DbD has the most disgusting playerbase I’ve ever encountered.

I know most people know how toxic people can get in this game but in my personal experience, I have never seen anything so bad. First, I get hateful & salty messages almost after every killer game I play. Doesn’t matter if I play good or bad. Fair or cheap. It still comes in.

But what’s even worse is some things that have been said. My 4 year old son was called names by someone. I had another guy who ddosed me and stalked me, trying to find as much info about me as he could. And just recently, some dude slandered me by saying I’m into younger girls and a pedophile. I notified him that’s illegal but I don’t plan on doing anything since it’s just over text... I’m not being hyperbolic or exaggerating any of this either.

Idk if anyone else’s has had an experience with the playerbase that is this bad but it’s absolutely draining. I’m so sick of it that I don’t even wanna bother playing much anymore


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200


  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Yeah, it happens a lot. If you're on ps4 turn your messages to friends only I find it to help a lot and the ones that take the time to send me a friend request attached with hate mail I keep it and put it in my pile of extremly salty people. If you're on PC disable the chat that should help out too. Xbox should have the same feature as ps4 but I'm not sure. Sorry about all those players too, they're just nothing but toxic scum polluting this game and many others as well but remember we're not all like that :smile:
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Nah, i've had and seen worse in LoL, i don't nearly got that experience here.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    If your in pc and all these are after game chat you can report it immideatly and there removed from the game with a premnant ban if they went out there way to find out where you live and stuff that's harassment and stalking which is a grounds to have them arrested and a court order to leave you be and you should report the person slandering you to the authority's as spreading stuff like that online with your name and everything can ruin your life and cost you jobs and you said you have a kid if they know this and know were you are they could get people to try and take your son away if you don't take any action now ther going to do it more and more
  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2018
    You'll find haters everywhere on the Internet. Do not let these personal attacks get to you. Do not let them go scot-free either. Report them. 
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Life is strange has the best community

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Also if it's on PlayStation they can lose console access online if you report it I don't know about xbox
  • iTz_KilLaZ_x
    iTz_KilLaZ_x Member Posts: 300
    If your in pc and all these are after game chat you can report it immideatly and there removed from the game with a premnant ban if they went out there way to find out where you live and stuff that's harassment and stalking which is a grounds to have them arrested and a court order to leave you be and you should report the person slandering you to the authority's as spreading stuff like that online with your name and everything can ruin your life and cost you jobs and you said you have a kid if they know this and know were you are they could get people to try and take your son away if you don't take any action now ther going to do it more and more
    Yeah I’m going to report it to BHVR with evidence. These types of people shouldn’t even be playing online games
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    I agree heck I got comments on a live game broadcast on YouTube telling me to kms right after they both disconnected (And you can see why one was hooked other slugged and the guy was not even bothering to in book on the hill with me looking right at him waiting so I could hook the other guy and I try to warn people before hand I'm broadcasting and apologise for the ping so they can decided to play or not) and just the basic insults saying get good baby killer get better internet I mean they quit the game just so they could send hate at me during a live broadcast
  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    You deserve a hug. Sorry for the tough experience! Hopefully things’ll get better, and this game has its toxicity (which the devs are trying to manage), so I understand where you’re coming from. Either way, feel free better.
  • ErIcCkO
    ErIcCkO Member Posts: 5

    Not as toxic as other games, but it is, i play on ps4, and every 2 or 3 match i receive a message, why i kill him first, why i camp him when his friend is there to save him, why i chase the one that is hurt and not the other that was near, why you don't show me where the hatch is, you kill us too fast you are using cheats, and as survivor too, like why you don't come too to save me, or that i was camping the hatch door, and that's omitting the bad words, but i fell happy every time because i can report them, and they can get their console and account banned....

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    A friend of mine got hate mail the other day in Spanish, all he understood was #########, etc. He basically said f off. Then he started getting texts in Spanish talking about "you're marked". Hoping its eerily coincidental, but some of these people have the salt worthy of the boondocks xbox killer.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Those are mostly just from salty entitled kids. Report them any time they do this to you, and they'll learn the hard way why they should keep their mouth shut.
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    A friend of mine got hate mail the other day in Spanish, all he understood was #########, etc. He basically said f off. Then he started getting texts in Spanish talking about "you're marked". Hoping its eerily coincidental, but some of these people have the salt worthy of the boondocks xbox killer.
    If the players were from Mexico could cartel threats
  • JackieEstacadoWhen
    JackieEstacadoWhen Member Posts: 78
    edited November 2018

    @iTz_KilLaZ_x said:
    I know most people know how toxic people can get in this game but in my personal experience, I have never seen anything so bad. First, I get hateful & salty messages almost after every killer game I play. Doesn’t matter if I play good or bad. Fair or cheap. It still comes in.

    But what’s even worse is some things that have been said. My 4 year old son was called names by someone. I had another guy who ddosed me and stalked me, trying to find as much info about me as he could. And just recently, some dude slandered me by saying I’m into younger girls and a pedophile. I notified him that’s illegal but I don’t plan on doing anything since it’s just over text... I’m not being hyperbolic or exaggerating any of this either.

    Idk if anyone else’s has had an experience with the playerbase that is this bad but it’s absolutely draining. I’m so sick of it that I don’t even wanna bother playing much anymore

    There are tons of salty people in every game so learn not to take anything seriously. Just report normal salt and move on, let those people complain and for more serious instances like threats of stalking and/or violence then screenshot them and if something suspect happens in real life then take it to the police.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Boss said:
    Nah, i've had and seen worse in LoL, i don't nearly got that experience here.

    In LoL the toxic players get rewarded and band together and report the normal players. I gave up on that game because the CMs would say it's toxic to argue with toxic people or to say someone made a bad play.

  • Arsoul
    Arsoul Member Posts: 320

    I dont think it helps that we see "Toxic" this and Toxic that threads on here everyday, seems to encourage the kiddies to be worse

  • Oblitiry
    Oblitiry Member Posts: 487
    I had a dude on the paragon forums call me a child molester and he got away with it. 

    At least the mods around here I assume wouldn't put up with that #########.

    Mobas will always have the most pathetic toxic player bases. When DBD has people telling you to run so and so perk or else they're throwing the match we're not that bad yet. 
  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    Personal story time

    Me: *Patrolled the hook after exit gates were open
    The person I killed (And I quote): "I hope you get raped by a black man and eaten alive by tigers"

    What the actual ######### is wrong with people...Like I don't even have any words to describe reading that as it was addressed to me. I reported him but nothing happened. I wanted to vomit after I read that.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Call Of Duty games would like to have a word with you on most toxic or really any EA game like Battlefront etc.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Welcome to this generation of gamers. In the past, gamers appreciated each other. By and large the communities were helpful. This crop are about as useful as a football bat. Everyone thinks they are pro gamers. lol

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    TBH, if you don't want your kid to be yelled at in an online game don't let them play online. There is a reason the disclaimer "online experience may change ESRB rating" exists.

  • Link
    Link Member Posts: 135

    Slap em with a report and move on, and if you want leave em with a little salt to the wound before leaving like "ggez" if you want.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @iTz_KilLaZ_x I just don't understand why that's a problem. People saying nasty things to you through the internet... yea big deal. People have always been "brave" when they think they're anonymous. Report or don't, and just move on. It's part of gaming culture. But words are just words.
    Ddos is a different deal I guess, although I have a hard time believing that.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Some guy who claimed I face camped as Freddy ended up calling me a noob and when I replied to him saying his argument made no sense he said he reported me for racial abuse because he was playing Claudette and he has video evidence I was "cleansing survivors" as he put it. 
    Literally the fact that these people think its ok to accuse you of the stupidest things is actually worrying. Especially whenever I'm feeling a little sensitive little accusations and comments can really make me upset. I still report and block them. 
  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Someone called your 4 year old names? Can kids read and comprehend name calling at 4?

    Who is someone slandering you to? His buddys in voice chat?

    Unless you are giving these random survivors personal info this all sounds kinda silly.

    Just turn off chat. Problem solved.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:
    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 

    Yes let's blame the devs for people being idiots in real life over a video game. It's almost as if this isn't an issue across all video games on all platforms.

    Because going by your logic we should blame the developers for people being jerks in real life and not the people being jerks in real life.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    powerbats said:

    @Master said:
    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 

    Yes let's blame the devs for people being idiots in real life over a video game. It's almost as if this isn't an issue across all video games on all platforms.

    Because going by your logic we should blame the developers for people being jerks in real life and not the people being jerks in real life.

    It'ß the devs fault for not punishing that behaviour. How long did it take till ochidos got banned for example?

    Every competitive online community will turn into a mess if it is not moderated properly 
  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666
    edited November 2018
    As a killer  I think the salt comes with the territory. It's messed up that people just can't take the L and move on. But I find it funny when someone sends me a message about how I suck as a killer when they disconnected. I actually had someone message me saying they embarrassed me in there stream after I got a quad kill and he was hiding in a closet.  Like really you embarrassed me . I'm sorry that you received you had a bad experience no one deserves that over a game.
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I embraced the fact that DBD is a toxic game a long time ago. I think it's the biggest reason that I come back to the game over and over again. I've never been one to quit playing something and then pick it back up again. I love the fact that my steam profile is full of posts from DBD players. I have like 2,000 hours into CS Go... Not a single profile post. 2,000 hours into Path of Exile... No profile posts. All these games that I've played for long periods of time that lead to nothing. I have 800 hours on Dead By Daylight... I get a profile post at least once every couple of days. It's great. I feel loved and wanted thanks to this community.

    Why do I play killer? The salt. Nothing more satisfying then the end game screen loading up. You sit there in the lobby. Waiting for someone to talk. Wondering what is going to come out. They never disappoint you. It's fantastic.

    Of course... I play both sides. And as a survivor I T-Bag every window or pallet I vault. In the endgame lobby I hit that killer with the GG Ez. Even if I got owned in 3 seconds into the match. I tell them that they use crutch perks and camp. (Most of the killers actually do camp/tunnel.)

    It's a great cycle that will keep me coming back forever.

    Then there's the legends. There's the guy that names himself after a celebrity criminal (Cosby) and plays Leatherface with Claudette mask on. Spamming "YOU SURVIVOR PIGS!" in the post game lobby. Hitting everyone with that copy - paste. Admit it. This game is the freaking best.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Master said:
    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 

    The devs faulr? What a completely insane view. How is it their fault if people act like #########?
    "Not punishing this behaviour", sure but how about "ignoring this behaviour"? Quite a simple solution.
    Banning players who verbally abuse other players would be a stupid decision: it would make the number of active players smaller. I don't give a damn if some no life piece of turd throws insults at me after a game, and you shouldn't either. All I care about is have a large enough playerbase so we don't have to wait ages to get a game.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited November 2018

    @GrannyonAcid said:
    I embraced the fact that DBD is a toxic game a long time ago. I think it's the biggest reason that I come back to the game over and over again. I've never been one to quit playing something and then pick it back up again. I love the fact that my steam profile is full of posts from DBD players. I have like 2,000 hours into CS Go... Not a single profile post. 2,000 hours into Path of Exile... No profile posts. All these games that I've played for long periods of time that lead to nothing. I have 800 hours on Dead By Daylight... I get a profile post at least once every couple of days. It's great. I feel loved and wanted thanks to this community.

    Why do I play killer? The salt. Nothing more satisfying then the end game screen loading up. You sit there in the lobby. Waiting for someone to talk. Wondering what is going to come out. They never disappoint you. It's fantastic.

    Of course... I play both sides. And as a survivor I T-Bag every window or pallet I vault. In the endgame lobby I hit that killer with the GG Ez. Even if I got owned in 3 seconds into the match. I tell them that they use crutch perks and camp. (Most of the killers actually do camp/tunnel.)

    It's a great cycle that will keep me coming back forever.

    Then there's the legends. There's the guy that names himself after a celebrity criminal (Cosby) and plays Leatherface with Claudette mask on. Spamming "YOU SURVIVOR PIGS!" in the post game lobby. Hitting everyone with that copy - paste. Admit it. This game is the freaking best.

    Eh, my impression is proven correct over and over again: if I see 500< hours of CS:GO on a player's profile I always think: "Wanker confirmed".
    Not that I don't enjoy the salt myself. But being and ######### on purpose? Moronic.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Master said:
    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 

    The devs faulr? What a completely insane view. How is it their fault if people act like #########?
    "Not punishing this behaviour", sure but how about "ignoring this behaviour"? Quite a simple solution.
    Banning players who verbally abuse other players would be a stupid decision: it would make the number of active players smaller. I don't give a damn if some no life piece of turd throws insults at me after a game, and you shouldn't either. All I care about is have a large enough playerbase so we don't have to wait ages to get a game.

    In most games the quality is a higher goal than quantity of playerß,  that's why you get banned for harassment in other games.
    Yes of couse those special players would get banned and usually the strategy is that by establishing a nice environment to play in, more players will look into the game / keep playing.

    And yes I behaviour is not focusing on this direction, that's why the balance is based around casual play instead if competitive to make it more appealing for beginners.

    if you don't give a damn of you are being harassed, then that's up to you but fact is that the situation currently is a direct result of bvhr lacking moderation. Btw, on console they still dont even have the possibility to moderate, that'd how important it was to them when they rushed the console release 
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Agreed. Having an option to disable the chat from the options would be awesome.
    It'd save everyone a lot of sanity.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @thesuicidefox said:
    TBH, if you don't want your kid to be yelled at in an online game don't let them play online. There is a reason the disclaimer "online experience may change ESRB rating" exists.

    A four year old shouldn't be playing this game, that's for sure

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @George_Soros said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:
    I embraced the fact that DBD is a toxic game a long time ago. I think it's the biggest reason that I come back to the game over and over again. I've never been one to quit playing something and then pick it back up again. I love the fact that my steam profile is full of posts from DBD players. I have like 2,000 hours into CS Go... Not a single profile post. 2,000 hours into Path of Exile... No profile posts. All these games that I've played for long periods of time that lead to nothing. I have 800 hours on Dead By Daylight... I get a profile post at least once every couple of days. It's great. I feel loved and wanted thanks to this community.

    Why do I play killer? The salt. Nothing more satisfying then the end game screen loading up. You sit there in the lobby. Waiting for someone to talk. Wondering what is going to come out. They never disappoint you. It's fantastic.

    Of course... I play both sides. And as a survivor I T-Bag every window or pallet I vault. In the endgame lobby I hit that killer with the GG Ez. Even if I got owned in 3 seconds into the match. I tell them that they use crutch perks and camp. (Most of the killers actually do camp/tunnel.)

    It's a great cycle that will keep me coming back forever.

    Then there's the legends. There's the guy that names himself after a celebrity criminal (Cosby) and plays Leatherface with Claudette mask on. Spamming "YOU SURVIVOR PIGS!" in the post game lobby. Hitting everyone with that copy - paste. Admit it. This game is the freaking best.

    Eh, my impression is proven correct over and over again: if I see 500< hours of CS:GO on a player's profile I always think: "Wanker confirmed".
    Not that I don't enjoy the salt myself. But being and [BAD WORD] on purpose? Moronic.

    I'm not quite sure what you were trying to get at. I guess I'm American so I don't really understand the whole British insult thing. Yes I'm a wanker. I have been known to masturbate occasionally. Along with just about everyone else the world. So... Anyone that plays CS:Go masturbates like the rest of the world?

    The filter kind've cut out the word you called me. But I'm going to assume it wasn't a nice one. But if you can't handle a GG Ez... The internet probably isn't the place for you. Maybe you should settle for an afternoon on the couch with some Dora the Explorer.

    It's all one vicious cycle of people becoming soft. Guess what dude. No one should be required to like anyone. No one has to be nice to anyone. It's okay to offend people.

    Or disable the end game chat for the softies.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Master said:
    George_Soros said:

    @Master said:

    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 

    The devs faulr? What a completely insane view. How is it their fault if people act like #########?

    "Not punishing this behaviour", sure but how about "ignoring this behaviour"? Quite a simple solution.

    Banning players who verbally abuse other players would be a stupid decision: it would make the number of active players smaller. I don't give a damn if some no life piece of turd throws insults at me after a game, and you shouldn't either. All I care about is have a large enough playerbase so we don't have to wait ages to get a game.

    In most games the quality is a higher goal than quantity of playerß,  that's why you get banned for harassment in other games.
    Yes of couse those special players would get banned and usually the strategy is that by establishing a nice environment to play in, more players will look into the game / keep playing.

    And yes I behaviour is not focusing on this direction, that's why the balance is based around casual play instead if competitive to make it more appealing for beginners.

    if you don't give a damn of you are being harassed, then that's up to you but fact is that the situation currently is a direct result of bvhr lacking moderation. Btw, on console they still dont even have the possibility to moderate, that'd how important it was to them when they rushed the console release 

    Look, real harassment is very rare: going after a player, perhaps finding their social media profiles, real data, etc, or in the worst cases, ddos like OP mentioned: these are harassment. Obviously these should result in instant and permanent bans.
    But 99% of the complaints are just about people being #########. And I just don't get what's so hard about ignoring those.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:
    powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 

    Yes let's blame the devs for people being idiots in real life over a video game. It's almost as if this isn't an issue across all video games on all platforms.

    Because going by your logic we should blame the developers for people being jerks in real life and not the people being jerks in real life.

    It'ß the devs fault for not punishing that behaviour. How long did it take till ochidos got banned for example?

    Every competitive online community will turn into a mess if it is not moderated properly 

    Yes all the people they've punished so far would like to have a word with you for being punished. As far as Ochido he's 1 person that got through, how many others have gotten banned yet you don't mutter a peep about them because it doesn't fit your narrative?

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @powerbats said:
    Call Of Duty games would like to have a word with you on most toxic or really any EA game like Battlefront etc.

    How is a game like COD toxic in the very least? I haven't played Battlefront at all. But no one ever talks in a COD lobby. Every once in awhile you'll get someone without push to talk and you can hear everything going on in their house. Which is a little toxic. But it's not like people flame each other over COD. Is there some dark secret to COD I don't know about?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @GrannyonAcid said:

    @powerbats said:
    Call Of Duty games would like to have a word with you on most toxic or really any EA game like Battlefront etc.

    How is a game like COD toxic in the very least? I haven't played Battlefront at all. But no one ever talks in a COD lobby. Every once in awhile you'll get someone without push to talk and you can hear everything going on in their house. Which is a little toxic. But it's not like people flame each other over COD. Is there some dark secret to COD I don't know about?

    You're joking right since every MW game the lobbies are and in game chat are toxic as heck and Battlefront was legendary for how bad it was.

  • Rudio1337
    Rudio1337 Member Posts: 34
    Master said:
    powerbats said:

    @Master said:
    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 

    Yes let's blame the devs for people being idiots in real life over a video game. It's almost as if this isn't an issue across all video games on all platforms.

    Because going by your logic we should blame the developers for people being jerks in real life and not the people being jerks in real life.

    It'ß the devs fault for not punishing that behaviour. How long did it take till ochidos got banned for example?

    Every competitive online community will turn into a mess if it is not moderated properly 
    They do tho, i'm pretty sure you can just contact the devs with concrete evidence to issue out a ban.  
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    In all my playtime on steam (probably around 8000 hours in total) I've only very rarely been insulted. I play DbD for a few hours and it's already filled with heavy insults - and I'm not just talking about the classic "l2p you pathetic noob" or the teabagging ect, that's pretty normal frustration.

    Stuff like "I hope your kids get cancer" has nothing to do with "being frustrated" anymore. This insult has no relation to the game, it's purpose and meaning is quite literal. And to everyone that's like "It's just words man, calm down": It's just words for you, yes, but that doesn't mean there's no psychological effect for others. People have to deal with cancer, maybe even have (or had) kids with cancer. No matter how "strong" you are, if someone confronts you with that reality it will affect your well-being.

    But that's all text insults, some guys go even further. A friend of mine had a RL friend contacting her that "a stranger that happens to know my friend" started to insult her on facebook. Turns out this person was really pissed at her, somehow found her facebook, checked her friendlist and randomly started to insult her friends - all because she happened to camp them 2 weeks ago.

    I wish I was kidding but I'm not. That's some serious sheet going on in DbD and I have never experienced anything like that in other games.

    You lose, you insult your opponent / mates out of frustration and you move on, forgetting about what happened - that's pretty natural gaming experience but in DbD people take it to a whole new level.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @GrannyonAcid said:

    @George_Soros said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:
    I embraced the fact that DBD is a toxic game a long time ago. I think it's the biggest reason that I come back to the game over and over again. I've never been one to quit playing something and then pick it back up again. I love the fact that my steam profile is full of posts from DBD players. I have like 2,000 hours into CS Go... Not a single profile post. 2,000 hours into Path of Exile... No profile posts. All these games that I've played for long periods of time that lead to nothing. I have 800 hours on Dead By Daylight... I get a profile post at least once every couple of days. It's great. I feel loved and wanted thanks to this community.

    Why do I play killer? The salt. Nothing more satisfying then the end game screen loading up. You sit there in the lobby. Waiting for someone to talk. Wondering what is going to come out. They never disappoint you. It's fantastic.

    Of course... I play both sides. And as a survivor I T-Bag every window or pallet I vault. In the endgame lobby I hit that killer with the GG Ez. Even if I got owned in 3 seconds into the match. I tell them that they use crutch perks and camp. (Most of the killers actually do camp/tunnel.)

    It's a great cycle that will keep me coming back forever.

    Then there's the legends. There's the guy that names himself after a celebrity criminal (Cosby) and plays Leatherface with Claudette mask on. Spamming "YOU SURVIVOR PIGS!" in the post game lobby. Hitting everyone with that copy - paste. Admit it. This game is the freaking best.

    Eh, my impression is proven correct over and over again: if I see 500< hours of CS:GO on a player's profile I always think: "Wanker confirmed".
    Not that I don't enjoy the salt myself. But being and [BAD WORD] on purpose? Moronic.

    I'm not quite sure what you were trying to get at. I guess I'm American so I don't really understand the whole British insult thing. Yes I'm a wanker. I have been known to masturbate occasionally. Along with just about everyone else the world. So... Anyone that plays CS:Go masturbates like the rest of the world?

    The filter kind've cut out the word you called me. But I'm going to assume it wasn't a nice one. But if you can't handle a GG Ez... The internet probably isn't the place for you. Maybe you should settle for an afternoon on the couch with some Dora the Explorer.

    It's all one vicious cycle of people becoming soft. Guess what dude. No one should be required to like anyone. No one has to be nice to anyone. It's okay to offend people.

    Or disable the end game chat for the softies.

    I quite explicitly said I don't mind that kind of thing, in fact, I'll never get it why people mind that much.

    As for the word "wanker": it is an insult that people who pretend they never masturbate use against other people. Get it, wanker?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @George_Soros said:

    @Master said:
    George_Soros said:

    @Master said:

    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 

    The devs faulr? What a completely insane view. How is it their fault if people act like #########?

    "Not punishing this behaviour", sure but how about "ignoring this behaviour"? Quite a simple solution.

    Banning players who verbally abuse other players would be a stupid decision: it would make the number of active players smaller. I don't give a damn if some no life piece of turd throws insults at me after a game, and you shouldn't either. All I care about is have a large enough playerbase so we don't have to wait ages to get a game.

    In most games the quality is a higher goal than quantity of playerß,  that's why you get banned for harassment in other games.
    Yes of couse those special players would get banned and usually the strategy is that by establishing a nice environment to play in, more players will look into the game / keep playing.

    And yes I behaviour is not focusing on this direction, that's why the balance is based around casual play instead if competitive to make it more appealing for beginners.

    if you don't give a damn of you are being harassed, then that's up to you but fact is that the situation currently is a direct result of bvhr lacking moderation. Btw, on console they still dont even have the possibility to moderate, that'd how important it was to them when they rushed the console release 

    Look, real harassment is very rare: going after a player, perhaps finding their social media profiles, real data, etc, or in the worst cases, ddos like OP mentioned: these are harassment. Obviously these should result in instant and permanent bans.
    But 99% of the complaints are just about people being #########. And I just don't get what's so hard about ignoring those.

    In about 80% of games I notice verbal harassment that would lead to banns in other games and the bar to get banned is a lot lower than what I see in DBD.
    And yes, insulting someone is harassment too

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:
    powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    apropos said:

    I'd consider other things than the game being the cause if you're being harassed that bad. You should probably go to the police.

    It's not the games fault, it's the devs fault 

    Yes let's blame the devs for people being idiots in real life over a video game. It's almost as if this isn't an issue across all video games on all platforms.

    Because going by your logic we should blame the developers for people being jerks in real life and not the people being jerks in real life.

    It'ß the devs fault for not punishing that behaviour. How long did it take till ochidos got banned for example?

    Every competitive online community will turn into a mess if it is not moderated properly 

    Yes all the people they've punished so far would like to have a word with you for being punished. As far as Ochido he's 1 person that got through, how many others have gotten banned yet you don't mutter a peep about them because it doesn't fit your narrative?

    I still see a lot of streamers streaming for years now that are still playing the game even though they admitted on comitting bannable offenses that should lead to an instant perma bann (MLGA for example)

    I have a friend that has burnt through several Leauge of legends accounts because he likes "heated discussions", he hasnt even received a warning in DBD yet :wink:

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    I still see a lot of streamers streaming for years now that are still playing the game even though they admitted on comitting bannable offenses that should lead to an instant perma bann (MLGA for example)

    I have a friend that has burnt through several Leauge of legends accounts because he likes "heated discussions", he hasnt even received a warning in DBD yet :wink:

    Well admitting on stream to using something and actually using it are 2 different things and also EAC would have to detect it. If they ever add it to their bannable list where it actively checks then they can ban for it but if I remember right it's a non modifiable program.

    League I remember quite a few pele that got perma banned and kept making new accounts and then complaining about being perma banned.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @powerbats said:

    @Master said:

    I still see a lot of streamers streaming for years now that are still playing the game even though they admitted on comitting bannable offenses that should lead to an instant perma bann (MLGA for example)

    I have a friend that has burnt through several Leauge of legends accounts because he likes "heated discussions", he hasnt even received a warning in DBD yet :wink:

    Well admitting on stream to using something and actually using it are 2 different things and also EAC would have to detect it. If they ever add it to their bannable list where it actively checks then they can ban for it but if I remember right it's a non modifiable program.

    League I remember quite a few pele that got perma banned and kept making new accounts and then complaining about being perma banned.

    We both know what EAC actually does :wink:
    MLGA is bannable btw (at least in theory)

    Yes and thats exactly what I want to see in DBD. Violate the rules? Use non-allowed third party software? Verbal harassment? Then deal with the results and accept your (perma) bann

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    It sounds like you should try out other games. I'm not saying this to be mean but I'm saying this because you shouldn't have to deal with that sort of treatment. DbD encourages and attracts a lot of scum and you just happen to be the poor soul to encounter it.