Most Perfectly Designed Killer In The Game?

Looking overall - power, addons, kit, visuals, audio: which killer in the game is the closest to perfection design wise?
My picks would be:
- Plague. While the current overcleanse meta is actually quite effective against her (still don't have a good answer for it) she has it all. Excellent addons that completely shake up your playstyle? Check. Awesome kit that has a ton of strategy and counterplay? Check. Great visuals? Check. Great audio (if I'm not hung over) - check. Her only drawback is an occasionally annoying reliance on RNG and a weak early game that tends to feel quite rough.
- Demogorgon. It's such a shame that new players won't get a chance to enjoy the goodest boy. While Shred can occasionally be a bit tough to land on some maps (it's so, so telegraphed) and banging into things overly punishing, his kit is so versatile that no one Demo you face will be the same as the last one. His portals...perfection. His addons...some worthless ones, but the ones that are worth using are wonderful.
My runner up would be Artist (brilliant design and kit, held back slightly by addons).
Pyramid Butt comes close too, but again - crapola addons and I hate how I can't get BBQ off cages.
How about you?
I'm going to say current spirit, the counter play they gave against her made her enjoyable to try to play against. and made playing her a lot more skill based. she has become a perfectly balanced (yet strong) killer.
only thing i would change is dried cherry blossom
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I agree it’s plague. She has a bit of everything and certainly has the tools to win. She really doesn’t have any bad addons except for that new yellow one that removes fountains, never felt like that was worth using at all.
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Huntress. Can't blame hit boxes on design
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Plague and Artist.
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Plague, I'd say. Visually striking, audio design is cool. She's got a very strong theme and story (and tome), though she was a tad weak on release, she's currently the closest to 'balanced' in the whole roster for me. She's the last original killer I'd like to see (well, hear) a unique TR theme for, and then she's got the whole package, imo.
Also, she shuts down CoH completely. Can't go wrong there.
(will say I never liked the nickname, though. way too on the nose)
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Probably Blight. Efficient. Creative. Has good 1v4 and 1v1. Is still susceptible to SWF, but as strong as he is, that's fine.
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Hag. She has a great game changing ability, can successfully punish gen rush, requires a decent amount of map knowledge to play well, and besides her camp potential, is a great overall killer
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Nurse. The problem with this game is that, if both killers and survivors are playing perfectly, survivors will win every time. It doesn't matter how good the killer player is, the most he can do is to capitalize on the survivors' mistakes. If the survivors don't make mistakes, then they will win 100% of the time against even a perfect killer player.
All killers except Nurse. She inverts that relationship completely. The Nurse player will only lose if he makes a mistake and the only thing survivors can do is to capitalize on the Nurse's mistakes.
That's why she is so well designed. She is the only killer in the game whose win condition rests with the player, and not the oponent.
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leatherface in my opinion also huntress after they Nerfed iridescent head she's is 100% perfect
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I was originally only going to pick one, but ended up thinking of two more.
Billy. Amazingly fun on both sides, has many different playstyles you can do and a few neat addon combos, despite most of his addons not being too amazing. Highest skill ceiling in the game to master imo, and has decent/fun counterplay.
Huntress. Takes skill, can be very powerful but has good counterplay.
Blight too, as long as we are just talking about basekit. Some addons though..
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Would love to have you elaborate more on why you think that? Any Killer that has ease of camping baked into their power or kit in some way is automatically terribly designed for me. Ex: Trapper, Hag, Leatherface, Huntress...and some others.
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Hmm I suppose thats an issue
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Base-kit Blight (his some add-ons are broken)
Demo boy
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Yes 😁
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Fix that Zombie AI, then I might join you on Nemesis... Until then...nope...
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I like Spirit, but some of her addons are crap and it's a bit hard to play her if you have bad ears.
Nemesis needs an addon pass, but I do enjoy him.
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Which add ons are crap? Only add ons I would say are never worth using are Juniper Bonsai and Mother’s Glasses if you run it by itself. Mother’s Glasses + Wakizashi Saya is a decent combo but it’s a combination that has pretty much its own learning curve.
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Hanabi is...blagh.
Uchiwa I almost never get use out of.
Kintsugi is really mediocre for an Iri.
I actually quite like Bonsai on some maps, but yeah it's not very good. Then again - I'll defer to the expert here :).
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Senko Hanabi is amazing at shack and tractor.
Uchiwa makes pallets more unsafe.
Kintsugi Teacup I will say is definitely not mediocre. You can phase for a long time and punish pre dropping very consistently.
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Nurse. She ignores physical boundaries and determines chases and game results exclusively through player skill versus player skill in mindgaming, not things out of either side's control irrelevant to skill. Also performs balanced at all levels of play.
Second closest would be Blight. Can't bypass physical limits, but can make do with almost any tile or object in the game except for a very few, thanks to the mix of bump logic and sliding he was designed with intentionally, as well as flicking.
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I would say plague too, exactly for the reasons you said: there are a lot of well designed add-ons that complement different play styles without making her op at all. Her basekit isn't weak either, although not busted.
I say this because to see how well a killer is designed overall we must take into account the various possibilities they have: basekits, addon combinations and perks.
I could say that basekit blight and nurse are well designed too, because their basekits alone offer the possibility of balanced matches. But then we take into account their strongest add-ons and the possibility of using meta perks, and they're completely unbalanced (and yes, this is indicative of ######### design).
So yeah, Plague is my final answer
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Michael Myers for sure. Scare factor, stealth, and has a powerful 1-shot ability on demand. Has add-ons that are actually add-ons.
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Nurse is my pick.
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Didn't expect that answer /s
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Zombies are so stupid but i still love him so much.
I am not using add-ons on killers usually but Nemesis has not great add-ons, i agree. But his base-kit one of the best.
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I love him too... I almost wish he didn't have them....and had his flamethrower instead for periodic use.
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old Deathslinger any day of the week.
- he felt powerful to play as
- he was by no means overpowered
- he had very clear counterplay to him
- he had a high skill ceiling
- he had fun and unique power
- he was one of the only (if not the only) Killer that struck the devs goal of having a perfect 50% kill rate across the board
- his power was surprisingly deep and required a lot of input from both sides to be used / avoided succesfully
- he basically embodied the "perfecr" base concept of what a Killer in DbD is supposed to be: a very strong 1v1 character that ultimately gets overpowered by the Survivors numbers and teamwork
and it feels like a very big slap in the face that this man got gutted the way he did.
and i dont just say that because he was my favourite character, i am saying this from the perspective of someone who had hope that maybe there will be some actually well balanced Killers in this game again at some point, with him being a perfect example for it - and then the Devs looked at it, deemed it "problematic" and removed it.
they removed my one hope for having an actually balanced Killer experience.
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I can agree and he still wasn't busted. People complaining about the quick aim ruined a good thing for so many people...
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The only correct answer in this thread.
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Freddy. They have a versatile kit that allows the Killer to portray the players skill, unlike many other killers. Also, they have enough counterplay that the killer divides good players from bad ones when against them.
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oh the quickscope removel hurt. it hurt a lot.
but to me, that is actually not the nerf that hit the hardest (not in terms of which nerf made him weaker, but as in which hurt me the most to see - i think we can all agree that all nerfs were highly unnecessary). no, the nerf that hurt me the most was the TR increase, because of one reason:
this nerf was entirely unnecessary and extremely unfair towards Caleb players.
the entirety of the point people made to call his 24m TR "OP" (him shooting them without a heartbeat) could be hardcountered simply by them paying some attention ingame.
there is a bunch to it (i wont name all of it, i did so many times i feel like a broken record at this point), but the counterplay to this started with something as simple as "look out for the big cowboy dude in the distance aiming his gun at you" and ended with something as complex as "pay attention to your positioning when trying to heal, dont do it in an area where you can be ambushed from many possible angles and keep an eye out on possible ambush routes".
if a Survivor got shot from that distance, it was entirely (and i mean 100%) their own fault.
the only thing this nerf accomplishes is, that it actively rewards those who just want to turn their brains off when playing instead of paying attention to the game.
all the tension, all the thought and depth that was in this one simple mechanic got completely thrown out the window and replaced with "hold W when hear TR". and this genuinely, very, very much annoys me. and it honestly shows what kind of players the Devs have chosen to balance this game around. and this genuinely, very, very much scares me.
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You make valid points, but in THIS game with THIS community....whining gets you whatever you want... :[
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that is sadly the lesson i learned from this whole thing.
and also serves as one of the big reasons why this game stays uninstalled for me right now.
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At higher MMRs, he's among the weakest killers in the game.
Some of his addons are strong, but problematic. Some are so terrible they aren't worth using, or are worse than the corresponding addon of the previous tier (purple T3 addon, for example).
The only thing that salvages Myers for me is Vanity Mirror.
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Rewards skill and thinking on the go.
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Surprised no one has said Oni; he's my pick.
- Fun power for both sides
- Not insanely hard to learn, but also not super easy
- Not overly strong, but also not weak
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Agree on Plague being extremely well-designed. She's strong but never really feels cheap. Side note about the overcleanse meta: pick up more than one pool at a time. If you hear the overcleanse start to happen, just grab a few pools back to back to back and overwrite your power.
For my pick, everyone grab your pitchforks. I think it's Nurse. If the Nurse player is better at Nurse than the survivors are at evading a Nurse of their skill level, the Nurse player will win 99% of the time. If the survivors are great at running a Nurse and the Nurse misses their blinks, they'll get run over. What other killer can you really say that about? It's not about the maps, or tile RNG, this/that etc. It's skill vs skill.
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Oni...not a bad choice, but some very annoying maps and too many mediocre or just boring addons.
Hmm. I'll give that a try.
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That's true. I wish he had more interesting/better add-on's.
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I don’t understand how people can even think Nurse is the best designed killer. She’s been a failure ever since her release.
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In your opinion.
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Well, yes, we are talking about subjective feedback on a videogame. Everything is someone's opinion :)
But Nurse...Nurse is an aberration. She's too weak when new players attempt her, crashing her kill rates (sort of an inverted Cenobite) while she becomes even more of a god of destruction at higher MMRs.
She's one of the killers that needs a complete, top to bottom tear-down rework.
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She doesn't need to be touched at all.
People need to realise you can't just hold pallets, W and your finger over dead hard constantly when against Nurse.
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Strong yet lots of counter play
Fun to play and fun to face
Cool design and lore
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Demogorgon for sure. His power is very well designed and is all around fun for both sides
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Old Billy.