an original fix for low bloodpoints survivors and game length/gene rush


As you all have probably noticed there is 2 common complaints in the current meta from both killers and survivors side.

_The first one is the difficulty for survivors to achieve a respectable bloodpoints amount even if they performed quite well.
_ the second one is the generush meta and thus the prevalence of tunneling strat, frustrating flash game and very oriented meta perks.

Is there a simple solution to solve both issues?
I believe so.

During the halloween event the dev team showed how effective secondary "bonus" objectives are when it comes to artificialy extend the match lenght.

On this basis, give every survivor a personal "memory item".
Each of those items begin hidden at a random location of the map.
this memory item is pickable only by the designated survivor, uses the item slot and worth 5000 bloodpoints if you escape with it.


Due to human greediness game lenght will be extended.
Survivors could harvest a bunch of bloodpoints especialy if coordonated and capable.
This is totaly secondary, if you choose to go after your memory you can screw up the whole team, but like in real life: this is on you. You could have ignored it. Now you have blood on your hands, literaly.
Notice that the memory took the item slot. If you exit with it, say goodby to your shiny toolbox. If you go for your memory too early you'll lack your precious item when you will need it the most.
You can imagine perks working alongside this feature for both killers and survivors.

The beauty here lies in the fact that nothing about this feature is affecting the balance of the game.

You just have to rely on human selfishness .
And we are quite reliable.