Game Mode: Capture the Generator

New game modes have been requested for a while now, but players aren't suggesting what kind of modes we are looking for. I was thinking about a game mode that is similar to 'capture the flag' where two teams of 5 (4 survivors and 1 killer make a team) compete to finish the other sides generators. The map would have to be large of course for this to work.

Role of the Killer: The killer would be the main defense of the teams generators. The killer would be the only character able to directly injure the opposing survivors but cannot pass the midline or enter the enemy's side/ base. The killer would still be able to kill and and hook survivors. If all of one teams survivors are eliminated that team loses.

Role of the Survivor: Complete gens on the opposing side and survive to win. Survivors can choose to enter the enemy's side or, stay on their own. If the survivors stay home-side, they may be able to set up "traps" that will help their teams killer easily down the infiltrators. The traps cannot cause injury but would be able to slow/ reveal the location of those that trigger it. By setting a trap, the survivor would be unable to cross the midline for X amount of seconds.

Other Information: Since the opposing killer cannot cross the midline, if the survivor(s) still have this cooldown, that team loses. (Ex. If all four survivors set a trap, that team instantly loses since none can cross) At least one survivor must be on the enemy's side at all times. If the last survivor leaves, they'll receive a warning to turn back or lose the game. The killer can also set non-lethal traps, but takes longer to set-up.

Of course this sounds like a completely new game and adds a competitive objective but its one suggestion, of many more to come, about the addition of game modes. I have a lot of of ideas I think are fun in different game modes for this game. Is there any insight for the addition of other game modes?