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Spirit Add-ons Stacking Calculations

e1ix Member Posts: 66

Spirit has add-ons that 

  • give her phase-walk duration (base 5.0 charges)
  • modify her phase-walk power recovery rate (base 0.333 charges/second)

This gives her a total recovery duration of 5.0/ 0.333 = 15 seconds.

Let's start with her duration add-ons. Her duration add-ons also give her faster recovery per second because the total power duration remains constant at 15 seconds.

So, the yakuyoke amulet (+3.5 s duration) gives her an improved recovery rate of 8.5/ 15 = 0.567 charges/second. 

When we consider her power recovery rate add-ons, they also improve the total time required to gain her full power. 

So, for example, the rusty flute ( +0.08333 charges/second) reduces the time required for her to gain her power to 5/ (0.333 + 0.08333) = 12.01 seconds.

Combining duration and recovery rate add-ons

When we use one duration and one recovery add-on, how do they stack? Because the duration add-ons also affect her power recovery rate, can someone explain how to calculate the net recovery rate and total time for recovering her power fully? 

Please do correct me if my math is wrong anywhere.