Yall hook campers listen... (mini guide for beginners)

FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

first of all i do find survivor side stronger and i do play 80% of my matches as killer... Now i dont want any discussions about CoH dead hard etc. i have 2 simple questions and 1 point to make

My first question is How does hook camping solve the problem of you not getting any kills?

My 2nd question is How are you going to imrpove if you dont take the L and learn to chase instead?

Ok so im gonna put it short and simple when you complain about not being able to get a kill ASK YOURSELF WHY!?!?

there are some rules of thumb you can use and there are som stuff you need to do before picking up a chase

So im gonna start with before the chase. So when you see a survivor and you are about to start a chase think about a few things... First of all Is this a good chase? are they far away, close which loops do they have. If they are in shack maybe its better to go for someone else. 2nd after your first few chase you need to IDENTIFY WHICH SURVIVOR IS GOOD AT LOOP and WHICH ONE IS THE WEAK LINK!!!... Now i usually dont recommend tunneling but if you cant catch the good survivor look for someone else maybe someone that isnt as good...

Ok so lets say your in a chase a simple rule you can follow is that if you havent gotten a pallet or a hit within 15 seconds you have made an mistake... (there are some exceptions where it might take longer like at shack or a jungle gym...) but generally speaking withing 15 seconds you should have gotten a hit or they should have dropped a pallet...

2nd if you complain about survivors only looping the strong loops. Try zoning them out. if they run to shack run inbetween if possible and cut them off... this will force them to run the opposite direction or well take a hit...

3rd dont mind game to much if its an unsafe pallet sure you can attempt a mindgame but YOU CANT MINDGAME A PALLET THAT TAKES 11 SECONDS TO RUN AROUND!!!! just kick it (like shack just kick it, jungle gyms kick it)

edit: Remember that if you hook someone thats 1 person not doing gens. if you chase someone while someone is hooked thats 2, now if they want to unhook him they need another guy to go for it so THATS 3 PEOPLE NOT SITTING ON GENS!!!

Lastly i usually complaing about hookcamping and i do find it really boring but i hope this can help atleast one of you to rethink the reason your hookcamping and maybe start seeing your losses as an opportunity to improve. There might be some youtubers that are happy to review your footage and make a video about it, if not record your match and review it yourself start thinking WHY didnt i catch him WHY was that chase so long instead of just giving up and hook camping 1 - 2 kills :)

PSST keep the comments friendly and positive no DS, DH, CoH complaing dont complain about maps etc. I know that some maps have an insane amount of pallets :p

Post edited by FlameGNG on
