A Action Replay function?

Martine1979 Member Posts: 58
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello there.

I have played Fortnite for some time and it would be awesome if something like that existed here too. To find cheaters for example. it can help to report bad players better too.

Or has this subject been wrote before on this forum?

I edit my OP post to right title. sorry but I must be very tired and sleepy when i first wrote it. sorry for confusing. ^^;

Post edited by Martine1979 on


  • DriplordDrew
    DriplordDrew Member Posts: 246

    I am confused what you mean by reporting bad players? Like they played bad? They wouldn't let the killer get them or they killed all 4 survivors?

    There is away to report cheaters but there needs to be video evidence that they cheated otherwise you could get someone banned for not actually cheating.

  • Martine1979
    Martine1979 Member Posts: 58

    Now I notice i misspelled reply. It should be a action replay function, not reply.

    I first notice it today. I must be very sleepy when i wrote this thread. XD