Keep stretched for killers

It makes buying body cosmetics worth it
Regardless how funny this is you can't let one side have an unfair, exploitable, advantage while taking that same advantage from the other side. A better idea would be to rework Shadowborn and give the killer players a toggle on their fov.
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"Un-intended" if anything. You can't say it's unfair in an asymmetric game, even more when survivors have 3rd person.
I don't know if this forum only accepts serious suggestions, but there's money involved so i guessed this one is.
I mean I never bought body cosmetics, but this looks like a good way to make them at least visible, to at least fulfill their only purpose. I'm open to read alternatives
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Cool, but no...
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There's 2 options you could combo together Monitor and Abuse with Shadowborn than you're good.
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FOV perks don't stack together
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jesus christ you can do ######### like this??