Introducing the HORROR ICON: Grandma Ursula. A sweet pie-baking Grandma by day, a ruthless Killer... also by day? Except, no one ever suspects her and she somehow gets out of jail like three times, idk the lore is kinda crazy, but this is 100% confirmed to be the licensed Anniversary Chapter, and if they don't announce it, it's because I leaked it all right here. Source: Trust me.
New Killer: THE GRANDMA - Ursula SomethingOrOther
The Grandma comes with her three personal perks: Baked, You're Next and Secret Recipe.
Baked: You don't sell your goods off too soon. When hooking a Survivor, their aura will not be visible to other Survivors for 10/15/20s.
You're Next: You're never satisfied with just one or two pies. You need to bake the whole lot. After a Survivor is sacrificed, the closest Survivor is revealed to you for 2/3/4s.
Secret Recipe: You'd never let your secret recipe fall into the hands of another, and will conserve your family's secrets at all costs. Hitting a generator causes the Entity to "block" the generator for 10s. This effect can only trigger once every 30s. If a Survivor attempts to repair the generator, they will begin repairing it, clearing the "blockage" but also signalling a loud noise notification.
New Survivor: Maddie SomethingOrOther
Maddie comes with her three personal perks: Family Trauma, Efficient Worker and Blissful Ignorance.
Family Trauma: Your Grandma is a psychotic killer. You have a lot of emotional baggage, and you take this out on whoever crosses your path. Stunning a Killer stuns them for 1/2/3s longer than normal.
Efficient Worker: You're a hard-worker at heart and want to start a fresh life. When you start repairing a generator that you haven't been in contact with for the past 60s, your repair speed is increased by 11/12/13% for 5s.
Blissful Ignorance: When someone around you goes on a psychotic murder spree, and all the evidence adds up, you decide to ignore it, for the better. If the Killer is within 5/10/15 metres, any loud noise notification you would make through rushed actions, totem cleansing etc are not heard by the Killer.
So happy we're finally getting these characters, people have been requesting them for such a long time now that it's just insane to me that they haven't yet been announced. Don't worry, though, they'll be here on June 31st so, I hope you enjoy when it releases.