Boon Totems - Changes ideas

Warning: This post has a lot of grammar mistakes and i don't practice writing, so please forgive me and help me fix if you want to.

I know what you are thinking "another boon post? Why killers can't not adapt? Boon totems are totally ok", but true is they aren't ok. Low-tier killers struggles to deal with boon totems, they don't have free time to side objective and can't down fast enough. In additon to this, "hit and run" playstyle is dead and some killers need to play that way in order to win. So i came up with 2 ideas to changes this and small explanation why i think another idea couldn't work (but probably i am wrong):

  1. Hooking the person who boon, automatically snuff totem: The point of this is saving some time for the killer, because some matches you can't stop what you are doing to snuffing a totem.
  2. Manually snuffing apply a 6 s stackable penalty: this gonna make snuff more worth because now it's frustrating that after few seconds that boon get snuffed, they boon again on same place (especially if it's second floor).
  3. (Probably not gonna work) Boon are one-time use: 3 of 4 boon perks bring the killer near your totem and you sometimes can't get any value. So, to not nerf this perks to ground, they need to be map-wide (it's an exaggeration) or have a larger area (that could lead to balance issues in some maps)

What do you think? another post with bad ideas? I'd like to hear other opinions, someone say "bro, you're dumb. That's how you fix it...because..." and i react like "How did I not think of that?"

Ps.: I wrote a lot of game ideas (offerings, all perks, luck mechanics, all add-ons and more) but I don't know which ones to post. If you have a suggestion, say something to post. I like to discuss the game and see other opinions.