Wishlist + Suggestions + Issues

24+ hours in and I'm seeing some big issues already. I play with xbox 360 controller.

-- Why is the select button set to invert the camera? We don't need this to be a quick access button. Set it and forget it in the settings menu. How about making it a map button? (more below)

-- PLEASE add a button to switch to a rear facing camera for survivors. It's tricky with the controller to run and turn the camera around to see the killer as you're running. So many unused buttons going to waste. Make it happen.

-- All your descriptions are so wordy. Long descriptions of perk items + Stats + Character quotes = too much going on. You can have it all there - but separate it better with more efficient design. Stats shouldn't be hidden in paragraphs of lore text. U.I. team - Make it looks nicer with more readability. Just tighten up the design.

-- You show exact percentages for some stuff then you use vague terms like "moderately" for others? Nope. One or the other. Bad designers.

-- No chat?? What?? What a lonely and sad game this is where you get to say one sentence to the lobby before the game and maybe GG at the end before the host leaves and chat stops working. (Why does it stop working?) No making new friends. No smack talking. No having fun. What a missed opportunity! It's hard to feel any connection to any other players in the game when they seem like voiceless NPCs. Implement a proximity based voice chat (like F13) yes, a mute function will be mandatory, but the game will be improved 100%. (Discord is an option for friends but I play random pub lobbies where that isn't really an option)

-- SO many items and offerings. Way too many. Seems like many do the same thing as others. Confusing and not a great way to add value to the game. Keep it simple to understand/hard to master. Spend so much time reading your blocks of text just to know what the hell stuff is. It's not iconic enough to stand by icon alone - you're doing it wrong.

-- The grind ain't fun. The dlc is way too expensive. Too many types of currency in game. Hate that #########.

-- Game play is boring. Wish there was more to the game. You just fix generators. That's the main thing. Fixing generators consists of holding a button and waiting. They take awhile to fix. It's not exciting. Reaction skill tests are boring. Can't we find 1 use weapons to help ward off the killer? Why not find parts to help fix the generators? Items to distract the killer? (Throw something to lure the killer?) Not enough game mechanics for game play vs so many stat changing perks+items.

-- Hate the dying state. Crawling should be a touch faster. I wish you could get yourself up after a certain amount of time. Skill checks + Time? I dunno - needs more.

-- Player lives are unclear. I'm surprised by the struggle stage of the hook sometimes. Thought I had more time? Player health bar needs a better design system. Make the screen color start to change or something.

-- Button mashing and wiggling sucks. It's almost 2019 - Let's stop making this a thing. Invent something new. I don't want to break my expensive controller. Struggling should be new skill checks/puzzles/??? Quick time events suck. Wish the skill checks were more interesting. Switch them up.

-- Offerings page looks great but goes by too quickly! There's no time to read any of what is there. Why speed through that page just to take me to the most boring load page that lasts forever? U.I. fail. Combine the offering page with a loading bar and tips if needed. Useful and will make the loading page seem shorter as there will be something valuable to do there.

-- Dedicated servers. The game is unplayable in all RED and most YELLOW ping lobbies. It's to the point when I've given up anytime a chase breaks out. The game lags and jumps around so much any time the killer gets near. Game breaking. This is a priority over any new events, new console porting, new dlc. Your players are turning the game off because of this. I am.

-- I love the stealth part of the game but HATE the chase stuff. Running and knocking down palettes isn't really fun for me. A lot of this is because I'm so new and ######### right now but it feels like 2 different games.

-- Controller play you can't seem to do a lot of the mandatory chase techniques. Spinning, looking behind you while running, So many unused, wasted buttons.

-- No replaying the next game with the same players as last game / lobby?

-- Not really into any of the characters. I like the nerdy guy with glasses and tie. Lots of weird looking faces on the models. Girls all look icelandic or something? haha

-- Wish we could unlock new outfits via game play instead of all paid dlc.

-- Too many stats / rank / level numbers. What? You're showing me a cluster of like 5 numbers? That many and I don't care about any of them. It's not clear in game what they mean. I just care about my player perk number. This is just another design UI flaw. Tighten that ######### up.

-- Can't see what level people are. On game wrap up screen, can't see which player belongs to which name. Design issue.

-- Foreign player names just show as BLOCKS? At least show me the real language characters.

I'm worried there's not enough to keep me in this game.

Me -- Bought the DBD with Halloween dlc on sale. The shape has been underwhelming. Don't enjoy player the killer. Half love playing survivors.

241 hours in F13 - Love playing both counselors and Jason
1175 hours in PD2

Bought all the DLC for both games.


  • hellojello
    hellojello Member Posts: 10

    Let dwight have the clerk worker uniform

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    Why did you again post this again
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @hellojello said:
    Let dwight have the clerk worker uniform

    Also are you okay?

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288
    Alright, so I'm going to quote most of your post and cut out some of the longer paragraphs since it will take up a ton of space otherwise.

    "-- Why is the select button set to invert the camera? We don't need this to be a quick access button. Set it and forget it in the settings menu. How about making it a map button? (more below)"

    If you don't need to use it, then don't XD It's easy to ignore and not all that close to the other buttons.

    "-- PLEASE add a button to switch to a rear facing camera for survivors. It's tricky with the controller to run and turn the camera around to see the killer as you're running. So many unused buttons going to waste.

    -- Controller play you can't seem to do a lot of the mandatory chase techniques. Spinning, looking behind you while running, So many unused, wasted buttons."

    You have to learn to use it, trust me when I say that it's better that way. If you aren't able to look behind you and run at the same time, you aren't all that likely to survive. You need to react to the killer nearly as much as the killer needs to react to you, but you also have to have a running plan, which includes looking in directions that the killer isn't in. There are also moves that completely require you to be able to do so. As for the unused buttons, the devs want the control scheme to be easy to pick up and understand, and they don't want to clutter the control scheme.

    "-- All your descriptions are so wordy. Long descriptions of perk items + Stats + Character quotes = too much going on. You can have it all there - but separate it better with more efficient design. Stats shouldn't be hidden in paragraphs of lore text.

    -- You show exact percentages for some stuff then you use vague terms like "moderately" for others? "

    I think this is more of a personal preference than anything else. A lot of the perks do deal with specific values, but those values are easily affected by others and it becomes a bit of a muddled mess. To each their own I suppose

    "-- No chat?? What?? What a lonely and sad game this is where you get to say one sentence to the lobby before the game and maybe GG at the end before the host leaves and chat stops working. (Why does it stop working?) ... Implement a proximity based voice chat (like F13)"

    The killer is the host of the game, and the chat box is hosted on their side of things. If the killer leaves the end game menu, most things are no longer functioning, including the chat. As for voice chat, this game is meant for you to feel alone in the Entity's realm and there's too much information that could be easily given to the team over voice. DbD is not balanced for players with VC, as SWF is already a bit of a problem. 

    "-- SO many items and offerings. Way too many. Seems like many do the same thing as others. Confusing and not a great way to add value to the game. 

    -- Offerings page looks great but goes by too quickly! There's no time to read any of what is there. ... Combine the offering page with a loading bar and tips if needed."

    The answer to this is rather easy. Learn them. It's overwhelming at first, but in a short amount of time it's easy to start recognizing every individual item by sight and knowing what they do without reading them. The devs have already retired offerings and such, and I have no doubt there's at least a few more they could get rid of with no ill effects to the web balance. As for the offerings while loading idea, I think that's actually a great idea! I love the way the loading screen looks, and by adding an optional tab it would be more interesting while retaining the current looks.

    "-- The grind ain't fun. The dlc is way too expensive. Too many types of currency in game.

    -- Wish we could unlock new outfits via game play instead of all paid dlc.

    -- Too many stats / rank / level numbers. What? You're showing me a cluster of like 5 numbers? That many and I don't care about any of them. It's not clear in game what they mean."

    There's only three currencies, what are you confused about? If you hover over the levels and currencies, they tell you what they do and what you need to know about them. Two of the currencies are for the shop where you buy characters and outfits for them, one for real currency purchased, one for the shop currency earned in game. The third currency is what you level your characters with, also earned in game. Speaking of, there are free DLCs and they are available through steam/psn/xbox store. 

    "-- Game play is boring. Wish there was more to the game. You just fix generators. That's the main thing. Fixing generators consists of holding a button and waiting. They take awhile to fix. It's not exciting.  Items to distract the killer? (Throw something to lure the killer?)."

    The exciting part of the game is the chase. If you aren't good at escaping/winning chases, that might be part of the problem. The main objective is to escape, but it's interacting with the killer that's the fun part. I don't think the gens are meant to be overly exciting, it's the thrill of the quick action that is. There also is a perk that allows you to throw a distraction for the killer, it's one of Adam's teachables. As far as I'm aware, they are working on other game objectives but are being careful. 

    "-- Hate the dying state. Crawling should be a touch faster. I wish you could get yourself up after a certain amount of time. Skill checks + Time? I dunno - needs more."

    Again, perks are your answer here. Tapp has one that lets you crawl faster, Bill has one that lets you get up once from the dying state, and David has one that also lets you get up from the dying state.

    "-- Player lives are unclear. I'm surprised by the struggle stage of the hook sometimes. Thought I had more time? Player health bar needs a better design system. Make the screen color start to change or something."

    Each person can be hooked a max of three times. On the third hook, you have an instant death. Each hook causes you to move to the next stage, and there are two on your bar. The first half (where it says that you can attempt escape) and the second half (where you have to struggle). If you get hooked for the first time and are unhooked after you have already gotten to the struggling point, then you are DoH (Dead on hook). It used to be that you had a lot less time to save someone on the hook, but they increased that quite a bit.

    "-- Button mashing and wiggling sucks. It's almost 2019 - Let's stop making this a thing. Invent something new. I don't want to break my expensive controller. Struggling should be new skill checks/puzzles/??? Quick time events suck. Wish the skill checks were more interesting. Switch them up."

    The button mashing and wiggling are there for a reason. The devs didn't want to add that in initially (RIP space bars everywhere), but they wanted you to feel the discomfort of you screwing up and getting caught. My advice for controller wiggling is to roll the stick in a circle instead of back and forth. It's easier, less harsh, and less noisy as well. If you want varied/harder skill checks, play against the Doctor, Ruin, or Unnerving Presence.

    "-- Dedicated servers. The game is unplayable in all RED and most YELLOW ping lobbies. It's to the point when I've given up anytime a chase breaks out. "

    You definately can win chases in laggy games, you just have to roll with it. It sucks, but you also don't have to play against them. Dedicated servers are great, but very very expensive.

    "-- I love the stealth part of the game but HATE the chase stuff. Running and knocking down palettes isn't really fun for me. A lot of this is because I'm so new and ######### right now but it feels like 2 different games."

    I totally understand where you're coming from with that, and my advice would be to watch streamers and youtube players in chases. Eventually, you'll get to the point where you don't need to throw down pallets very often in order to win, it's all about knowing how to play mind games and being quick on the controller.

    "-- No replaying the next game with the same players as last game / lobby?"

    If you want to do that, make an SWF group. I wish they had a party system, but they don't.

    "-- Not really into any of the characters. I like the nerdy guy with glasses and tie. Lots of weird looking faces on the models. Girls all look icelandic or something? haha"

    Lmao, this seems more like personal preference than anything

    "-- Can't see what level people are. On game wrap up screen, can't see which player belongs to which name. Design issue."

    You aren't meant to see what their level is. Do you know how many people dodge with a P3 Claudette or even a legacy shirt? It's crazy and you aren't supposed to know what skill level that person is going to be at.

    "-- Foreign player names just show as BLOCKS? At least show me the real language characters."

    Tbh, I'm not really sure why they don't show them :P

    "Me -- Bought the DBD with Halloween dlc on sale. The shape has been underwhelming. Don't enjoy player the killer. Half love playing survivors.

    241 hours in F13 - Love playing both counselors and Jason
    1175 hours in PD2

    Bought all the DLC for both games."

    No need to compare DbD to other games. It's clearly its own game with its own balance and mechanics, not all things work in all games. If you wanted PD2 or F13th, then that's what you would play. DbD isn't a mimic of those games :3

    My best advice to you would be to keep playing! 24 hours isn't a super long time and this game has more depth than you think, you'll get more used to it over time. 

    (Excuse any typos, I did this whole thing on my phone :P)

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @FoggyDownpour Thank you for answering his (2nd post) question
    He even edited the 1st one for some reason.

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288
    I saw that after I posted my reply haha. Most of their problems could be solved by playing more anyways :P