pyramid head obsidian goblet rework

I think that the obsidian goblet needs a rework. I have played Pyramid Head quite a while and i think that the obsidian goblet is one of the weakest add-ons that he has, which is very unfortunate, since he doesn't have a lot of strong add-ons in the first place and the obsidian goblet is one of his iridescent. I think it should get completely reworked. My idea is simple:

The cage of atonement acts as a scourge hook. If you have any scourge hook perks equiped then they will get triggered when you get sent into a cage. 

The undetectable mechanic that the goblet has at the moment is just not working. While it sounds fun in theory, there is just no real practical use for it in the game. The scourge hook mechanic would allow pyramid head to use a lot of the new perks that recently have been released much more efficient.

I also don't think that it would be too strong. Since there is only a hand full of scourge hook perks, it would be pretty ez to balance the add-on. And while many people use the cage to tunnel people out as early as possible, this add-on would give pyramid head a reason to cage people for their first hook stage instead of saving the torment for the second stage.


  • CLB198
    CLB198 Member Posts: 315

    If we do this we should add a mini scourge hook effect.

    Not anything big but something to make it useful without scourge hook perks.

    Something like "when a survivor is hooked on a scourge hook all unworked on generators are blocked for 15 seconds"

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    They ALL need to be thrown out and remake from the ground up. Just because his Iridescents are the biggest jokes of all doesn't make the others any less horrible.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903

    It is such a shame that Pyramid Head add-ons are this bad. With survivors being tormented, you could make them exhausted/ oblivious/ mangled/ blind (etc.)... even hindered/ broken/ exposed. Gameplay wise your idea make sense, but i don't think it does thematically. Maybe to rework the obsidian goblet, PH could get the undetectable status effect when his power is on cooldown... and for a little longer; i don't know.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I honestly think all they need to do is make it so that he is Undetectable while he is using his power, but put a hard 8 second cooldown on using his power after it ends.

    Perhaps make it so that hitting a survivor with Judgement Of The Damned triggers 24 seconds of Undetectable or something. Anything.

    Making the Cages Scourge Hooks kinda defeats the points IMO. You already shouldn't be bringing hook perks on PHead if you're good with going for cages. The beauty of the killer is that you don't take hook perks on him. Using an IR item so that you can 'finally' take a bunch of hook perks is demonstrative of his core design, and not only creates anti-synergy with perks that work well with him, but also lacks synergy with the correct mindset when opting to play him.