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A Myers Simp's Suggestions for Him

Letholldus Member Posts: 49
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Michael Myers DBD Ideas:

This is my personal list of ideas, changes, and flavors for Michael Myers. Myers is not only one of my favorite slashers in movie history, but one of my favorite killers in DBD. Despite his consistently low rating given by most streamers and community members, I still enjoy playing him a great deal, but I would be lying if I said he is up to par with the current killer lineup in the game. And with his map finally getting a facelift, and a balance rework. I honestly hope the killer himself gets the same treatment soon.

I’ve seen loads of people make similar posts in different places including here, but most of them tend to ask for add-ons as base kit, faster stalking, etc. And these are good ideas, and some are here. I just wanted to toss my hat in the ring and also maybe offer ideas that add to the killer’s power as well.

Below is a list of these ideas. Some, I’ve heard from others, streamers, friends, others I came up with myself, or at least have not seen anyone else mention such ideas. Some are clearly better than others IMO, but that doesn't mean others are a totally bad concept. I’m particularly fond of the little easter egg idea at the bottom as it’s simply pure flavor. Anyway! The point of the list is to just share ideas and hope perhaps devs may see it and know that people still want change, and perhaps even be inspired by such ideas. With that said, I’d also like to note that this is not a list of “Everything I want him to have” otherwise he’d become extremely overpowered if he got all of these buffs! This is more of a pick and chooses your flavor situation, perhaps he may only need one of these to level him out, or perhaps a couple? It’s up to you to decide that. And please feel free to share your own Myers ideas below! My personal favorites will be marked with a star( * )! Values are suggestions/placeholders and can be changed.


When a survivor has been fully stalked for evil within, they can be mori'd from the dying state with a unique animation if they are on death hook. (Such a power would likely call for a rework to his tombstone add-ons)


* When a survivor has been fully stalked for evil within, their aura can be seen through walls while stalking within an 8-meter radius. Of course, stalking does not work in evil within 3 so this would be a buff for a tier 2 Myers without giving him the ability to wallhack and insta down at the same time in tier 3. This is honestly my favorite idea of the bunch as it gives you an alternate use of stalk after fully stocking someone and plays into the character concept with him being a calculated stalker that builds up his ability to track and get closer to his targets over time as he follows them. It would also make addons that increase stalk movement speed more viable when trying to use the ability in a loop. Honestly, this idea alone I think could really elevate the killer.

Instead of tiering up automatically, have the shape's evil within progress stop at 100% then allow him to tier up with a button.

Another suggestion based on the previous. When tier 2 evil within is maxed, he can choose to go to tier 3 or back to tier 1. If he chooses to return to tier 1 it will already be at max stalk, allowing him to return to tier 2 when he's ready. Returning to tier 2 from tier 1 will have 50% of his stalk already filled.

Decrease the penalty for stalking at a distance slightly

When in tier 3, Myers can walk through breakable walls with a slowdown if he walks into them holding the secondary power button

When hitting a survivor while in tier 1, it grants progress towards evil within. (this would cap at 99 or be combined with the suggestion to change it so he tiers up with a button press once charged)

When carrying a survivor in tier 3, the tier 3 timer slows down by 15%

Survivors downed by a tier 3 Myers are considered ‘brutalized’ and take 15% longer to recover from the dying state on their own.

While in tier 3 Myers breaks pallets, kicks generators, and picks up survivors 15% faster and has his stun time reduced by 15% (With smaller boosts like this these could stack with brutal and enduring, or, those perks could simply overwrite these increases)

* While someone is looking at the Shape, he can stalk 15% faster, when not being looked at it, it slows to the current rate. This would encourage people to be careful about staring at him or looking at him too often in a chase, making him a bit scarier. I feel this also fits the character well as in the movies he often stalks his targets right in the open or where they can see him before slipping out of sight again when they look away.

Getting stunned while in tier 3 pauses its timer for 3 seconds

Boost tier 1 speed from 105% to 108% with a lunge that’s a bit longer, but still less than normal distance.

While in tier 1 Myers can see survivor's auras through walls within an 8-meter radius, this does not grant evil within buildup, but would make his tier 1 more viable without using a scratched mirror (which would still be a relevant playstyle with such a buff as it would give a much further sightline.)


Myers is extremely tall compared to his movie counterpart. This may be for balance reasons, but having his height reduced by even an inch or two would be nice. This is more of a personal thing for me. As I feel it fits the character better for a variety of reasons but is not that important overall. But then again his height can also be argued as a mechanic, for example, if shorter, he is harder to track, but when taller, he can stalk over loops more easily. That said this is not something likely to change as it would probably also mean redoing his mori and potentially other animations.

That said, on the above idea, I think his mori should be worked on some in general (as well as some of the other older killers EG, trapper, wraith). It doesn’t have to be changed, but perhaps re-done with the now more experienced team to be less… Clippy? Wiggly? At the moment when the survivors struggle his knife kind of clips around in their torso, and on some weapons, it will pop out of it during the animation in a way that looks unnatural with the clipping. You don’t get that gnarly feeling of actually gutting someone with how little it syncs with the survivor’s movement. I’d like to see it really stick in there and move with them like it’s really in their gut, maybe add a bit more blood effects or something.

A general visual facelift for his mask would be nice, it doesn’t look too closely like his mask from the movie, but also is just a bit dated graphically in my opinion. I feel the art team now could get a more movie-accurate and just better-looking mask made for him.

His stun noise bothers me as well as he is typically quiet in all of his movies even when injured, the only exception being pained, angered, violent/gaspy breaths when he’s stabbed in the eye. If they were to update it with something more akin to inhuman angered breathing or a hateful hissing gasp that would sound far more creepy and fitting. Again, just my opinion

Someone mentioned returning his sound effect that was removed which plays before he tiers up, but only returning it for the killer, I liked that idea.

More cosmetics, I know this is asked for a lot with the character, but there is a reason for that. He’s a very well-known and popular slasher. I’ve seen some great community ideas for him as well. Such as the bedsheet ghost outfit he wore in Halloween one, his bandaged appearance at the start of Halloween three, or better yet if licensing allows, a Halloween kills outfit with that super cool burnt mask and coveralls. There is also the option of releasing more masks for him based on the different masks in the original movies or something more original.

Easter Eggs:

If on Lampkin lane playing against a Myers, when the end game collapse begins the Halloween theme, or a dbd rendition of it, will begin to quietly play. Similar to the siren on Midwich.

Post edited by Letholldus on


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,607

    I definitely support Myers being able to walk through walls while in Tier 3, and I don't think it'd be overpowered to have him be able to walk through dropped pallets too. That change alone would make him a ton more fun, even if it doesn't help much in terms of strength lol.

  • Letholldus
    Letholldus Member Posts: 49

    I believe I heard Otz mention that one, though he got it from someone else too. It is a commonly heard suggestion to let him walk through breakable walls. It'd not be super useful save in certain situations but it'd be hella cool and even clutch in those perfect situations for omega brain plays. I was at first worried it may overshadow Nemesis ability to do something similar but I feel their mechanics are different enough that it'd not be too similar. Idk about him walking through pallets, but breaking them faster is also a common suggestion as a buff for him. Which isn't a bad one, I just hope for maybe more creative ways to buff him that will also spice up his gameplay.