Rickety Chain Rework

Seeing the new Never-Sleep Pills and Prayer Tablet Fragment makes me eager for more direct side grade add-ons that change how the killer plays. Here is a proposition for Deathslinger's Rickety Chain:
Weak steel links first used on Caleb's prototype Speargun.
Despite the chain's failings, it holds sentimental value.
- Grants 50 % bonus Bloodpoints for Speared Score Events.
- The Redeemer's Harpoon ignores environment Collision.
- Increases the rate at which Survivors break free from The Redeemer by +33%.
This change makes it so the chain would break 1.5x as fast, as it does now, but it would make it so you could almost always secure the first hit because you'd be able to hit survivors through obstacles should you know where they were. You'd also be able to score close hits through oddly shaped obstacles more often. Drawbacks are that the missed shots are always the longest they can be, instead of cut short when you hit a close obstacles, and your chain is weaker in general with long range snipes.
Please point out any oversights below. Thank you!