The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

The grind is unbearable

Note: this thread is NOT about prestige/cosmetics, is about being able to enjoy killers

This only matter as a killer, because survivor doesnt change the game at all playing one or another, so having one full perk is enough to enjoy the game fully.

As a main killer I like to switch between killers every one or two games but this is almost impossible with the actuual way the game works

We need to get every perk with one killer around 15 million BP (less or more depending how many perks do you have unlocked), A LOT of bloodwebs and well, I don't need every perk but sometimes I really want to play one build and that perk I need I had to use more than 7 million BP to get it at lvl 1.

This is frustating as a main killer and after a while playing for 1-2 months I always leave the game for another 4-5 months because I really want to have the opcion to choose more killers, I don't know how many hours I have because I play on PS4/PS5 but I'm devotion 5 so I think is not few hours

After that many hours, I have like 5-6 killers with playable builds, I try to play with killers without perks or non meta perks at all but well, here mmr strikes I have high mmr as a killer how should I be counter a full SWF full perks and loadout without items and perks (I'm not complaying about balance right now)

so I really think this game needs a change on this ASAP, busy main killers who can play a few hours/day max deserve to be able to level every killer without needing years.


  1. Make perks only have one lvl, I think this has been proposed and maybe its hard to balance due to perks having different bonuses at every lvl, I think every perk should be only lvl 3 but I don't know if this is possible game-wise
  2. After lvl 50, let us choose one perk that will appear on the next bloodweb - the grind to have every perk will be the same but at least this would let us make builds faster after we reach lvl 50 with the killer
  3. Make unlocked perks shared between killers/survivors - this reduce the grind to almost 0 for perks, but we still have every prestige 3 killer and survivor
  4. Let us pay for something like x2 BP for 30 days - 1000 auric or something like that - this is the most scummy fix, but even this is better than nothing.

Some notes about proposals:

The bloodweb was "balanced" when we had like 6-7 killers and survivors, with the actual amount the grind is just insane

I say this affects more killers than survivors, but ofc every change I proposed would be for both killer and survivors, this would make survivors be able to play with more survivors because they can unlock builds faster (and maybe buy more skins for another characters behaviour... I don't have a nea skin because I don't want to get every perk again)

Please, do something. I know you said you're working on this, but you said that years ago too...