carry 2 traps without an add on.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited February 2022

    Again, brown and yellow add-ons are exceedingly cheap. And you don’t even need to buy an entire bloodweb to get them.

    I literally do a bloodweb before every single match I play on the killer I’m about to play every night. If you’re wasting all your points trying to get literally everything on every killer that’s your problem in a nutshell.

    P.S. The average endgame scorescreen for killer is 30k, but you actually get more points than that because the bloodpoint offerings and bloodpoint bonuses from perks like BBQ and bonuses from events are added as bonuses on a different screen. That’s why when someone brings Party Streamers, for instance, you actually get around 60k that match.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    That doesn't change my math. My math is correct, you are missing the point.

    Why would I spend 30K bloodpoints to get add-ons to do a daily that rewards me with 30K bloodpoints?

    That defeats the entire purpose.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    First, because you get more than 30k per match when you use offerings, etc. With Streamers you’re getting more like 50-60k for instance.

    Second, who says you need to buy an entire bloodweb to get one or two add-ons? If you really don’t want to buy more than what you’re using that match just buy a couple of add-ons and an offering, maybe a perk, and play the match.

    Third, you’re still overlooking the central point of what I said - if you’re blowing away literally all your points tilting at a windmill of getting literally every perk on every killer then that’s your problem. If you use what you have it’s way, way cheaper.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    You are not operating in the realm of reality if you think the common sub-one year player just has loads of bloody party streamers lying around on every single killer, even ones they do randomly just to clear a daily ritual.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I never said you literally have a streamer every match, but you do almost certainly have a bloodpoint offering available every match. There’s even a yellow that gives you the same personal bonus.

    And I’m saying all this because it’s how I actually play the game. I do a bloodweb a match, prestige when I when I hit 50, play two or three matches a night, and spend extra when I’m over 900-950k to keep from hitting the cap. I just don’t bother tilting at the windmills of completionism.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I do not think it is completionism to say "Hey, I wanna do this Plague daily without spending more bloodpoints on her than I would get for doing the actual daily".

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    You don’t need any specific perks to do Plague’s daily mission.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    That's not the topic. The topic is "Why don't you use add ons?"

    My answer is because sometimes we do dailies for characters we are not actively spending blood on. A counterargument was that "it only costs 30,000 blood to do a bloodweb", which is not only false, but the value of the ritual I am probably doing, make it pointless.

  • YukiShiori21
    YukiShiori21 Member Posts: 46

    Add-on defines how killers apply their ability, that's why it's a ######### system. For example, shape can have such a variety play style with different add-on combination, but the add-on are one time use so after a couple of games they will eventually run out. And by that time i have to beg the blood web to not screw me up by RNG. Don't tell me killers earn lots of BP so the grind won't be that hard. Every killer we play consumes lots of BP and won't necessarily gives me what we need, also there are rarity among the add-ons so wish me luck. I just really hate i have to change my playstyle ever now and then just because i'm leveling up another killer to get those teachable perks.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    No, the topic is why do you feel the need to spend literally all your bloodpoints on a killer you’re not actually playing? And you’re the one saying you can’t finish a bloodweb per game. Considering that’s exactly how I play I know you’re wrong, I do it all the time and am almost always at 900k+ bloodpoints. The answer is the only reason you are short on bloodpoints is a compulsive desire to drill down for all the perks on a given killer. You’re the only one forcing yourself to play that way though,

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    A bloodweb at level 50 without prunes costs an average of 55,000 bloodpoints.

    The max bloodpoints for a killer game is 32,000.

    So unless you are rocking offerings, BBQ and chili stacks, or an event modifier, NO YOU ######### AREN'T.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited March 2022

    Of course I run bloodpoint offerings, why wouldn’t I? And you’re forgetting that it’s not uncommon for some of the other survivors to run Party Streamers or a similar offering which give all players in the match a bonus.

    So yes, I ######### am.

    P.S. you also forgot all the bonus points from a daily mission each night and usually a rift challenge a night, plus occasional giveaway codes on Twitter and the monthly bonus points from Grades.

    P.P.S. I know I’ve mentioned elsewhere if not in his thread I Prestige my characters when they hit 50 because I like resetting and seeing what I get. So I’m also not playing level 50 characters, that number doesn’t apply to me.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Okay, again, this is r/woooshing over your head.

    This isn't a contest of "How much blood can you possibly gain from a match?"

    It's about blood gained from a daily ritual on killers you don't invested enough in enough to always have add ons on because the value of the match is not worth the bloodpoints you would need to be invested, and therefore killers should NOT be add on reliant to be viable.

    Grab a random killer.

    Run them with no offerings, add ons, or BBQ and chili.

    See if you can get 55,000 blood in one match. I'm willing to bet 9 times out of 10, you can't.

  • playhard
    playhard Member Posts: 279

    play killer now is miserable. you must bring add on red to have a good pressure on survivor. unfortunately to grind add on red is really spending your bloodpoint.. that's a disaster

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I think killers being add-on dependent is fine. What I don't like is when a killer is dependent on a single add-on like ghost face is. If there are a variety of strong add-ons for a killer to choose from then I don't mind if the power is dependent on the add-on. An example of the latter would be the Shape.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    No, what’s going over YOUR head is you’re ignoring everything I said about the scenario you’re describing being rare for how I play

    • I almost always use a bloodpoint offering. Why would you assume I’m not using them?
    • It’s not uncommon for someone else in the match to use an offering that doubles everybody’s points that match
    • You’re ignoring the bonus points I get per day from daily missions and rift challenges and also the bonus points I get from giveaway codes, monthly grade rewards and the once a month or so events
    • I prestige all my characters when they hit level 50 because I like resetting them. So I almost never even need 55k in the first place because I’m rarely filling level 50 bloodwebs. And even then, at level 50, the bloodweb contains multiple pairs of add-ons so you don’t even need to fill an entire web to get two add-ons if you ever somehow ran out (which seems unlikely considering how many brown and yellow add-ons get built up by that point.

    The only thing draining your bloodpoints is you feeling you need to drill into a specific killer to unlock all he perks on them. Once you discard that notion and play with the perks you collect naturally over time there’s no issue.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    There might be a problem with making killers not add-on reliant: if the base kit is too strong, then... the add-ons combinations need to barely buff the killer. But if you have a weak base kit, you can make add-ons that really enhances the killer... and different combinations that enhance the killer differently from another trial. So, i think you need to balance between those polar opposites to make the gameplay really interesting.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Spirit is hateful even after the nerf. However it Is true that addons fir killers and items for survivor change too much the game (perks and maps/Rng too). Devs have to balance better, making the game without stuff more enjoy able, and nerf the build stuff, especually meta. Hope they do.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    None of what you just said changes the fact it defeats the purpose of earning 30K if it costs you 30K to clear a bloodweb to get the add ons to do it in the first place.

    And no, I actually find it quite rare for someone on the team to run a teamwide bloodpoint offering. Maybe one game out of ten, if that.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • You don’t need to clear an entire 30k bloodweb to get two add-ons. You get more than two add-ons per bloodweb so clearing a web gives you more than one game’s worth of them
    • I see at least one bloody streamer about every night or two. On top of me sometimes having that or the yellow add-on that does the same thing for my personal score.

    Look, I explained in great detail why your worst case assumptions are wrong in practice and that I do, in fact, complete a bloodweb every match and have done so for quite a long time. Stop trying to tell me it’s impossible for me to play this way when I’ve been doing it for years.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    "Worst case assumptions"

    I just played 8 games in a row and not one person ran any kind of BP offering of any kind.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Well I played six games last night and saw them in two of them. Random is random.

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    Also trapper, myers, wraith, trickster, doctor, clown, billy, pig... legion would be too if all of his addons weren't so weak.