Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Map offerings need to be looked at

Member Posts: 1,579
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

They're honestly just used to favor a side that wishes to bring it in order for their schemes to work.

Why should m1 killers suffer when they're brought to Gideon Meat Plant by a group with 4 DH or BL?

Why should survivors go to an indoor map by a stealth killer for their expose build + noed to work?

I don't see a need for map offerings to be in the game. A change or removal should be considered.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 65

    It should be changed to a percentage chance to go to the realm that was offered, rather than a guarantee. This applies to both sides. Stealth Killers dropping indoor maps and Survivors dropping a busted map offering is an absolute snore, in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 411

    I agree Map offering need to go, i hate when survivors use it to get a map advantage and same with killer with Midwich all the time

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    I'm glad to see everyone is on the same boat!

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Imagine returning to dbd and just seeing 4 jigsaw pieces being burned at the same time.

    Sadly sweat squads would still have a higher chance of pulling this off unlike killers, but I agree. The balance of this game (for both sides) needss help and removing these damn offerings would be in the right direction.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Disabling map offerings doesn't fix the core issue of why they're a problem which is that a lot of maps are not balanced. If maps were balanced then the offerings wouldn't be a problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,716
  • Member Posts: 3,611

    It should be changed to gain a slight/moderate (20-50%) chance to be sent to a map. It shouldn't guarantee to be sent to that map.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    yeah map offerings need to be deleted.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    You know what would be better? Balanced maps so offerings don't matter.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    While I agree that they should be more fair, I want to be selfish and say No! I get tired of all the dreary maps over and over and I like to spruce things up by going to Ormond from time to time and give my eyes a rest from the lack of white on other maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    The issue is, not every map would be easy to balance to the point that neither side would "abuse it" to make their devious scheme work.

    Indoor maps would still favor stealth killers who want to play scummy with whatever disastrous build they come up with.

    Sweat squads would simply use the map that favors them. Since every map has its own gimmick/style, the squad would make plans around it.

    Not to mention, BHVR would take at least another 80 or so chapters to even "balance" every map. Action should be taken now. because these offerings are causing more harm than good.

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    I don't mind Auto/MacMillan offerings. Even though they choose the realm they don't get to choose which map specifically, which in turn keeps it rng based.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Yeah, I actually don't mind those ones. As you already mentioned, a specific map can't be chosen only the realm.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    See I'm mixed views, on one hand I hate map offerings especially when it comes to survivors to gain an unfair advantage or even nurse on midwhich.

    But if it comes to say jump scare myers, impossible skill check, etc. Then I'm all for them using maps

  • Member Posts: 1,579
  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Honestly I dont really mind any killer on any map, only one I find a little annoying is nurse on midwhich because shes everywhere 😂

    Those builds are fun to verse, sadly I never seem them anymore thanks to mmr but damn did I love versing jumpscare myers on hawking's lol

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Its better to disable them, they clutter the Bloodweb, cost a lot and are usually used for scummy stuff, the game has enough toxicity already, the developers shouldnt give people more tools to spread it.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Well, at least you're accepting.

    I've never faced an impossible skill check against doc yet, but the last time I ran against jumpscare Myers was on hawkings too, but I accidentally went in with no perks so that was interesting.

  • Member Posts: 418

    Isn't the issue here maps, not map offerings though?

    You wouldn't see nearly as many offerings if maps such as The Game weren't so broken and survivor sided, or maps like Shelter Woods which really favor the killer. Offerings are the secondary issue here - if certain maps weren't broken then people would only use offerings because they like a specific realm, not because it gives them a competitive advantage.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    You get to set the map in custom game, u don't need an offering

  • Member Posts: 493

    Oh god I hate The Game, and i'm a survivor, even if it has a lot of pallets it's so annoying, same with Midwich, I much rather run in an open field than go to those 2 maps.

    But I think we can all agree, RPD is probably the worst map.

  • Member Posts: 939

    Map offerings shouldn't be available for survivors, the killer already has to deal with enough sweat.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Map offerings shouldn't be deleted. They should work in the opposite way: reducing the chances of ending in a specific realm

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    I felt that. I don't do well that much on indoor maps.

    Surprisingly, I actually enjoy RPD! Playing RE2 made it easier for me to memorize the map.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    As mentioned above, balancing all of the maps to an equal level to the point where neither side can abuse it for their scheme would take the team way too long.

    Also, every map has its gimmick or type of style so I wouldn't be surprised if either side still finds a way to take advantage of it. Stealth killers would heavily benefit from Lery's and a sweat squad would use the best map at the time.

    However let's say the devs are working on the maps, the offerings are still being used as tools to spread devious schemes so it's best to perhaps disable them in the meantime.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Giving only killers access to map offerings does not help the ideology of survivor mains vs killer mains. Or what's it called? Us vs Them?

    If the game wants to be in a healthier state, it has to be balanced for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 890

    I like them alot as killer. Considering 80% of the maps are survivor sided it's nice to go to some one's that are not utter BS to deal with sometimes.

    Plus we have sacrificial wards now. It's actually sort of crazy to think I have not been strode keyed in months though. Right now it's the endless Coldwind + Springwood spam with maybe some Eerie of crows and Meat Plant thrown in there.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    I can understand why you may feel that way, but it still opens opportunities for "those" players.

    The one time a sacrificial ward actually helped me was when I accidentally equipped it last second and it was against a Wraith with a full expose build attempting to take us to Lery's. Yeah, we got lucky there. My issue with the ward is that it requires you to know that a map is being played which isn't in the game yet so you'll just have to take a risk burning it to effectively use it. It's not even a common offering either.

  • Member Posts: 890

    I use stealth + exposed builds on Lery's too. Why not?

    I can confidently say survivors benefit from them more. For every time you get enough BP to play a killer build like that, you will be sent to Coldwind 10 times. I can literally get strode keyed like 3+ times in a row some nights, i'm sure even more now that MMR is a thing. And then at the end the survivors will still complain that they got camped and tunneled lul.

    I'm not sure how much of an issue I think it is. The overwhelming majority of maps are survivor sided so it's not like playing on a survivor sided map is anything new. Map offerings are not really the problem, the maps themselves are.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Well, let's say I like to bring killers on The Game with a 4-man squad full of DH or BL. (this is an example)

    Then that would make us even, correct? But would that create a healthy environment for the overall community? No.

    Even if most of the matches are survivor-sided as you claimed, why not implement the change that would prevent a guarantee in going there? Where's the harm in that? I simply don't see anything bad happening from disabling map offerings.

    It almost seems like you want to defend map offerings so that you'll be able to use them in the future to pull off a scheme despite you acknowledging that map offerings are impactful. Just because survivors sent you somewhere doesn't mean you should just do it back. How about we end this devious cycle?

    But to conclude, until I receive a solid reason that disabling map offerings would be harmful to the game (at its current state), then my opinion remains the same.

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