Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Hag addon reworks

#HagMain wanting her addons to finally be modernized. A lot of them suck or have effects that don’t do anything. Here are my suggestions:

  • Waterlogged shoe:
  • Increases the Movement speed of The Hag by +4.5 % to 4.6 m/s.
  • Survivors suffer from a Hindered
  •  Status Effectwhile inside a Phantasm Trap'sTrigger range, reducing their Movement speed by -9 %.
  • Disables the ability of The Hag to teleport to triggered Phantasm Traps

•Take away the disabled teleport restriction and we’re golden.

Disfigured ear:

  • Triggering a Phantasm Trap causes the Survivor to be deafened for 6 seconds.
  • • Remove, the effect is very gimmicky and not really fun to use.

(NEW ADDON) Blind boy’s eye

• hitting a survivor within 3 seconds of teleporting to a phantasm applies the blindness status effect for 30 seconds.

(note: weird how hag doesn’t have any status effect applying addons, especially since she’s the one who introduced blindness status effect. Duration is 30 seconds instead of 60 because the Hag can snowball very easily from survivor to survivor and by the time the effect wears off you would’ve most likely been hit again and effect reapplied. Why blindness? It’s fun, confuses solo que survivors, and being blind means you can’t see the aura of boons to run to so that helps.)

Grandma’s Heart:

  • Suppresses the Terror Radius 
  • of The Hag.
  • Increases the Fake Terror Radiusof the Mud Phantasms to 16 metres.

• whenever a phantasm trap is triggered, the Undetectable status effect is applied to you. Undetectable duration is 10 seconds and can only trigger once every 20 seconds.

•Mud phantasm fake terror radius effect is still increased to 16 meters. The mud phantasm now has a red stain.

•The Hag’s growling is reduced by X meters for the duration of the phantasm.

(Note: the current mechanic of the addon is more so an incomplete undetectable, your terror radius is gone for a couple seconds but you still have a red stain and loud growling sound that takes away from sneaky plays)

(Another note: it would be fun to pair this addon rework idea with Rusty shackles. Basically silent traps AND undetectable ❤️❤️❤️)

(NOTE: I actually had a lot more typed up with a lot more detail but when I hit submit an error message popped up and everything I typed got deleted. TWICE. I’ll probably copy and paste these with the rest of my ideas another day but I wanted to share what I had. )