Huntress Lullaby Perk rework idea!

overchan Member Posts: 53
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I love huntress as i said in my latest post here on the forums, but one of the things about her thats kinda bad are her perks, i think each one of them should get reworked even though i dont have many ideas for the other 2.

But the rework idea for this one would consist of:

1- It doesn't requires any stacks anymore

2- Adding to the no sound skillcheck effect, evey survivor repairing a generator becomes oblivious until they stop touching the generator

3- The oblivious status effect would lingers for 10 more seconds (maybe a bit less) after they let go of the gen

4- Every survivor that is oblivious because of this perks effects will hear a faint and a little distorted version of the Huntress Lullaby (same lullaby as the huntress "terror radius")

5- Every Hex totem instead of making firey noises will now play a distorted version of the Huntress Lullaby (you would able to hear from the same distance as you would hear the "fire" noise from a normal hex totem, which i think is about 6/4 meters idk)

I know it would be kinda strong if paired with another gen perks such as mindbreaker (fearmonger) but it's a hex perk after all it should be a little strong i think, and with boons around i think it could even have more effects but i think that's good.

And for the lullaby part, when i first saw this perk i thought it played a version of the huntress lullaby and when i found out it doesnt i was so sad cuz it would be so cool to have this feature on the perk, it would be really unique, and i dont think it would be so confusing cuz, as the perk wouldnt require stacks anymore, the moment you would touch the gen a hex totem indicator would appear in your screen showing that you're being affected by Huntress Lullaby


  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    I like keeping the skill check thing it has going, how about this,

    " For each good Skill Check while healing or repairing a Survivor gets, the Skill Check warning delay is reduced by 20% up to 100%.

    Failed Skill Check results in losing all stacks and an additional 4/5/6 % regression. "

    This is not a hex anymore, so it more consistent. There is counterplay by getting greats as they won't progress the sound reduction and if they fail it is reset as to not be too much for new players.

  • jeanperson
    jeanperson Member Posts: 37

    I don't like changing something completly from what it is to another ... make another perk if you want another one...

    but to fix Hex Huntress lullaby,

    I would rather make the 5 stacks effect the default one, no reason to stack anything, it's not that OP anyway...

    if you wanna buff it I would simply suggest to make it reduce the skill check zone for each stack it has,

    gaining stack the same way it is right now.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    Another idea could be start with the equivalent of X stacks (let's say 3 for middle ground purposes) and for every hook you get he 5-stack effect for Y seconds (not sure what could be good here. Call it 45 to match it to Dead Man's Switch)

    Offers a consistent effect, a reward for hooking in line with the current mechanic, and incentive to find the totem (not great for killer but part of the idea for totems is making survivors stop what they're doing to find them).

    Alternatively: Make it a Scourge Hook, for every survivor hooked on it skill checks give no audible warning for XY seconds.

  • jeanperson
    jeanperson Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2022

    well actually you made me realize that this hex is so weak it could rather be turned into a scourge hook and would be quite more better...

    couldn't be removed since not an hex but would require to hook on proper hook... to build stacs, and the effect isn't that powerfull to deserve a Hex.

    didn't I mentionned that the effect isn't that powerful?

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    In my version of a Scourge Hook lullaby there wouldn't be stacks. You get the full power affect for a set time after putting them on a Scourge.

  • jeanperson
    jeanperson Member Posts: 37

    I know I made that suggestion... to simply transfer that from a Hex to a scourge hook would be an easy fix, which wouldn't be that an issue to be done.

    as i previously said I don't like changing perks into another, the idea tho is that this perks build stack on hook... which is by itself something that would fit on a scourge hook perk, but those didn't existed back then, now that they do, it might be simply reworked into it and fix everything without changing the effect.

    the effect of not hearing notification isn't really something game changing as Hex are supposed to be, it only force players to be more careful, and pretty much mostly counter streamers who are looking at their chatroom ;P

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784
    edited March 2022

    Id rather it take a more hex plaything approach where when a survivor is hooked they have a bound totem and as long as that totem is up their skillchecks are silent and skillchecks of players around them/healing them are also silent

  • overchan
    overchan Member Posts: 53

    that is actually a very nice idea!

    i think that on top of that they could make it like they did with scourge hooks, hex totems like plaything where you generate a hex every time you hook, all get placed at the same totem, that would make so the survivor affected does not suffer too much getting, feeling almost powerless against these hex totems, but at the same time you have other 4 dull totems to use.

    what do you think?