Assuming Dead hard was nerfed, which perk will replace it: Sprint burst or Overcome?

This is something i've always been thinking about since 99% of high rank survivors use dead hard.
If dead hard is nerfed, would people replace it with another exhaustion perk or would they use another type of perk?
I still think sprint burst is the best exhaustion perk, a person who knows how to 99 sprint burst perfectly is much more dangerous than dead hard.
I also think Overcome doesn't lose much to Sprint burst and dead hard if it's used correctly. Overcome is a perk that gets stronger each time a generator is completed, which means you can take the killer to an area where he shouldn't be since there's nothing there for him to do. Overcome can make you cross the entire map at times and I also believe it can be more effective on 110% speed killers.
I really like Lithe and always use it instead of DH. I’ve found that quite often a killer will give up chase after a speed boost vault.
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Overcome users are way easier to tunnel
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sb is far better than dh, it doesn't have any weakness
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I say sprint burst because I can sprint burst directly to a gen if I don't spawn by it, even if I get chased off of it before my exhaustion recovers that just means I'll more than likely end up getting it back mid chase or getting into a position to 99 and use it for major distance, and the most common form of sprint burst is to use it to leave a gen when the killer is coming to you or commit to the gen in front of the killer, pop it and use sprint burst to make the killer whiff right when they're about to hit you off of it. Sprint burst is a better perk than a lot of people want to admit, the downside to overcome is it makes you have to heal up to use it more than once so you have to waste more time than you would for any other exhaustion perk unless you use it for a BT hit and getaway.
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Overcome would become meta if Dead Hard got nerfed
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None, no perks can truly "replace" it.
But the chances are people gonna use whatever exhaustion perks they like, don't think it's just sprint burst because sprint burst is not that very great or easy to use.
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I've enjoyed Overcome when I've used it. I can never manage Sprint Burst, if I try using it I always forget I'm running it because I never run Exhaustion perks, and then it's just a wasted slot.
Realistically speaking, I imagine Sprint Burst would replace DH if DH were nerfed. Overcome has Exhaustion and it requires being healthy, whereas SB only has Exhaustion.
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Sprint Burst, it is already the better Perk.
DH is only a problem in the hand of good Survivors. And good Survivors will also manage to use Sprint Burst in a very efficient way. Once DH is nerfed (which will happen), we will see a lot of Killers complain about Sprint Burst. Obviously, because it is the next thing on the list, but also because they realize that it is far more annoying if you dont even get into a Chase in the first place because the Survivor uses Sprint Burst without any danger at any point.
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Clearly Head On smh.
Everyone overlooks this godly perk. With that 3-second stun, 3 gens can pop sheesh why even use those distance perks smh. /s
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Sb, lithe and bl.
In that order for me. I don't like overcome.
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Head-On for sure.
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This is just not true. SB and DH are likely around the same effectiveness, however SB's mental factor preventing especially newer players from sprinting when they should in addition to its inability to be activated on command makes it everso slightly worse than DH. DH is the definitive superior exhaustion perk however, ever since it got buffed by the increase to its consistency.
To answer the question, Sprint Burst would be the strongest I think. Overcome is a major pain in the ass, but is significantly easier to deal with. Overcome is countered by applying pressure on multiple survivors consistently to prevent healing, Sprint Burst prevents you from applying pressure on multiple survivors at all.
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I hope to see lithe more
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I used it when we played
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Not to mention it is rendered completely ineffective against insta downs. If Overcome were buffed to work with endurance (as it should), it could possibly compete with Sprint Burst. But right now, it’s very risky in its current state.
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Sprint Burst.
Overcome has many situations where it doesn't do anything.
Sprint Burst I would say it already the best exhaustion perk in general, because no matter where you are and what health state you are in, it'll always get you to safety. Other exhaustion perks (yes even dead hard) are reliant on being at the right tile to use it.
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Unlike alot of people I understand how to use the iframes to a good use and will still get good value from the perk. Just because the easy distance gets removed dont mean the perks bad, just not an easy second chance.
If I had to pick another BL, it gives me full freedom to run and vault whenever I want and gives me the ability to stay in more unsafe areas such as hills or gens near a drop freely.
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Sb. Overcome was a very good perk when it was bugged and it activated after bt when the killer camp and tunnel you, but now it’s another trash survs perk
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I would say lithe
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The thing is, "newer players" are not really a factor in this discussion. Because a newer player with DH or Sprint Burst would not be a problem at all. Those are the players who use their Sprint Burst at the start of the Match and never really recover it. And those are the players who use DH in a Deadzone or plant their face into a wall while using DH.
And the good players who make good use out of DH (lets be real, good players play loops greedy with DH in mind and dont get outplayed by the Killer and negate their mistake) will also make good use out of Sprint Burst. Will not be fun for Killers if those players switch to Sprint Burst.
On a side note, DH did not get buffed. DH got fixed. It used to work like this before Dedicated Servers were a thing, the Devs did not buff the Perk, they just restored the intended function of it. It just took them a long time to do it, which makes Killers get used to Hits they should not have gotten in the first place.
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Its probably my favourite one
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Dead hard is not the game's problem, but this game favors exhaustion perks a lot, it would be more interesting if exhaustion had an extra effect on survs, such as reducing speed or interaction with windows and pallets, as well as adjusting the Bleeding
But I won't extend this subject and answer the question of the post: I like to use Kate's perk to see windows and pallets, it helps me to play without the help of DH, another perk that I like a lot is the head-on and the lithe,overcome I don't like it very much, because it's not with all killer that this perk works well
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Most likely SB. Overcome is very, very strong too and will likely become more popular than it is now, but it does have a few weaknesses in that instadown killers counter it and it doesn’t do anything if you get tunneled off hook.
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Sprint Burst, obviously.
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The new players thing was just a side note, as the point I brought up carries to a majority of players until you get to the best of the best, though it cannot go without mention its prevalence in new players in particular.
Do you really think I don't know how annoying a good player with Sprint Burst is? My entire point there was that Sprint Burst would be the preferred sweat exhaustion perk of choice given the scenario laid out in this post, though I suppose you got too swept up in "especially newer players" to notice.
The change to DH was a buff in all but name, as well. Restoring its original consistency made it leagues better than all of the other exhaustion perks, when with its inconsistency from the change in servers brought it down to the level of Sprint Burst and only just above most other exhaustion perks. I was there for the DH before the server change and the inconsistent DH after it. Evidently, I'm also here for the new one, and I can say definitively the fix to its consistency was a buff in all but name as it removed the only weakness of the perk.
Mayhaps someone could use a lesson in reading comprehension before they try to sound like a smartass, eh? All of the things I've said here were things I said in my initial comment, but unfortunately someone needed a little extra elaboration to pick up on them.
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Sprint Burst. You'd also see a bit more BL and Lithe, as SB has quite a heavy opportunity cost. Overcome is incredibly good for SWFs, but awful in solo queue.
In high end SWFs...maybe.
The thing about Overcome is that it's strength lies in the fact that it gives the entire team a solid ex perk for the price of 1 slot on 1 player. It lacks the power of other perks, and the fact that it requires you to get hit first makes it a bit tricky to use.
Any killer with the ability to instadown can render it useless too.
I'd reckon it would be 60% SB, 20% Lithe and the rest Balanced Landing and other ex perks.
Lithe is just a great perk.
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You might know that good Players with Sprint Burst are gonna be annoying, but the majority probably does not know.
And no, it was still not a Buff. Or was Nurse recently buffed when they fixed her Bugs? Bugfixes are no Nerfs or Buffs.
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Imo sprint burst by a mile.
I don't think Overcome is that good. I honestly think it's among the worst of exhaustion perks.
Not having anything when you are just unhooked and at your weakest is a huge drawback. The fact that it might not trigger at all vs any kind of insta down is a complete turn off.
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Probably Sprint Burst because it works against instadown killers and Overcome doesn't.
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Sprint Burst by a mile, but it might take some time for the general population to adjust.
Overcome might carve a niche for itself if it worked with endurance. But as it is now, it's eclipsed by anything else. And with the increase in popularity of Plague and upcoming Legion there's even less reason to use it.
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People would switch to sprint burst, then people would complain about it instead.
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It’s not a buff when you fix a perk so it runs the way it should.
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How would you make vaulting slower for Lithe then? Exhaustion perk that requires vaulting, and you'd reduce the speed if you vault?.
Windows Of Opportunity servers a complete different need than Exhaustion perks.
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I think they mean the slower vaulting would be in effect only upon being exhausted, i.e. only after triggering Lithe.
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Oh, fair enough them. I wonder if spine chill would deny that effect then, since it makes vaulting faster too
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never understood why they nerfed overcome so it couldn't be used with endurance.
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Sprint Burst easily at high ranks. Trust me when I say people will complain about Sprint Burst just as much as Dead Hard in 6 months.
All depends on the nerf. If Dead Hard is a one time per game perk (like I think it should) then I'll still run it.
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It was a bug, but a good and fair one that should simply be a part of the perk.
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Overcome is just bad. The fact that it requires you to be healthy kills it. There are so many situations where healing is not an option. Plus, you might face an insta-down Killer or Plague/Legion. Or if you happen to get tunneled, which happens a lot, then you get to use Overcome literally only one time. Meanwhile, Sprint Burst is useable anytime and vs. any Killer. Easy choice.
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Even back when DH validation wasn't a thing and DH didn't work consistently except for distance you still saw lithe/BL more than you did sprint burst so realistically it would likely be one of them even though SB is stronger, because the average player just does not use sprint burst very well and its a perk thats much less effective for Solo Q survivors since you can't coordinate when the killer is busy to strike the best balance of time effeciency and saftey when it comes to wasting your sprint burst outside of chase.
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Overcome is bad, instadown killers hard countering it, and also you need to be healthy to use it, and when you are unhooked you without your perk....
Overcome is at the same level with balanced landing, just too situational and weak
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Not a pro surv at all, but i've found Sb has actually helped me play better.
Im not running everywhere leaving marks all over, and actually alot of killers seem to just drop when they see a sb used.
Where as if i see d.h used as a killer, i just go well now you're are going to be hooked.
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Every situation has its risk, it's the same thing as asking how I would use the "dead hard " when I was healthy and exposed, or against an instantdown killer, and even then it's an exelent perk to the point of asking for nerf, the same thing it happens with Lithe, it has the right moments to use them, despite being far from the efficiency of DH or SB,
About the overcome, I hate this perk, against blight and instant down killers it is simply useless, and to finish to make matters worse, the only thing that would make me use it is with BT endurance the devs had the idea to remove this, I apologize to the devs, but they make ridiculous decisions like these
I think it's time for them to create a compatibility system for perks and add-ons so that we know what can be combined, there are perk and add ons that cannot be combined, but there is no notification or something that prevents us from using this together
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Wouldn't say that as BT can work with Overcome very well. So if you get unhooked with BT and the killer is greedy enough, you get a free Sprint Burst, even you're not healthy. Many ppl don't know about that.
For me, i never really used Excaution Perks anyway as you don't really need them. My pick would be Lithe.
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Nurse was functionally buffed. She got better with her bug fixes. It was a buff in all but name, just as with DH's bug fixes.
Please return to 1st grade to get some grasp of English comprehension, thank you~~.
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I never said it was a buff in title, as in a change to its values to make it better. I said it was a buff in how it made the perk better. Making DH more consistent made it better, and that's not debatable.
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I suppose Sprint Burst, maybe Lithe. But you could also see the "vault speed build" aka Spine Chill + Resilience used more often. It serves a similar purpose to DH when it comes to vaulting a window/pallet in time before the killer gets their hit. Obviously the vault speed build isn't as good as DH but it is consistent and can be repeatedly handy in the same chase.
Other perks of the combo include faster gen rushing, countering stealth killers/perks/addons, opening gates and healing faster etc. Personally I'd probably use this combo if DH was reworked entirely.
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Sprint Burst.
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Nothing will replace it because nothing is as infuriating as it.
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The amount of mental gymnastics in here to say that sprint burst is better than dead hard. If it's better then why do 90% of high MMR survivors use Dead Hard and not Sprint Burst?