Every Killer Adapted Into Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition

Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716
edited February 2024 in Creations

A while ago I started a project of adapting every killer in DBD into D&D 5e, and I have finally completed. I took creative liberties with some things, because some abilities don't really adapt directly into 5e, due to mechanics not shared by both of them. Some values were also adjusted to different numbers, cause while 1 minute in DBD is a relatively short time, 1 minute of combat in D&D is a very long time. Here y'all go: The Compendium of Killers:

I'll give y'all the PDF version as well, for those of you who would prefer to read it all that way instead of scrolling through a bunch of images on this post.

Post edited by Chordyceps on


  • AJMarchi
    AJMarchi Member Posts: 3

    Love this I've thought about doing something like this but never got the chance, I will say at times I was a little confused at some Killers did more damage then most 2d6 was the standard for most of them but some Killers when up to 3d6 or 4d6. Love to see more add as Killers continue to come out.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,544

    omg I didn't see this before

    that's fantastic work!

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    thank you! I have a lot of fun making these so I'm glad people like it!

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    It took me a bit to get around to it, but I have now adapted the Xenomorph!

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 422

    I adore this! I hope this is updated everytime a new killer comes out! 😀

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Glad you like it! And updating it with every new killer is the plan!

  • Vithar
    Vithar Member Posts: 28

    This is amazing work. Thanks

  • MirandaMann
    MirandaMann Member Posts: 1

    I appreciate this and all the hard work. I am a DM who plays with a group of people who have also played DBD. I am going to shamelessly steal this!!!

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    This is a thing of beauty! Such a cool idea and well executed. I can see these making guest appearances on various DnD campaigns.

  • Pogosama
    Pogosama Member Posts: 5

    Really appreciate these and will be using them very soon! Is there a PDF updated with all the new additions up to the Good Guy?

    Nice work man! Thanks for making this easy for me lol

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    There isn't yet, but I should be able to put that together relatively soon. I can let you know when that happens.

  • Pogosama
    Pogosama Member Posts: 5

    If you're willing to man. I bought the DbD board game awhile back and have been painting all the minis. I have a chance to run a horror themed game soon and was like....wait a minute I have a ton of super dope DbD stuff ready lets just abuse that. Then I stumble across this and MAN you saved me SO MUCH TIME. Super appreciate your efforts here, and just wanted it in one place so I could print it out and source it at the table easily from a notebook.

    This is really cool stuff my dude!

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Just updated the PDF to include everything, wasn't too much work!

    And thank you! It really means a lot to me! Would love to know how the game goes!

  • Pogosama
    Pogosama Member Posts: 5

    Extremely kind of you to knock that out for me. First session on Wednesday, and I set up a nemesis table to roll a d100 for the killer. They got The Knight right off the rip, so off to the Borgo!

    Thanks a ton!

  • Rai_510
    Rai_510 Member Posts: 1

    Don’t mind me just casually waiting for the unknown to arrive on this forum… 🧍

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    To coincide with the release of the man himself today, I present: The Unknown

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    These look really awesome! And I have a campaign dedicated to fighting against killers.

    I do have a couple of questions, though, if you don't mind me asking.

    1: What Challenge Rating would you give the Killers? Judging some of these Killers, I don't think they would all be the same CR.

    2: Would being exposed be the same as being Vulnerable?

    Thanks again for taking the time to make these amazing statblocks! I can't wait to see how well they play in my campaign! :)

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716
    edited April 2024

    So for question 1, I'm not going to lie, I kinda intentionally avoided giving specific CRs because I felt like I wasn't great at determining what a monster's CR should be. I can say that I kinda tried using the Death Knight, which is a CR 17 monster as a reference point in terms of monster HP, AC attack damage and the sort, . So if I were to estimate their CR, it would probably be in the 15 range or so, give or take a few levels? And yeah, probably not all of them would have the same CR.

    For question 2, yes, exposed would function the same as vulnerability, making the targeted creature take double damage under the circumstances described in the attack/ability.

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2024

    I noticed that some of the Killers don't have a grapple action and do not share the same immunities. Was this intentional?

    Post edited by Dj_Faun on
  • Livion
    Livion Member Posts: 162

    I'm going to be brutally honest: amazing work keep it up

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Some of the killers missing grapples was unintentional, thank you for pointing that out. But for the Knight's Guards and Victor, them not having grapples was on purpose.

    Not sharing the same immunities was also unintentional. After deciding I should start adding petrified and poisoned immunity, I never went back to add those to the older killers. All these killers should be immune to Frightened, Petrified, Paralyzed, Charmed and Unconscious. The poisoned differences were supposed to be intentional for killers like Chucky for example, since it doesn't make sense for a doll to be poisoned.

    At some point soon I will make sure to go through the killers and update the complied PDF to fix these inconsistencies, thank you for pointing them out.

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    One other thing I noticed on the Killers is that some are able to do 2 actions for their Multiattack, and others can do 2 actions and 1 bonus action. There are also some that have the option to make 2 actions OR 1 action and 1 bonus action.

    Not complaining, of course, but I did notice that. Wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. These statblocks still look amazing and fun, and I really can't wait to see how mixing up the Perks can turn out!

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2024

    I had an idea for a number of the Killers, and also making Hex Perks into actual Hex Totems for encounters.

    I'd love to share them with you, if I may?

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    No promises that I'll make adjustments to the stat blocks based on these ideas, but I'm certainly curious about what these ideas might be.

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2024

    I don't expect you to consider anything, and I will thank you just for letting me share my thoughts in the first place. You're free to accept or reject whatever you wish, as these are your statblocks. But here are a few ideas I had after looking over your statblocks:

    • If you make it optional to have all four Legion members in a single encounter, how about lowering their Maximum Hit Points? Maybe 50 - 75 each?
    • Hex Perks sound like a fun addition to encounters. I was thinking that maybe the Hex-related perks you have could be turned into literal hexes in-game. A Wisdom (Perception) Check would be required for a Player/Creature to be able to see them from a certain distance. Once spotted, the Player/Creature can spend an action to destroy the totem and remove the Hex from play.
    • The Skull Merchant looks like her old version before the rework. Perhaps this would be closer to her current function? — The Skull Merchant can deploy up to 6 Skull Drones at any time during an encounter. If a Player/Creature walks through a Skull Drone's Scan Zone at full speed, they must make a Stealth Check with disadvantage. If a Player/Creature walks through a Skull Drone's Scan Zone as if it were Difficult Terrain, they do not need to make a Stealth Check. If the roll made fails, then the Player/Creature is given 1 point in "Tracking Status." If a Player/Creature gains 3 points in Tracking Status, they are given a Claw Trap with the details you've written down already. Any time The Skull Merchant deploys a Skull Drone, she becomes undetectable by any means for the next 2 rounds. And, of course, The Skull Merchant is informed of which Drone gives a Player/Creature Tracking Status.
    Post edited by Dj_Faun on
  • Gmoore23
    Gmoore23 Member Posts: 193

    This is gonna be a fun thing to come back to once May 14th comes around…

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716
    edited May 2024

    Dude I can't wait to just post an actual page from the monster manual.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    gotta love how pain resonance is so insanely good.

    this is a tpk machine.

    I think most of the killers should have common as a language, but unable to speak. just understand it.

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    Makes me wonder just which creature they're considering. I have my money on The Lich.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    It looked like a beholder in the trailer, I doubt that's what we're getting but it would be absolutely wild.

  • Darmuka
    Darmuka Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2024

    These are quite interesting. While I think you overall nailed the aspects of the killers, I'm not sure how useful some of their abilities would be.

    A CR of 5 seems fitting. At 5th level PCs would have between 22 (wizard no con) and 45 (barbarian 3 con) Hit Points. It also makes it more tense if damage is high compared to Hit Points, discouraging PCs from just rushing the killer.

    I think a survivor class would help cleaning this up, where the subclass features reflects the typical playstyle's that people have (interacting, distracting, and protection), and you could be able to select a couple of skills, similarly to battle master maneuvers, that reflects different items and perks.

  • Darmuka
    Darmuka Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2024
  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    From what I imagine, the laughing character at the end of the teaser is the Killer. The Beholder we saw lunging at the prison cell bars might be an in-map easter egg we can find if we look for it.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Hello, all due to the fact that I am such a creative genius, I have totally managed to "make" a stat block for the new Killer coming to DBD, based solely off of what was shown during the livestream. I worked very hard on this completely original, totally not copy and pasted content, please do not steal.

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    That was fast. This is actually really scary.

    I hope I get to try this out some time.

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    I can't wait to see how The Lich will look as a Statblock! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :D

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    They say patience is a virtue… but I'm just too excited to see The Lich statblock!

    No rush. Take your time! Things as awesome as this are worth the wait!

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    I've been wondering… has anyone made something similar to what's going on here for the Survivors?

  • ember__lol
    ember__lol Member Posts: 68

    Yo my dude is it alright if i use these for a campaign im working on? Im doing a campaign abt certain killers revolting against the entity with Vecnas help.

    Is it alright if i use these character sheets? Obvi ill give u credit if anyone asks abt it.

    (Also feel free to dm me to ask to join if anyone sees this. I do need players)

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Hi, sorry to disappoint after so long a wait, but after a lot of back and forth I've decided I won't be doing a statblock for the lich. My joke post from earlier aside, Vecna does exist in D&D already, and it just feels a little wrong to just re design a character that already exists in D&D. It takes a bit of the fun out of it, and quite frankly I don't believe that I would be able to make a better Vecna than the original creators did.

    Sorry again to anyone this disappoints. Whenever the castlevania chapter comes out, I will be ready and excited to make a statblock for our new killer though!

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    You know what? That's absolutely reasonable. No need to make something that already exists.

    I look forward to when Castlevania comes into the Fog! :D

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19

    I forgot to mention: I had come up with ideas for the Lich's Perks. Was hoping to get an opinion on them!

    Dark Arrogance | The Killer takes an additional 1d6 damage when being stunned, but gains a 15 ft. climbing speed.

    Languid Touch | In the area where your encounter is planned, if a creature is spotted by an animal, The Player must make a DC 15 Animal Handling check or lose 1 charge of an item, spell, or ability.

    Weave Attunement | After an item has used all of its charges, the creature holding the item must make a DC 15 Strength Check or drop their item. Any items on the ground have a 10 ft. radius that reveals a creature’s exact location to The Killer.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    I think those are good ideas for perks! If we're operating under these being added to his existing statblock, I would change Dark Arrogance in a small way. I would give him a 10ft. boost to movement speed, as the fly spell make it so he doesn't really ever need to climb anything.

  • Dj_Faun
    Dj_Faun Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2024

    I like to imagine that, even though Killers are in their Adepts here, the Perks can be mixed up to make unique encounters with endless combinations.

    While Dark Arrogance might not be too much value for The Lich, it could bring great value to someone else, like Trapper or Huntress.

    But I like your alteration.