Survivors CAN'T get new meta Perks
The survivor meta is totaly fine. But unless killers youre forced to run perks cause the game is awfully flawed towards killer gameplay. Ah what would be the outcry if killers had to sacrifice 3 perkslots for "survivor strategies". They would cry a river and announce the game is unplayable. Instead they still justify their abuse of gameflaws and still not acknowledge how bad theyre instead.
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Killers have to sacrifice 3 Perk Slots for Survivors.
Corrupt Intervention or Lethal Pursuer for the early game, which every Killer struggles
Hex: Ruin for slowdown
Hex: Undying so Ruin can do anything
Corrupt Intervention/Lethal Pursuer
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance for slowdown
Dead Man's Switch for slowdown
Corrupt Intervention/Lethal Pursuer
Pop Goes The Weasel for slowdown
Call Of Brine for slowdown
I could go on, there's quite a few slowdown Perks and combos.
Survivors have to sacrifice 2 Perk Slots Max, those being DS and BT. Every other Perk slot is free
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Being higher MMR doesn't mean I will get good teammates. Usually just means tryhard killers (which is not a problem) with potato teammates (which is a problem)
Only SWF ensures you get a team around skill level in this game. Even back at rank 1 it didn't mean your team was necessarily going to be that good. On average a rank 1 killer was going to be way more skilled than a rank 1 survivor, because the rank 1 killer has to outplay 4 different people every match and to get there requires just as much knowledge as the rank 1 survivor and then some.
Thus, I don't care about my survivor MMR in the slightest. All I care about is surviving really.
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Idk if Pentimento is really “underrated”, I think people just don’t use it much because as you said it requires you to use other perks to go with it. But with the right perks and the right killer it’s absolutely disgusting.
I use it on plague with thana, thrill, and plaything. Survivors don’t bless because COH is mostly worthless against her, so they either have to deal with pentimento (and spend forever doing totems anyway because thrill and thana stack) or be oblivious all game against a killer that can either have a power as strong as corrupt purge or have you injured all game because you decided not to cleanse.
I don’t think there’s any 1 slowdown which is a problem but stacking some of them can get a bit ridiculous I agree. I don’t even have much of an issue with ruin/undying/tinkerer because that strategy is mostly dependent on the totems and tinkerer is far less effective once they’re gone, but having PR and pop remove 40% gen progression per hook is kinda nuts. At the same time though toolboxes and prove thyself are also an issue and ideally I’d like to see base regression made a bit better + the early game revisited, and then nerf slowdown perks and toolboxes/prove all at the same time.
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Interesting plague build, I might try it removing thrill for bbq or corrupt
Regarding the rest, yeah that's what I said. As single perks they're ok, but stacked is just insane
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Blocked Gens don't regress
So that's only 15% lost for 45 seconds... and neither side can touch that Gen (and yes I would've lowered the timer to 30 seconds)
PR plus Pop would equal out to 40% loss of progress (if it works out)
Also remember that the game is 1 V 4 so slowdown is almost necessary... and the same for synergies
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Thanks, I didn't know blocked gens didn't regress, I started playing yesterday /s
A blocked gen cannot be worked on either. So you waste 45 seconds, which amount to 56% of the progress of a gen.
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I think the devs need to start buffing survivor perks that are weak but not make them OP.
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True... but also the Killer can't kick it... So think of it as a win-win (cause you only lost 15%.. .while yes you can't work on it for the duration there should be other Gens to work on... and a save that should happen... The PR/DMS only works on the Gen with the most progressed Gen... unless someone else lets go of another Gen)
Also I think that the time does need to be lowered for it's effect
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Devs need to continue buffing all perks. Number tweaks if they can't rework the perk at the time. Just put 1-2 buffed perks per update instead of waiting to do a set of 8 at a time.
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Surprised the devs haven't tried buffing kinship to work on other survivors as well as yourself. That way if you have kinship and you get within 16 meters of a hooked survivor, their hook timer is paused as well. Would be pretty game-changing.
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It’s very difficult to give survivors new meta perks without making them OP as the current meta perks are already incredibly strong. You’re left with three major options:
1) Introduce perks which are as strong as the current meta, which either won’t be used or will be used in conjunction, making the meta even more overbearing for the majority of the killer roster
2) Introduce perks which are more powerful than the current meta - power creep
3) Nerf the meta in order to replace it
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Survivors need perks that actually help in a trial. And without nerfing those that might actually be used, such as Circle of Healing and Lucky Break.
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Survivor meta is already strong, new perks can not change it.
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It's an honor having you comment on one of my posts.
Yes, Survivors should have Perks that help them in a Trial. Problem is, is that they wouldn't be used often, because they would be weaker than the current meta. At the same time, they can't be meta, because they'd have to be as strong as the current meta, or even stronger which would be way too strong
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If more perks were really good then more variety. I've hardly seen anyone use Dark Theory. A negligible speed boost in a small area that the killer can easy snuff is not good.
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Boons are garbage, except CoH. Agreed. But we have some good perks like Vigil, WoO, Lithe, Spine Chill etc and i am seeing this perks so rare. All of them good perks but survivor meta is so strong, nobody uses other perks.
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Yeah corrupt helps for early game slowdown which is pretty much the one thing this build doesn’t have. You need a good start or it falls apart fast.
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You can literally win every game with CoH atm so no, there's no need for new meta perks.
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I wouldn't mind those perks getting banned, I just don't really want to deal with Jane basically enjoying getting injured
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Starstruck Nurse on Midwich is nightmare fuel. Especially if that woman has Tinkerer's. I've been abused by this and have some Nurse PTSD