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Connection issues. Maybe I need to change my router settings?

zergioxd Member Posts: 16

I recently changed my internet speed from 600mb to 1gbps. Well, I've been having this internet for a week and in the only game I notice problems (survivor and killer teleports and other weird things), when previously in my 700 hours of play I never saw anyone teleport with a slightly lower internet speed. Is it a problem with my router or is the game crashing more since the last update?

I also have to say that my router is of that new type called 'Wifi 6e' or something

Best Answer

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    Answer ✓

    Are you connected via Wlan? That could be the cause of the issue. But I guess if you used WLan before then it should not have gotten worse with a better connection… though I think seeing teleporting survivors/killers can also very likely be the connection of those players and not be an issue on your side!

    you can look in the Technical Issues section of the forum if someone had a similar problem and how they resolved it or create your own thread there: