Most Perfectly Designed Killer In The Game?
Have to pick the boring option and go with Demo. Not broken like Nurse/Blight, no busted addons like Spirit, a pretty good ability that still leaves room for counterplay and potential for fast map traverse.
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I'll let my bias pick Demogorgon.
- Has a base Power that allows for multiple playstyles, unlike most base Killer Powers, who only have 1 reliable way to play, unless they're running Add-ons
- Add-ons that are good, and some Add-on combinations allow for completely different playstyles
- Of The Abyss can be used by both experienced and beginners, as Portals are easy to use for basic mobility and Shred is easy to use as a zoning tool, but can he used more aggressively by more experienced players that know all the different timings and distances
- Is a cute puppy