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Is Trapper Bugged?

mushicore Member Posts: 5
edited March 2022 in Ask the Community

Just played three games as trapper (and got my adept 😏) and in two of those games I faced three bugs.

  • Couldn't place traps for around two minutes.
  • One trap spawned outside the map.
  • A survivor was stuck in the trapped animation temporarily.

Is this common? Is Trapper about to become the new Nurse? I haven't so many notable bugs in such a short timeframe with any other character in the game.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    You can look on the link below if these bugs were already reported by the community (and the upvotes are supposed to indicate how many others have experienced it..)

    if your bugs are not there you can of course create a bug on the matter, optimally you provide more info like screenshots/clips etc.

    as to your bugs, I have played trappet a little bit and havent experienced those bugs at all. But that doesn’t mean anything of course

    bug report section:

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    I would take these over to Bug Reports, as Mooks mentioned: Check and see if they have been reported already and upvote them, otherwise you can open a new report following the guidelines.

    And congrats on getting your Adept Trapper Achievement!

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