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Let's Make Freddy Great Again!

TheMruczek Member Posts: 191
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

It is a damn shame that such an iconic character as Freddy isn't in the best place currently...terrible add-ons, nerfed base kit movement speed while placing snares and not very exciting gameplay. In my opinion he should be next in line to get a rework after Twins to adress his boring gameplay and some of the issues that were mentioned earlier. Here is my idea how to "fix" Freddy.

Base kit:

Nightmare has his own chase music and terror radius to awake survivors.

Nightmare has his own voice lines.

When using Dream Projection you see the white aura of Nightmare coming out of generator (this change would make it so coming out of generator isn't so confusing).

Nightmare's terror radius and lullaby are reduced to 24m.

Nightmare is invisible to awake survivor that are further than 24m away from Nightmare.

Nightmare is invisible to awake survivor when he picks up and carries any survivor.

Survivors fall asleep in 30sec. Failing skill checks when repairing generators do not wake up survivors.

Nightmare no longer slows himself down while he places Dream Snares.

Survivors can only use Clocks twice per trial. Clocks still protect you from being put into Dream World by Freddy for 30sec and after using them you stay awake for 45sec.

Dream Pallets are added as a base kit for Nightmare. Nightmare can switch between using Dream Snares or Dream Pallets.

Nightmare has 7 Dream Pallets and 7 Dream Snares base kit.

Brown add-ons:

Woll Shirt-adds three Dream Pallet and three Dream Snares.

Sheep Block-duration of Blindness is increased to 60sec.

Kid's Drawing-It's a meme add-on. Let's be honest it should stay as it is.

Garden Rake-Survivors who drop Dream Pallets will get their aura revealed to you for 8sec.

Yellow add ons:

Prototype Claws-if any injured survivor steps on Dream Snare or drops Dream Pallet they will be effected by Mangled status effect.

Outdoor rope-the sounds of generator being repaired are increased by 12m.

Nancy's Sketch-reduces the amount of Clocks that survivor can use by 1.

Green Dress-reduces time that survivors fall asleep by 20sec.

Cat Block-if any injured survivor steps on Dream Snare or drops Dream Pallet they will be effected by Hemorrhage status effect.

Green add-ons:

Unicorn Block-any survivor who steps on Dream Snare will get their aura revealed to you for 8sec.

Paint Thinner-any survivor that steps on Dream Snares or drops Dream Pallet will get extra 4% debuff to movement speed.

Nancy's Masterpiece-it reduces Dream Projection cooldown by 15% for every survivor that is in Dream World.

After coming out of Dream Projection you also gain 7% Haste status effect for 5sec.

Jump Rope-it decreases unhooking and healing speed by 8% to every asleep survivor and by 4% to every awake survivor.

Blue Dress-increases speed of charging Dream Projection by 30%.

Purple add-ons:

Swing Chains-For each asleep survivor Nightmare:

-breaks pallets and walls as well as vaults windows 5% faster;

-reduces stun duration by 8%;

-reduces recovery after hitting a survivor by 2.5%.

Pill Bottles-you can block windows for asleep survivors. Dream Pallets are removed when you equip this add-on. You have only 5 tokens to block windows.

Class Photo-all generators will spew blood and show Freddy coming out of generator when Nightmare is channeling Dream Projection.

Z Block-any survivors that are within 32m of Nightmare when he comes out of generator from using Dream Projection will get their aura revealed to you for 8sec.

Iri add-ons:

Red Paint Brush-every time a survivor wakes up or falls asleep their aura is revealed to you for 12sec. When exit gates are open they will be blocked by Entity for 45sec.

Black Box-all survivors fall asleep at the start of the trial. Failing skill check while performing healing action will not wake up survivors.

This is just my idea how to buff Freddy and make him both more fun to play and play against but as always there is more room for improvements.

Post edited by TheMruczek on


  • TMNoThumbs
    TMNoThumbs Member Posts: 120

    As a former freddy main i would love to see him get buffed! I think the no wake up on generator fails and only being able to use clocks twice in a match is a bit busted though. Survivors need to have a way to stay awake.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    Just gonna put it out there: We could just revert the nerf.

  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 191

    Well, BHVR could do that, tho it would still make him boring to play and face for the majority of ppl. I just want mix between old and reworked Freddy :(

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    If you mean Freddy 2.0, DCs will be through the roof. And rightfully so. Freddy 1.0 with some modifications is the way to go.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    this is pre nerf freddy and you made him even more boring to go against.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    Please tell me how he'd be boring. This is the same thing I never got an answer to when he first got nerfed. He has so many different tools at his disposal, none of which are without counterplay, nor is he an unbeatable monster, even for solos.

    The DC's will be through the roof like before, but never rightfully so. People who couldn't deal with pre-nerf Freddy honestly need to realize they've been playing at a casual level. Whether they're in on the meta game talks and all that or not, we can't just pretend that they know what they're talking about when they say "Freddy's boring! Too strong! S tier!" DC'ing in this game has always been an abuse of civil disobedience towards the devs, and it's almost never the mature, experienced people doing it. It's mostly the people who don't want to adapt to the killer they're playing against, and DC til the nerf so that their basic level of play can actually beat that killer.

  • GreenDemo
    GreenDemo Member Posts: 276

    Good efforts !

    Honestly with them changing Legion and Ghostface Idk why they can't touch on (atleast) Freddy's add-ons (or PyramidHead's, I think he's second most wanted one when the topic is brought up)

  • kaskader
    kaskader Member Posts: 283

    Good ideas. I hope Freddy boi is next in line to get some love.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Nah, kick him into overdrive and throw away the key.

    Make him pathetic early game and a terror late.

    Make him genuinely the most fun killer to play and the most interesting to play against.

    ·        Change lunge animation to better match visual of killer lunging. While retaining his ability to teleport with a 60 second cooldown (Reduced by 2.5 seconds for each generator completed), instead of simply having dream snares or pallets – gain a roster of several powers that cycle upon power use.

    His powers become increased with each generator completed. (/Gen = for each generator completed)

    While in the dream world, survivors have all actions reduced by 5% + 2%/Gen. Glimpse duration while awake and not in chase – down to 1s with a 3s cooldown. He is invisible outside of his terror radius. Always visible while within 16m (-2m/Gen)


    Powers only effect and are only visible to survivors that are in the dream world. Gain the following:

    ·        Dream Snares (5 total. 5% slow +2%/Gen for 3 seconds.)

    ·        Dream Pallets (2 + 1/Gen total)

    ·        Dream Furnace (Plague Puke flamethrower that will hurt survivors that are hit with it consistently over its channeling. Lasts for 5s +1s/Gen)

    ·        Dream Arm ( Nemesis whip, but Freddy just elongates his arm. Range is 3m +1/Gen. Long wind-up.)

    ·        Dream Rope ( Longer Nemesis whip with a huge wind-up. On-Hit the survivor is bound by the rope, which stays on them for 3s (+1s/Gen) and acts as a doctor Pacify. 12m Range)

    ·        Dram Magma ( Leave a trail of fire in your wake for 8s +2s/Gen. Survivors that remain in the flames for an extended period of time, they take damage )

    ·        Dream Geyser ( Creates a pillar of blood that acts like terrain for a 6s +2s/Gen)

    ·        Dream Ambuscade ( Become Undetectable and completely invisible with +15% (+4%/Gen) movement speed and cannot attack or interact for 8 seconds. When the ability ends, retain the movement speed for 1 second. )

    ·        Dream Dash ( Demogorgon shred, but slows a great deal before use [-50% for the 1.5 second Channel. Speed of 16m/s and an open time of 0.5s + 0.15s/Gen | 8m - 20m | 4s cooldown on miss, 3s on hit, 2s on pallet or wall break] )

    ·        Dream Scream ( Channel over the course of 12 seconds (-2s/Gen) -75% speed while channeling. Survivors in your terror radius instantly fall asleep. All Oblivious survivors scream, revealing their location )

    ·        Using or channeling an ability slows his movement speed down considerably.

    ·        After use, Freddy cannot use another ability for a 20 second cooldown (-2s/Gen) After which, he gains another random ability that he can use.

    Change normal break action to incorporate gloves. More voice lines desired. Fix face to be less… weird. Dream world to have red hue while in chase with Freddy. New music and lullaby overhaul.

    Crazy? Insane? Realistic?

    yes YES no.

    Would this be the most fun anyone has had playing the game (provided some balancing) I BELIEVE SO.

  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 191

    I still stand by my idea for mix of old and new Freddy but man you went full crazy mode with your rework.

    I think bhvr would not put so so much effort into one killer, but i like the idea of his power growing as the match progresses.