FNAF Teaser on Twitter?

So maybe it was teased...
Isn't Maurice the horse's name in canon?
I see tweets saying the "HELP WANTED" is clearly a FNAF sign but I'm not sure a Help Wanted sign post is something unique to FNAF...
Feels like a hell of a reach
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fnaf fans when they see a newspaper
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And so it begins again.
I would like to feed Maurice tho
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I never played FNAF. But what i saw looks nice - i think it could be a nice chapter, so i have no problems with it.
And if the fans like it.
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I don’t think a teaser for DbDs anniversary would be tweeted by the Mobile account, though? But well. Who knows at this point. I still remember that tweet with he bee and candy that totally wasn’t meant to hint at Candyman.
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Hell if they release FNAF on DBD! I dont want more childs on this game!
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Meh I remember when I got shredded for saying that the 1987 in the Hellraiser teaser was meant to be when the movie released, not referencing whatever the hell the bite of 87 is.
Can't really expect people to be logical.
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It is about the similarities to this.
Watch Schmuckles video.
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oh this guy?
over half of his videos being random clickbait theories with basically no evidence?
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It shares a grand TWO words.
Color me unimpressed
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wasn’t Hellraiser at the point of that teaser pretty much the license that most people expected it to be, partly because of the year?
but. Well. I don’t actually expect people to be logical on these forums
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A lot of people thought that, yeah.
That entire incident basically cemented my hatred of FNAF. Even in the face of it obviously not being FNAF, people decided to double-down and spam.
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But there are already thoughts on FNAF and then this kinda similar wording?
The last game is named Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted
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Security Breach was the most recent game. December 2021.
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It is now obvious the next killer is J. Jonah Jameson who attacks survivors demanding pictures of the spider people from the last tome who he has confused with Spiderman.
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Ackshyually, the name “Dead by Daylight” having the letters i,e,g,h,t,a,d,y is a clever reference to the hit game, “Five Nights at Freddy’s”, which also has those same letters. Also, “by Daylight” means it is currently night, and that you will be dead, by daylight. Just like how “Nights” is referring to how FNAF takes place at night, just like DBD. Also, you can die in DBD and FNAF. Coincidence? I think not! “IEGHTADY” can be reordered to “EIGHT DAY” and it means FNAF will actually be out in eight days. Anyways, please like and subscribe to my channel and click the link below to see more exclusive content! Byeeee!!11!
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I sincerely doubt they'll touch FNAF because it will split an already fractured community. I imagine they're looking for a good win right now and FNAF is NOT the way to get it.
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Omg. You know what else is likely?? Maybe the anniversary chapter will be based on that asymmetrical horror game ‚Dead by Daylight‘ from 2016!!!??? It also shares those letters with this game just like Fnaf!
there are plenty of possible characters on both sides that could fit well! And maybe we could get a new map with actual fog in it!
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BTW that's not to say I don't want FNAF in DBD I actually do if for no other reason than I find the people who cry about it hilarious and want to see the blow up from it being confirmed, I just don't think this is it.
I wouldn't expect a teaser until next month at the earliest.
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I don´t think it will divide much - it will bring new players. Thats it. If they stay after a few matches with the recent experience is a different thing.
What license will be better? (Except from Jason and Chucky and IT and Aliens and Predator - these would be liked overall i think)
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Part of me wants Fnaf because of that as well….
but there are also so many other licenses I would rather see..
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Is it already time for the annual FNAF fan spam on the DbD forums?
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There were even people saying that the teaser and all the clues pointing to Hellraiser (literally the word HELL and the letters R, A, I, S, E. Also a pin on a background image) were just a "Red Herring" and that the actual killer would be Springtrap. Videos with this "theories" are still on youtube if you look for it.
It was so ilogical and ridiculous it ended up being funny.
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It’s not really annual but permanently on-going. Though it has been kinda quite on that front recently..
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Yeah, it will.
FNAF's horrid community and awful reputation follow it around. No way BHVR wants that near them after the NFT debacle.
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Seems like a bit of a stretch but ya never know. I really hope not though.
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You mean in contrast to the nice DBD community here :-)
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I don't know anything about FNAF, why it would split community
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If we get the fnaf community we might actually be worse than the nuclear wasteland levels of LoL.
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It's been 3 days since a new chapter released and next one hasn't been announced yet, ofcourse it's time for the unnecessary spam.
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It would be a very controversial license.
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Omg no way they released another FNAF teaser? This must be like the millionth if we're counting the other teasers over the last couple of years. I'm sure this teaser will be different ...
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Fans vs Fans.
But i doubt it really would split anyone.
But again - if they could get Aliens, Predator, Chucky, IT or Jason - people will surely like that very much.
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So there 2 different groups. One wants it in game and other one hates. Am i correct?
Because i really don't know anything about FNaF, not my taste. And i never played any of FNaF games.
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Maybe it turns out like Pinhead. With more clues in a total different direction.
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The creator has some...issues in his past which could upset a lot of minority groups.
The actual game isn't very good.
It's community is actually horrid.
It's basically geared towards kids, or at least people younger than me.
I'm sure someone else could give you a better breakdown, but I'm really tired.
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Something like that, correct.
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Okey thanks. I understood enough i guess. I would not mind to see FNaF in DbD but i wanna see something more popular. Like Alien, Terminator, Chucky, Jason, Scooby Doo, It etc. They all are great licenses. If FNaF will create more problems, it should not add.
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And DBD is this shining beacon of what a healthy community looks like?
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BHVR > Scott
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Ah #########, here we go again.
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clink 🍻
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Whats funny is if it does get added people will just complain about it for a week and move on lol.
Not like adding a character out of 27 other killers is gonna ruin your game.
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What the ######### is wrong with you FNAF Fans?
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I think only a small amount of players would be unhappy about Springtrap (or any FNAF-Character) being added to the game. Personally, I dont even hate the games, they were a fun concept before they added 33 parts of it.
However, more annoying are the Fans of this franchise, because they see a FNAF-Teaser in basically everything.
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I hope not. FNAF fan base is in pretty great shape, don’t want dbd fans infecting it. No toxicity please
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Oh absolutely not, but I promise DBD isn't as bad as it can get. Not even close.
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I mean as much as some of the fnaf community is filled with dickheads, dont let that be the main point of why you hate fnaf, while I love the fnaf franchise, there are some glaring flaws that can make it hateable
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Y'know, I've been in the pro-FNaF camp for a while, but at this point I'm pro-FNaF less because I think Springtrap would be neat, and more because I just want it to be over and everyone shut up about it.
I'm absolutely sick of the constant arguing threads every couple months, from both those who hail FNaF's arrival at the drop of a hat (this teaser does look promising, though), and the naysayers who just can't let some people hope for the license they want to hope for.
Can we all please just take a breath, acknowledge FNaF is a possibility, regardless how big or small, let the 6th Anniversary play out and what happens happens.