Question to the VETERAN/EXPERT players: what do you think of the CURRENT balancement state of Dbd?



  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    That's a problem of the killer in general imo, just how 1 single perk makes you completely silent, problem that should be addressed in some way imo. Problem that amplifies if people on PC, that consoles cannot do, change the audio quality from the game user settings file from 0 to 2, use equalizers (much harder to get on console), and have 1000 $/€ headphones because sounds mixed with the chase music make it so hard to track everything. Inconsistent design overall still.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Ye I agree, I think Iron will shouldnt be a thing in the first place. Perks like Parental guidance where you kinda "earn" the stealth are fine, but not iron will that gives you constant that silence.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    Parental guidance is my new anti Blight/Nurse perk, if they eat DS I just disappear forever XD, especially in indoor maps.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    Fair enough opinion, but a team in communication doesn't always beat a killer, I've completely destroyed and made rage quit some teams that the match before bullied me when I was Wraith just because they weren't prepared for Hag.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    I disagree on a lot of things, I hardly disagree that Dbd is regressing, maybe it's doing some steps back with Circle of Healing, and who said the devs are trying to go back to some broken stuff of old Dbd? They're just experimenting different stuff, worst case scenario they thought Circle of Healing was fine both for casuals and premade groups, which it isn't.

    There are no m1 killers anymore, all have a chase power and the ones that almost don't have it are Trapper, Wraith, Legion, Ghostface and Pig. With Sadako you can do some mindgames with the invisibility that are nutty.

    Sadly the devs have to keep up with content for many reasons, and they said many times they won't do a health chapter because they can do both balancement and content at the same time and as Almo said more devs in one area doesn't necessarily mean faster updates.

    Bugs are not even close to being very very bad, I haven't have a bug in a game for a very long time playing both survivor and killer, and those times there's a bug it's just on one killer such as the new Nurse omegablinks bug. The balancement of core game mechanics is the problem overall.

    SBMM is not a problem, it's better than nothing and people are just putting their frustration on it. Go watch the video OhTofu made on it, it's quite detailed. SBMM just underlined the problem of tunneling and camping and facecamping, that's it.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited March 2022

    That's just incompetent team, isn't it? you literally said they weren't good against hag.

    What's important is more usual gameplay with average killers or tourney with same skill level, no killers other than nurse/blight does good without perk restrictions and such, and on average gameplay survivors on comms have like dozen perk worth of advantage which can easily make the game almost unwinnable.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    At their best yes, they do. Especially if they all bring overcome they can win a match just holding W.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    You don't get it, do you?

    What a waste of time this thread turned out to be.

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    level of being veteran or physical limit to call someone veteran this game low, so i don’t think expert of this game means much

    but company doing good, new contents and somewhat changing mean a lots

    they creating new contents unlike other dead games, only problem they not targeting certain point in adjusting

    like weekend players, wraith nerf and hit detection change of dh and pallet seems they buffed majority of user pick

    which is survivor, so now even more swarming of survivors, same builds, and same killer picks because most wm1 is trash

    pallets and windows feels too safe now, everyone can greedy to mork most killer if they playing on pc

    but surprisingly there no killer whiners here, either they quitted killer long ago like me

    even all killing most rounds with nurse not worthy to tire my eyes that much

    and no worthy to dealing with hostile swf, they throw ######### opponent no matter what,(i never see chat as survivor now)

    personally i think solo queue playing is fine, dead by daylight only balanced when survivors including 2human/2apes

    this not apply when killer is nurse or blight, 1ape can lead all kill in this case

    but most wm1s? even if killer player better both killer and survivor than individual 4survivors

    theres no way to all kill if survivors not make lots of mistakes, and one miss as wm1 can lead to 0~1kill + exit teabags of someone

    but least they didn't changed windows, from this i think they knowing deadline of balance

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited March 2022

    We have very diferrent opinion then because i disagree with the most you say.. for example:

    Do you really think DBD its not regressing when they are bringing back broken and unbalanced mechanic? This question answer itself DH unfairly extend chases for to long like old jungle gyms and CoH inmediatly kills some tactics and even killer power like Legion...

    You think the new SBMM its ok and better than the old one? Its not, and I encourage you to draw your own conclusion instead or following your favorite streamer/youtuber on duty.. the old one was more accuarate im talking about the emblem system, that one was almost perfect yet for some stupid reason the devs decided to scrap it.

    And SBMM has asbolutely nothing to do with tunneling and camping you have no idea of what you are talking, because this game despite it have some competitve wanna be feels, its not and no body gives a ######### about ranking up and more than ever when the SBMM is invisible.

    Tunneling and camping was greatly increased in the last month because of the unfair mechanics the devs brought, DH and DH validation, and boons and the not so popular yet fair pallet validation. All this things mixed together extend chases for so long that force most killer to tunnel and camp. Nothing more nothing else, this is the true reason.

    You also say there are not M1 kilers anymore yet you name 5 that exist and thats not a little portion at all..

    I have to disagree with you also with the thing "the devs have to keep up with the content", let me answer you that.. they dont, they do it because of the money don't be so naive, they are a great company they are not a random indie studio anymore. They can afford to take some time to polish the game with and without releasing new content, yet they decide to focus on new content more than anything "quantity over quality" its their motto, and anyone can see that from miles away.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636
    edited March 2022

    Game is balanced well all things considered. Is it HEALTHY? No. Not really. But the game is still much more balanced than it ever has been.

    Some perks need to be changed on both sides and some killers should be completely nuked and reworked (looking at you Myers and Legion)

    Also the community is so damn toxic. This Us vs Them thought process is so damn tiring.

    Post edited by xBEATDOWNSx on
  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    You're just falling into the biased whataboutism: just because the other side, so the survivors, have insanely broken stuff, it doesn't mean it's justified to have unfunny to play against add-ons and perks.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    DH is broken, I know and I think everyone can agree, it's been broken since 2017 when David came out. CIrcle of healing is not a problem on legion, because if they're all together near the boon you can injure almost everybody, and if they're spread out they gotta waste a ton of time to run to the boon.

    I say SBMM is better than nothing despite EVERYBODY says the opposite: Dowsey, Scott Jund, Tru3ta1ent, MrGimms, and many others. The problem with the emblem system is that you gotta give a number to the emblems to translate them into an SBMM system, which creates a big problem, and was far from being perfect.

    SBMM matters, because those killers who snowball and kill more go up with the ranking, because that's the WIN CONDITION, and those are the ones who tunnel and camp/facecamp with Nurse/Blight/Bubba because it's the strongest thing you can do with them. And the teams that are more coordinated and wanna have always a 4 man out are the ones who go up.

    Pallet validaton has been improved for killers with the recent update even if nothing has been said in the patch notes, the validation is much better. I know, killers have to tunnel and camp because that's what makes them win more, which goes along perfectly with what the SBMM system does, so it exposed bad game mechanics.

    Which other m1 killers? all the other ones have an anti loop power, but not all of them are as good to counter the shift W playstyle or maps like The Game, that's the problem.

    Do you remember the McLean patch? That was quality over quantity, no doubt. Also as the devs, M. Cote himself on camping, and Almo rumoured, big changes are coming.

    Btw we don't know if the departure from Starbreeze that started in 2018 is over or not, so they might be forced to push out content just for that. Just with the Q and A they demonstrated that they wanna be more open towards the community, so things are looking bright in my opinion!

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    Exactly, there are a lot of biases towards one side or the other, and one of the few ones who is not biased and is always very constructive and positive, other than a very sweet person, is @Otzdarva in my opinion.