About penaltys

Hello behavior, is not a secret, the game rigth now punishes you for dying to quickly even if is not your fault, thats why, i still don't know why the game punishes me if mi team mates for example DC, the game is over for me because no one do gens, so killer just need to kill me rigth away and i lost a rank for that and even imposible to reach red ranks, to mention another example, if the killer camp a survivor to death, the game punishes you for something is out of your control, and again you lost a rank for that, is possible in the future do something to control that? Because as solo q i want to fully enjoy the game but is almost impossible to reach certain goals for that
True that really sucks maybe they should make it so you can't de pip if someone dc that should be enough. On the facecamp matter they are actively working on it and try to find a good solution to this its just not easy