Why do so many dc's against Trickster?

When I play Trickster, not every time or every day but I average about 1 dc every other match. I honestly dont get it because when I switch to Huntress.... I literally perform 100000x better as she can do everything Trickster can do but better.. and I don't get nearly as many dcs.
Is it an aesthetic thing? Ive heard it's because he's a lose/lose if you're in a dead zone but I can down you faster as huntress in the same spots.
Because some few Survivors DC against anything they find 'unfun' (AKA: Any Killer they lose against 😁)
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It's because there's no knive immunity after being injured by them.
Unlike Huntress he can and will burn through your health and BT while you got the injured speedboost.
Think about it like a Kameha to Huntress' Big Bang attack, you can dodge the latter but a beam will always hit you.
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Cause Huntress you can dodge the hatchets. Especially with certain addons, Trickster is just damaging you for being in LOS of him. So his counterplay is ultimately pretty boring to perform.
I like playing him though, he camps like a champion
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I think its because plenty of people find his power annoying and can't really play against it. So ye they're just being petty.
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The worst DLC to make its way into DbD.
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That pierce addon works so well for camping.
Shooting through the hooked survivor is the best use for it
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Trickster is very very unhealthy for this game. I’ve been saying it ever since his release. No matter how good of a survivor you are you just eventually go down. He seems very underwhelming in certain loops but for the most part there’s really no counter play other then just pretty throwing safe palllets and hold W… very boring killer to go against.. Nemesis, Pyramid head, and even demo are also sleeper to go against too since they can just hold m2 and if you vault you get hit and if you don’t vault well you still get hit…
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I don't like Trickster, it's not worthy of being a killer of this game, hehehe, jokes aside, I don't think this happens only with trickster, I see people disconnecting against any killer that tunnels and camping too much, but it's the first every time I see someone mentioning that K-pop causes DC in the crowd, logically it should attract the audience and not push them away, hehe
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Can you blame them? Trickster on a map with little walls (blood lodge or ormond for example) is basically just old legion but a bit more skillful. No real fun to be had there
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Because at certain loops Trickster can be stupidly oppressive and camps very well but is worthless at other loops.
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Unlike with Huntress or Deathslinger, you can't really outplay his power.
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The sad thing is, when it’s up to rng, I rarely get those maps lol I always get LERY’S, Erie, rpd, badham and mother’s dwelling lol
you absolutely can, even with my not playing the camping game. One survivor that knows to hold W, pre-drop can waste so much time. With huntress and slinger, I can injure you a fraction of the time it takes for Trickster.
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Because Trickster does not require any skill to play. He is extremely easy for a fairly oppressive killer. Let's say you are a good Huntress. As a survivor you have more control over a a chase against a huntress due to her power being perfectly designed at tiles. Done correctly both the survivor and killer can use game knowledge to avoid, bait or predict one another. Trickster however does not allow for this due to him having far more knives then he needs to get a down. If you cannot get a down as huntress it is possible the survivor is just good. But if you can't as Trickster you are the problem
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I'm not talking about that. That's not outplaying someone, that's abusing poor design.
With Huntress and Slinger, you can dodge their shots. You can juke and fake them out, cause them to miss. You can show your skill.
There is no such ability with Trickster.
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no clue.
I've seen people DC over legion though, so I don't think reason is something to even look for.
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Some maps are pretty painful when playing against him new haddonfield pretty much every loop is suicide against him it seems
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Legion is incredibly boring (just draws out holding M1 simulator), plus finds you nearby just by hitting another survivor with FF.
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I don't dc against him but i know people that do it and when i ask why the answer is "is disgusting and boring to face"
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Usually because they don't know how to verse the killer and don't want to learn.
Granted, the best way is usually to play the killer and see how good survivor play against you but to do so you need to buy the killer.
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People are playing against Trickster?
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Buy them with shards.
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I'm assuming because he seems impossible to deal with on a surface level, so some players simply refuse to learn how to adapt to his gimmick, eventually it grows into frustration that make players go "this is BS" and refuse to have anything to do with the killer.
Or you just got weird luck and you just get more players with first down bias on your trickster games.
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They don't know how he works so just spew "no counter play, no fun, boring" While running in perfectly straight lines and not putting things between them and trickster.
Survivors that master the wiggle while running are a nightmare to play against.
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I don't dc unless my game bugs out, otherwise, if a situation arises where someone wants to hold me hostage, I just alt+tab and do something else for the rest of the night.
In the case of Trickster, the only reason I'd dc against him is due to his awful music. I won't actually dc, I'd just suffer through the match.
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That's why Edge of Revival is my favorite add-on for him. You just spam at their feet and it makes juking pretty much impossible. Any skill required in open spaces is totally removed as you spray in their general direction for downs.
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If they can't find cover in the time it takes 50% laceration to down them then they kinda deserve it.
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I'm honest, I HATE Trickster. Can't stand him in a match.
For one, 99% of Killers who play Trickster are 14 year old jerks. I know probably not OP. I know there are exceptions as well ( you dont have to tell me), but BHVR designed him to lure in a very young crowd of vapid, giggling morons who lurve K-Pop and think he is like, soo 'kyoot' . ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡!!!!!
The vast majority of Tricksters camp and tunnel. When I get into a match and hear that music that sounds clownish, but is not for THE Clown, I just roll my eyes as a Solo queue player and wait for the first down. Should I save? Oh look, there's little Ji Woon face-camping and continuously throwing knives into the hooked survivor.
How bad ass.
I'm so glad I waited 10 minutes for this and wasted an item I'll eventually lose to this idiot.
Again, I know this does not describe the OP, but it's my usual Trickster experience.
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I mean you still try to hit their legs with it, but if you miss it hits the ground and still damages them.
I just play him cause he is good at camping and can get downs pretty easy. My one trickster game today lasted like 4m as a cocky survivor followed me carrying my first down into the basement and got nuked.
Gotta spam the knives into them as they die too, omegalul
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Point still stands. there is so much anti hillbilly crap on the new maps you should never see their legs for more than 10 seconds.
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He’s not very well designed. He’s kinda in a weird spot where he’s not even that strong overall, but it’d be very difficult to buff him without making him too oppressive.
His power either eventually downs you no matter what due to how many knives he has, or it’s extremely weak at the right loop. You can’t really outplay him in the same way that you can outplay huntress.
And he also happens to be very good at camping.
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Cos he's a "You can't do anything or I can't do anything" kind of killer.
In the open he's a monster but at high walls and main buildings he's literally a 110, M1 killer. So it's either you're running a high wall loop and predropping which means zero interactivity or you're in the open and just die - once again, not much interactivity.
He's one of the few killers I'd say that actually has issues with being unfun.
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10 seconds is all trickster needs to down someone tbh, he downs someone in around 6~ seconds if your aim is on point
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People tend to forget that positioning is an important thing in this game and giving Trickster a positional advantage against you is gonna lead to quick downs. A good trickster will know when he's in a bad position and leave the chase to seek better opportunities elsewhere. He's not impossible to deal with like some people imply, you just gotta be really tricky in how you play your loops against him.
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That’s exactly what I do, I find trickster much easier to face than huntress and deathslingers…. By a large mile. Map awareness and position are key .
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Or money ...
These resources aren't available to everyone.
I mean ... systematic DCers must be children, right?
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Yes, efficient Huntress and Trickster require to know every hole of a map. They are a bit like Blight and Nurse in that regard, although the details required are not the same.
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So, you're basically illustrating my post and showing screenshots of what looks like a big waste a time where no one earned any bloodpoints including yourself.
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My in-game name is Thanks for Dcing
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I mean it's what he is good at. You can't blame people for playing into a characters strength.
Nobody said the survivors had to swarm me at the hook, in the basement, but they did.
Is it my fault for taking advantage? I don't think so. I guess I should have just let the survivor who followed me into the basement unhook while I went to reload?
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Id flip that last statement on it's head, if you get downed by a trickster in a decent location you misplayed.
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Dude, I'm not telling you how to play your games. Seems like someone is a wee bit defensive.
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Because he is unfun for some people.
You didn't read the rule book of Survivors? In the chapter 346, rule number 27:
"Survivors are allowed to DC within the first 5 min of the game if they VS againts their unfun killer. All Killers must respect that."
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Killer respect or not, any player is free to DC any time they want. 😄
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I am not the one in here frothing at the mouth over a video game character?
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For me personally I find him extremely annoying and unfun to play against and I admit I usually either DC outright as soon as I hear/see him or kill myself first hook. He isn't OP but spamming the knives is just plain irritating and I absolutely hate going against him. I have 3 accounts so I don't care about matchmaking timeouts and I would rather take the time out than play against him. I know that is not great for team mates but even if I do stay in match someone else DC's anyway lol
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I don't DC much anymore (haven't really done that regularly since the original Legion days) but the Trickster is just so unfun to play against. His power is brain dead, low skill/high reward and damn near impossible to counter on maps that have low loops. At least against a Huntress, I can attempt to make her miss and try to mindgame the hatchet timing and when a Huntress hits me, there's actual skill involved on their end so I respect it
Post edited by RakimSockem on0 -
I have the same experience in 95% of my matches. It's always the same style of play I encounter. Camping from distance or face camping. It's not the killer that I hate, it's the way people play him. Same to huntress btw.
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No, I responded to a thread asking a specific question about a specific Killer and gave my opinion just like you did lol. I mean it's a Dead by Daylight forum. People will be making posts and replies about the game. We all won't necessarily agree with each other, but that's what forums are.
It's not a difficult concept, here.
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There are DCs againt every killer. I have more teammates DC in the first 3 minutes against low tier killers than I face high tier killers.
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It's true it's actually the play style of the person behind the Killer. But due to Trickster excelling at camping and tunneling specifically ( or as you said, proxy camping), I find people who choose him just choose to play that way (as illustrated in this thread). Huntress can be a punishing proxy camper as well, but it takes some skill to play her (fridge-sized hitboxes aside). You can get some value out of Borrowed Time on Huntress, and it is certainly possible to dodge some of her hatchets. But just my opinion/experience.