Survivors CAN'T get new meta Perks

I've seen a lot of recent complaints about Survivors not getting any new meta Perks, which is 100% understandable, Killers have been getting more and more good Perks, and a lot of Survivor Perks just aren't good and aren't getting buffed either.

What my issue with these complaints is, is that there CAN'T be any new meta Perks added.


Because for there to be new meta Perks, they'd need to be better than the current meta Perks, which means they'd be straight up broken and overpowered, or easily abuseable. It happened with Boil Over and it happened with Circle Of Healing.

If Survivors wanted new meta Perks, they'd have to accept that most of their meta would need to be nerfed slightly to be on the level of most Perks, along with buffing some of the weaker Perks to find a middle ground

