PC - Character freezes after sudden frame drop

Skyost_AB Member Posts: 42

While playing Demogorgon in a public match in Lery's, a head-on stun caused my frames to drop to the point where the game froze for 2 secs, when the frame drop ended, i wasn't able to move my character, the camera or use m1 or m2, while the game was still going on for the rest of the players.

While playing survivor in a public match in Suffocation Pit, while the endgame collapse already started, a teammate tried to give me a flashlight. She dropped the flash light and i inmediately tried to pick it up, the sudden appearence of the icon caused the same frame drop and when it ended my character wasn't able to move and i couldnt move the camera either, even after the entity killed me. The flashlight was still on the floor aswell, but the icon no longer appeared. This happened after the most recent bug fix patch.

While sudden frame drops are a common ocurrence when getting stunned by head on or passing through an item on the floor ever since the Portrait of a Murder Chapter, not being able to move after it happens is something that happens ever since the Legion update and even after the bug fix patch.

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