Blight needs a token rework (and addon rework for tokens)

DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Most killers in DBD have a major drawback as a result of their power. Wraith cant attack while invisible and can be burned by a torch/flashlight. Nemesis moves slower when he tries to whip you. LF can be stunned for a very long time if he hits an object with his chainsaw. Nurse moves very slowly when not blinking - and yet is still the best killer in the game.

Nurse got nerfed and is still the strongest killer in DBD. She has to use blink cooldown addons or blink distance addons. The latter could use an adjustment so that the nurse stops blinking faster but instead has more potential max distance and therefore has more charge time required to get there - but this is a matter for another day. Many people were against the Changes to Nurse but before she became addon dependent she was clearly overpowered. The nurse would blink twice and then hit a survivor. After recovery she would sometimes blink once for distance (not always necessary) and then blink twice to down the survivor. About 90% of chases against a good nurse were exactly like this. Generally speaking most survivors hated playing against it because it made them feel powerless (like back when they were a new player to DBD and could not loop).

Nearly everyone will agree Blight is the second best killer. Blight is tied with Hillbilly for having the fastest movement in the game but unlike Billy Blight can just press a button and move at incredible speed without needing to charge his power. Overall Blight spends too much time dashing around the map with very little time in cooldown. It reminds me of how pre-nerf Billy used to play where you could use your saw infinitely to move around and then you had it for chases. When you play Blight there is very little time spent "walking" like the rest of the other killers do. This gives him an extreme advantage over other killers because he has the agility to move rapidly around the map with his power and he has it available for chases. Even Legion does not have this benefit.

What on Blight needs to be reworked?

  1. Base power regeneration rate needs to be slower.
  2. The adrenaline vial addon needs to be reduced in value/power.
  3. The alchemist's ring needs to be reduced in value/power.

If these three things get adjusted fairly then Blight can stay a strong killer but not feel super oppressive to play against. If you've ever played against a blight not using either of the two addons mentioned above you probably had a really fun game - Blight was strong but not able to counter you no matter what.

Blight needs a large reduction in how fast he gets his power back. He has five tokens by default and gets his tokens back at a rate of  2 seconds per Token. He has two addons that increase this rate. When you Compare Pre-Nerf Spirit to Blight it doesn't seem right that she has to wait a longer time to get her power back to be able to go a much shorter distance. Why does Blight get his power back so much faster? Why does his power not take much longer than spirit considering he moves even faster? Currently when using the Adrenaline Vial Blight gets his full power back after 6 seconds.

-Suggested base power regeneration rate reduced from 2 seconds per token to 3 seconds per token. Much like the current Nurse this would almost certainly require most blight players to want to use addons to increase token regeneration rate. (If this is too much then suggest changing his regeneration rate to 2.5 seconds so that when you use the buffed addon I mention below he would be back to 2 tokens per second).

Spirit gets her power back after 15 seconds of cooldown and cannot go nearly as far or as fast as Blight. Three seconds per token would make Blight take fifteen seconds to get his power back. Unlike Spirit or Nurse Blight also has full movement speed when not using his power. He takes a brief stun after a rush but can instantly charge at survivors at an incredible speed (making chases very short). Changing Blight's power regeneration rate would require the killer to spend some time walking to catch up. This would put him closer in line with the other ~22 killers who move extremely slowly by comparison.

Players who are able to precisely make hits with few bounces would be largely unaffected.

The Shredded Notes addon for +0.33 power regeneration is not a problem as it also comes with -1 max token charge (suggest changing this addon to +0.5 power regeneration to adjust for overall reduced power rate). The addon for + 1.0 token per second is a problem - this addon, Adrenaline vial, gives him +2 charges, increases his max speed and his max turning angle.

-Suggest changing the Adrenaline vial as folllows : While using this addon all charges are expended at the end of any rush. Blight is not able to perform a rush until he has the maximum number of charges.

This would force the Blight to be very careful about when they use their power while they have this addon. It would mean they cannot use the power to zoom around the map and expect to be able to have it for chases too.

This would also allow survivors a chance to create distance if Blight misses his bounce chain - something that is currently missing because Blight with the current adrenaline vial gets his power back way too quickly. It doesn't matter when you miss because the recovery time is so short and the speed at which you move is so high.

-Suggest changing the Alchemist's ring to set maximum charges to 3 down from 5 charges.

This too would force the Blight to be more precise with his power. He could no longer bounce 4 times to zoom across the map and then refresh his power by hitting someone on the 5th bounce. This would also reduce how far he can go when not as a chase as a function of reduced token count.

This has the potential to make an addon like the Iridescent Blight Tag more valuable by reducing the number of times you need to "waste bounces".

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • camden_cowboy_emoji
    camden_cowboy_emoji Member Posts: 27

    The base kit changes are too much imo, just nerf the Addons

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    To me, five rush tokens is ridiculous too. The amount of mobility and second chances it provide him in chase is just too good at base. If you hate Dead Hard but play Blight with the strongest stuff, I don’t care about your opinions.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Look how quickly Blight gets his power back compared to every other killer. Look what Blight can do with his power : he can nearly run across the entire map.

    So you're ok with Blight's power being better than 23/25 killers? You're ok with his power coming back faster than killers like Legion?

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    I don't think Blight needs Nerf (although I think he's a great tunneler), The problem is that MMr who is distributing the matches poorly, I see a lot of people leaving the lobby, so people of different levels end up joining because of that , What often makes killers seem stronger than they really are.

    Survs have a lot of resources and perks to deal with killers (although I miss an in-game communication chat) I think the time is to buff the other killers that are weak and not nerf the stronger ones

    About the Alchemist's ring, I don't know if it needs to be nerfed, but they could increase its rarity

  • kaskader
    kaskader Member Posts: 283
    edited March 2022

    Nerf alchemist ring that's literally it and he's perfect. Don't nerf the very balanced killer because some baby survivors can't counter him

  • camden_cowboy_emoji
    camden_cowboy_emoji Member Posts: 27

    Yes, he’s fine and killers like legion aren’t, the punishment is becoming an 115 movement speed killer for 10 seconds for blight, if it helps you can count rush tokens to know when he’ll rush again. But killers like legion are severely underwhelming and should be adjusted 100%.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 598

    I personally think that his base kit is fine but his add-ons need to be relooked at if anything.

    The one thing that I am starting to hate is when someone sees a blight, they end up DCing out auto throwing, I don't blame them however.