Groovy New Prestige Addons When?

Auric Addons! Basically they only appear in the bloodwebs of Survivors/Killers after they have been prestige, the addons are meant mainly for spooks/fun and do not get consumed after being used (since they are prestige rewards) As of right now I don't have many ideas for survivor addons or Survivor specific addons, feel free to add some, like a baseline unbreakable on Bill or some jazz that doesn't take up a perk slot that other survs can't use, that kinda jazz.
We'll start with Ghostface, his addons are simplest.
Brand New Camera: Nightshroud Cool down has been reduced by 50%. You can no longer expose survivors by stalking. After stalking a survivor that survivor's aura will be revealed for the duration of the stalk, hitting a survivor no longer removes stalk progress. "Noice"-The Ghost Face
Ancient Camera: When a survivor reveals you during chase, the Ghost Face, and the survivor that is being chased, are blinded for 2 seconds. Survivors that stun or blind the Ghost Face cause the Camera to momentarily explode, blinding any survivor within a 5-meter radius for 2 seconds. Attacking to break nightshroud does not trigger this effect. "This camera isn't mine I swear"-The Ghost Face
Entities Jaws: Survivors caught by bear traps suffer from the broken status effect for 80 seconds and hindered for 10. (Basically, even if the trapper picks them up, or they get rescued, or escape, they will always suffer those effects)
Steel-Toe Boots: You no longer can trigger your own traps! "Why didn't I think of this before?"- Trapper
Zues Lightning: Greatly Narrows the beam of Shock Therapy. Shock Therapy Damages survivors for 1 health state. Shock Therapy cool down is greatly increased. This addon Trumps other Addons
Zues Nova: When static blast makes a survivor scream that survivors aura is revealed for 2 seconds. Static Blast no longer inflicts Madness. "Come over here! I promiss I will heal you!"-Ze Ubermench (medic mains rise up)
Vertebra Shackle(yur god damn right): Hitting a survivor with a surprise attack causes all injured survivors to scream and reveal their auras for 4 seconds.
Ethereal Bell: While the Wraith Uncloaks, illusions of himself begin uncloaking behind any injured survivors. "Who spiked my beer?"-Some guy probably
Glowing Fuel: When the Hillbilly begins his chainsaw sprint, illusions of himself sprint towards 2 randoms survivors, colliding with them and causing them to scream revealing their location for 3 seconds, if the Hillbilly stops his sprint early the illusions also vanish. The Hillbilly cannot see these illusions. These illusions share the Hillbillies Terror Radius (imagine the spooks)
Diamond Tipped Blades: Survivors hit by the Chainsaw are inflicted with Deep wounds and the Broken status effect until the next time they are downed. The Chainsaw no longer downs survivors.
Meat freezer: Instead of Hooks meat freezers are randomly placed throughout the map, 2 survivors can be placed within the same meat freezer at a time. Putting a survivor in a meat freezer counts for 1 hook state, Survivors can preemptively sabotage the meat freezer by picking the lock, only allowing 1 survivor to be placed within at a time and allowing survivors placed within the ability to escape. once a survivor is placed in the freezer a second time a survivor must pick the lock in order to rescue their comrade. Once a survivor is killed within the meat freezer the entities claws come fourth from the ground and consumes them. (ripped the idea off someone else, sounds heckin groovy tho)
Diamond tipped Blades: Same as Billy, because Chainsaws and all that jazz.
Auric Glass: When the Spirit comes out of Yamaoka's Haunting a false Spirits will appear behind the nearest 2 Survivors outside of a chase and strike at them, causing them to scream and reveal their location for 2 seconds. This false Spirit cannot damage survivors. (BOO!)
Ancient Mask: The spirits blood awakens and boils, after killing 2 survivors, if any generators are left standing, the next time the Spirit uses Yamaoka's Haunting she turns into the Oni for the rest of the Trial. Her perks, offerings, and Addons will be removed during this time. This addon trumps all other perks and addons. (sounded groovy in my head, just imagine getting chased by the spirit one second, turning around and seeing the Oni)
Breath of Silence: After hitting a survivor with a successful blink, if you are undetectable your noises are also reduced by 90% until the next time you hit a survivor. This has a cool down of 5 seconds. (stelth)
Survivor! Diversion rework, A new item! And new Auric addons! After prestiging a survivor these addons will be unlocked in the bloodweb of that survivor!
New Item!
The Pebble! The pebble can be found in rubble piles throughout the map, they are especially common around hooks, and windows, with anywhere from 3-4 pebbles in each pile, pebbles collected from piles have 2-5 charges, with a 45 second CD between each use.
A survivor can use the pebble in a similar way they'd use Diversion! Pebbles have about 2-5 charges each, after throwing a pebble a survivor must either collect the rock they threw, or get another one from a different pile.
To collect a pebble a survivor must place any item they are currently carrying down.
Offerings do not affect pebbles.
Survivors cannot take pebbles out of the trial.
Diversion rework!
The CD between pebble uses is reduced by 100% while within the killers terror radius, you can now carry a pebble and another item at the same time! (ez pz)
Iridescent Ink: Using the secondary action button, Any generator that is 50% complete and discovered by the map will be highlighted in White as long as it is not regressing and above 50%, the map is consumed 300% slower this way.
Gold Laced Thread: Unlocks the ability to track Windows and Pallets
Energy Tablets: Healing a survivor that is both injured and exhausted will recover their exhaustion once they are fully healed With the Medkit. This addon can not be used on yourself.