As a fellow gay person myself, here's the part where I don't really care. shrug lol
Ohhhh they retroactively made a character gay. Big POG. It took them YEARS to do that. But yes, let's give them all the praise in the world, for taking this long, do to something as important as representation, and half-assing it like normal.
I mean, the whole deal before was "sexuality remains unconfirmed". The only one that had any potential sexuality confirmed was David(ironically) as he had a female ex and Wraith and Nurse seemed to have had a relationship, but none of them had their sexuality confirmed.
I agree it's a bit odd to change that now, but to say there wasn't representation? That's kinda wrong. Ethnicity and sex were the only true confirmed things in DBD, the rest was kinda up for own interpretation. And people might find that lazy, but imo thats one of the better positions to hold as it leaves more room to explore a character. In this case, the argument could be made that the tomes are finally exploring David's sexuality further and thus the official confirmation for clicks, but to make it such a big deal imo is more an HR thing. I think it would have had a bigger impact if they just let players explore the tomes and find out themselves. Would have probably gone viral too.
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Tunneling someone because of those charms is bannable
Tunneling someone for some strategic purpose is completely fine.
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Ok thanks for clearing this up. My concern was killers potentially being banned for harassment when they did not intend to harass a player but were just playing the game normally.
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So how would one go about telling what intention the killer had when tunneling someone?
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You did not understand my message. It's good that a person represents this sexual orientation. But why do you always have to shout out the information loud and clear instead of letting people understand naturally through the texts ? You wouldn't write a message to publicly declare a character's heterosexuality, so why do it for homosexuality ? It only reinforces the difference and the gap when we seek for many equal treatment and the stopping of the spotlight.
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Only one real way, end game chat.
well that and names.
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This is pretty much what I didn't want to see - I don't mind representation but are they just retconning a character and making them gay just to have a gay character?
I need proper character development for this to feel appropriate tbh. Thing is and this will always be a problem - Dead by Daylight isn't exactly a game where you have a lot of story on characters. There is no character development or story it just feels like this was a convenience thing. Our character stories is pretty much the lore in the bio for each character and that's it. If trailers or cinematics told stories that had proper dialogue and such I could get into this but it feels like a character is just being changed for the sake of being changed years later.
Characters don't even have a personality or voice lines so it's hard to really buy the stories they're already telling in the tomes.
Either way - Cool I guess - I'm perfectly fine with representation and happy to have it but would have preferred it just being introduced on a new character which is what I expected.
If these kind of bits of information seem important for characters please do a better job establishing their characters. The tome is cool and all but honestly doesn't give enough for what it is. Maybe I expect too much I don't know anymore.
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This should not have happened until survivors had stronger anti-tunneling tools.
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Again, bi dude here (I'm tired of starting my quotes like this because it's irrelevant). It's very difficult to prove homophobia unless you have voice audio or actual messages.
For example, I was accused of harassing and bullying two people last week on PSN when I shut off cross-play. I was playing Insidious Bubba and I camped both of them. Now, when you turn off cross-play, you are more likely to get matched with the same players over and over... I don't pay any mind to user names so I failed to notice that I went against the same two people for 2-3 matches in a row. Their claim was that I was purposely trying to bully and ruin their experience. I even inboxed them saying that I didn't notice their names and even apologized. Both of them went on a tirade and tried to get me banned. At the end of the day, they couldn't prove anything because I was camping everyone and once again, bullying was not my intent. You can't just accuse someone of being homophobic without actual proof because it downplays the seriousness of real homophobia. Maybe you just got tunneled. I mean really... do you think a Killer chasing you in real life is going to care about chasing after you and giving you a break? The Killer has no obligation to stop chasing you in-game just because you don't want to be chased.
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Ow that's cool, happy we have our first lgbtq character now ^^
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A reason to celebrate! 😍
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Ok look This isn’t a nerf.
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Representation is great and all, I had just hoped they would’ve focused their efforts on, you know, actually making the game better instead of addressing the horrible issue of nobody being canonically gay. Does it have to be canon? There’s been DbD gay porn for so long, I don’t get why this is important, but not addressing annoying imbalances on both sides is not.
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Yes indeed
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This thread blowing up
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Finally a survivor that I could realistically hand hold and it wouldn't be weird
Jokes aside, I'm glad david is LGBTQ+ (IDK if he is flat out Homosexual, Bisexual, etc), cool to see the Jock of the survivor roster show his likings
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I think I should make a version of that "don't make me tap the sign" meme, where the sign says "balance and writing are completely separate teams and one doesn't cannibalise resources from the other".
It'd be useful!
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Oh yea, that's what this game needed.🙄
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i really don't see how putting effort into representation is going to siphon any of the effort being put into improving the game, and gay porn existing of something does not equate to representation.
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I completely understood your message.
And as I said, it was asked about a lot. And if something is asked about a lot and it is finally realized, it is just normal that the Devs announce it and make it public.
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As much as I would love to go into a huge discussion, they'll put me behind bars.
DBD is not ready for this. It is asymmetrical game and one player has all the power in the game. I'll leave it as that.
It should have remained a mystery survival horror game.
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priorities straight as always, i see
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I swear people are gonna use David as an excuse to say the killer tunnel them cause of their sexuality.
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As a gay person, I'm glad but a new character would've been better.
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Your being cryptic, I can understand that, but the power is not all held by one player, this is an issue about representation. Not balance, or how killers will respond.
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my notifications too.
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I see what you're saying, it would be great to get to a point where something like this truly IS not a big deal at all and is truly equal to heterosexuality, but we're just not there yet - by highlighting the difference, instead of thinking of it as a means of reinforcing a 'division', try to frame it as a way of normalising and embracing it. I personally don't believe that we progress by ignoring our differences and diversities, but by embracing them and appreciating how they bring different strengths and experience to the tapestry of life.
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So I take it the players are too dumb to figure it out on their own by reading the Archives notes ?
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How you manage to somehow ram your balance takes into every discussion sluzzy impresses me.
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That's what I was thinking about as well.
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I had someone say I tunnel cause of their pride charm.
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Possibly, yes... But I can't help but feel like a circus beast that people shine the spotlight on to make noise or clear their conscience. Like "Look ! We accept his anomaly! We're tolerant, aren't we ?".
This is all the more obvious with the world of cinema, which uses this argument to sell. Beauty and the Beast is a good example.
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Yeah not to mention the community has been teasing David as gay for a long time now so seeing him officially announced as gay leaves a weird taste in my mouth. I would've preferred a new character to represent us.
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And if this is the case literally nothing will happen I don't know what's not clicking here babes
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Imagine making this your first post and it being so horribly wrong about how business departments work
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As a Bi dude, I'm a little bit disappointed he seems to be just gay (he's got an ex-girlfriend confirmed from a previous lore) NGL that probably would've made the difference of me starting to play David more or not. At least I can still imagine Jeff as whatever I wish.
But still a nice addition, even if it feels like the Soldier 76 route.
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Yea, same happened to me a while ago. It's ridiculous when people say things like that. Welcome in 2022, I guess...
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I suppose you’re right. Didn’t consider that. I think I’m just frustrated with how the games been making me feel lately.
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For the last ######### time this hasn't happened before and this won't happen now. And if it does happen and you weren't being homophobic then nothing will come of the report.
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Wish it was Yui, but congrats. Happy for lgbt+ community
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I had completely forgotten about Soldier 76's announcement. Didn't really feel impactful.
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you are correct, representation is important. wrong emoji tho..
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In does in 1v1 especially.
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Sorry for being wrong about something? I’m not majoring in business, just expressing frustration. But thanks for creeping on my profile.
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That's your opinion.
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damn now i hope she's next in line lmao
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Is David really the type of basic white guy that gays thirst over. I would have said Jake over David.
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Gameplay department = does the gameplay things
Balance department = does the balance things
Lore department = does the lore things
Lore department making a decision to create an lgbt+ character does not affect the decision of the gameplay department to create Circle of Healing, or of the balance department to think that Boil Over was a remotely good change.
Also it literally says "Posts: 1" (not now it doesn't but still)
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your post count is besides your name.
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It's actually much closer to a fact that positive representation helps children's and teen's mental health due to helping reduce social stigma and ensure they're more accepted by society as a whole. Just look at a lot of people today compared to the 1980s/1990s and before.