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The new Hemorrhage is terrible, and here’s why

Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,649
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Currently, when I interrupt someone getting healed, I usually chase after that person because they are still injured, and I can usually knock them to the ground before they have a chance to complete the heal. The new hemorrhage would have zero value in this scenario.

In order to get value out of the new hemorrhage, I would need to interrupt a survivor being healed by another survivor, then I would need to completely ignore the survivor that is being healed even though they are injured, and chase after the person that was doing the healing even though they are probably not injured. I also need to interrupt the survivor while they aren’t in a CoH, because otherwise they’ll just start healing themselves while I’m chasing the survivor that was trying to heal them.

The new hemorrhage is so weak that it should at least also keep the old hemorrhage effect. Because allegedly the old effect “barely does anything”, it wouldn’t be unbalanced to let the new hemorrhage keep the blood pool effect.


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    The way I see it - the change will make reward killers more for interrupting survivors who heal under the hook, which as a result will waste time and potentially keep the unhooked survivor vunerable for longer. The change makes healing something you have to commit to, you can't just stop healing when it suits you without wasting more time

    If you think about it on a 1v1 scale then it's useless sure, because a survivor typically can't heal while being chased but if you think about it in the 1v4/on a macro level it's actually a lot stronger than you think.

    It also hard counters resillience gamers who would 99 themselves, do gens injured (Which shaves off 8 seconds, quite signfiicant in the grand scheme of things) and then pop the heal whenever.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    If you don't see the value in this and the potential for wasting a lot of survivor time they could otherwise spend on gens then just don't use Hemmorage.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    Interrupting a heal doesn't necessarily mean your find and chase who was being healed. They may stop to move away when they notice your approach, someone may screw up a skill check causing a similar bolt. If you do find and chase, both survivors may be injured and you might, knowingly or unknowingly go after the healer rather than the heal-ee, or you do chase the heal-ee and they give you the slip.

    In any of those scenarios the partial healing is still lost, giving the stratus effect more value vs the current version.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    if you snuff coh then even if they were a frame away then by the time coh is back up they will have lost that progress AND spend 24 seconds further healing themself all over again. Dude sloppy butcher is back with a vengeance!

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Mm it's more to mess with survivors that brings medkits, and award killer even more for going back to unhooked survivors healing confidently under the hook.

    I mean this is not a big thing it only makes it ok rather than almost a no value at all status effect. So I think it's good..although I only play survivor so perhaps I should say..annoying 😀

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,346

    I think people are overrating how much the new hemorrhage will affect the healing meta, but I think you are wrong in that it's terrible.

    Hit and Run killers like Wraith and Sadako are going to want to make everyone injured. So when playing those killers you have a good chance of interrupting a heal being done where both survivors are injured. Meaning you don't have to commit to the survivor who was getting healed since they will lose heal progress.

    It's going to be a good status effect for killers who can easily injure survivors. Killers who are not spreading out damage will not see much value in hemorrhage.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    You've clearly never played doc

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,160

    I really hope they keep the current hemorrhage (more frequent bleeding) together with the healing regressing.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,649

    I use the current hemorrhage because I honestly think it helps with tracking survivors. Scratch marks aren’t always reliable (especially on RPD), especially when some survivors know how to leave a false scratch mark trail. But the blood pools only spawn directly under a survivor, so they are much more reliable for tracking.

    It feels like BHVR wants to change hemorrhage just to make it more difficult to track survivors, because if the current effect really is truly as weak as they say it is, then we surely should be able to keep the old effect on the new hemorrhage. Otherwise, we’re admitting that we know the current effect is useful, and we’re just giving a false narrative as an excuse to bury the current effect.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Does Hemmorage remain after an unhook? Doesn't it disappear?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,346

    Being unhooked doesn't remove Haemorrhage and most sources last indefinitely with a few exceptions. The only status effect that disappears when either hooked or unhooked is Exhaustion.

    Sloppy Butcher and Gift of Pain lasts until healed.

    Most addons that apply it like Begrimed Head, Blind Warrior, and Rusted Needle are until Healed.

    Other addons like Crimson Ceremony Book and Utility Blades effect survivors while under the effect of the killer's power.

    Then Z-Block and Cat Block are 60 seconds and Blood Echo is 45 seconds.

  • Letholldus
    Letholldus Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2022

    Depends on what perk applies it but sloppy stays in effect until healed, so if you get hit with sloppy you're going to deal with it until you're healed. As for the discussion overall. This buff will really help M1 killers who use sloppy. I can list the value from this buff with a few points just from using sloppy butcher. As it makes hit and run more viable again.

    As mentioned earlier, resilience gamers (or any survivor for that matter) can no longer 99 and heal mid chase.

    If you're using a brown medkit or a medkit with one heal left and get interrupted for even a second. You can no longer do a full heal on your own and will need help to finish, if you don't get help soon you lose all the progress you wasted your time getting

    Mid chase heal in the killer's face builds will no longer be effective

    Interrupting a heal and chasing the healer off will mean the person being healed, if they do not have a boon, self care, or a medkit will lose all the progress on their heal.

    Killers that can interrupt your healing remotely or passively will mess with you too, waste medkit charges, deny heals. Such as doctor making you scream, a well-placed nemesis zombie, a huntress hatchet, etc. This is fairly strong, as mentioned if you are interrupted for even a second with a brown medkit or a medkit with only one heal left, you can no longer complete a full heal on your own.

    Chasing a survivor out of a boon will undo all of their healing just like chasing their healer off, so even if you don't catch them you'll make them have to go back and completely restart their heal, wasting time. This will also make self care even less useful too.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    I wonder if that last point might mean a potential buff to Self-Care?

  • Letholldus
    Letholldus Member Posts: 49

    I doubt it, self-care is okay as is and not many people have asked for one as far as I can tell. You can also buff it yourself by bringing botany, desperate measures, or any other perk that boosts healing speed. It just means you'll have to be more careful about where you choose to heal against killers inflicting hemorrhage